This can be regarded as Chen Yuyue's first serious contact with some business of Tianya group, although the procurement is not an internal in-depth scientific research.

However, Chen Yuyue has seen a lot of things he did not touch before in some things purchased by Tianya group.

Now it's in a good state. Changing a new department can make Chen Yuyue find something new in Tianya group. Otherwise, he really doesn't know what he comes to Tianya group every day.

Reading a lot of information, Chen Yuyue suddenly saw a cooperation agreement with a fruit factory. This is a cooperation agreement waiting for the Minister of procurement to sign and submit it to Ye Xuefu for confirmation, and then enter the cooperation mode immediately. It says urgent.

Providing fruit to Tianya group is only a small part of the procurement cooperation, because one of the products of Tianya group is a fruit enzyme that many young people who pay attention to their health like to take.

This batch of purchased fruit should be what is needed to refine fruit enzymes.

Because the document said "urgent", Chen Yuyue put the agreement aside alone. He lived with Ye Xuefu, so it's OK to ask her about this kind of thing at night. There's no need to go to her office alone.

After Chen Yuyue sat at his desk for more than an hour, he had just read half the pile of handover documents in his hand.

This job is really tiring. Chen Yuyue regrets coming to this department. How easy it is to stay in the security department. Now he really wants to be an ordinary little security guard and finish his time on guard every day.

But this is not what he says. Tianya group is not run by his family.

Besides, ye Xuefu brought Chen Yuyue to this position this time, but she took out her own human face. The high-level leaders of Tianya group will give ye Xuefu this face because ye Xuefu directly reported it to the big boss.

This is a big face.

If Chen Yuyue doesn't know how to cherish this opportunity, I'm afraid Ye Xuefu will really be angry with him?

Time passed unconsciously. After reading all the handover work, Chen Yuyue only felt that he had a feeling of low back pain all over his body.

This kind of long-time desk work is really not as happy as running and jumping. Running and jumping at least won't make people feel so uncomfortable. The feeling of fatigue is completely different from this feeling of fatigue.

So don't feel that blue collar work is particularly tired and white-collar work is particularly relaxed.

Some long-term desk work is really no easier than those working in the warehouse workshop. Physical and mental fatigue and mental fatigue are the same concept.

"Brother Yu, it's almost time to get off work." Zhu Jiajia sent the third cup of coffee. She had to remind Chen Yuyue that Chen Yuyue had worked too long.

Although the work in the procurement department is not too much, it is not too little. If you have been working all the time, you may not have much chance to stand up for a day.

Zhu Jiajia felt it necessary to remind Chen Yuyue: "in fact, after you think it appropriate to approve some work, you can directly explain it to me and arrange it for the people below. If you need to do everything yourself, you will be too tired."

Chen Yuyue smiled: "I don't work properly now. I don't know what should be handled by myself and what should be explained."

"If you don't understand anything, just ask me directly. I can help you." Zhu Jiajia volunteered.

"It's really hard for you to start tomorrow." Chen Yuyue said. No matter how tired he was today, he had to figure out all the things here by himself. Otherwise, even if someone helped him, he didn't know anything and couldn't make progress.

Zhu Jiajia nodded. She was very happy to serve Chen Yuyue: "if you need me to do anything, just tell me."

"Well, there's nothing to do today, and it's time. Let's get off work early and go back to rest." Chen Yuyue smiled. It's time to get off work, but no one outside left, which really surprised him.

Zhu Jiajia looked at Chen Yuyue a little puzzled.

Chen Yuyue also wondered: "what's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

Zhu Jiajia said carefully, "brother fish, have you forgotten something?"

"I'll drink this coffee." Chen Yuyue smiled, picked up the third cup of coffee sent by Zhu Jiajia and drank it all at once: "you can't waste it, ha ha, this is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation."

The traditional virtues of diligence and thrift... Zhu Jiajia feels that this is quite strange. People today really don't care about traditional virtues and are not as poor as before.

"I mean, the first day you came to the Department, didn't you have a meeting to say a few words?" Zhu Jiajia said. This is what any department head of a company will do immediately after taking office.

This kind of thing doesn't need anyone to remind, does it?

Because today is Chen Yuyue's first day in office, it's time to get off work. On weekdays, the most active people don't leave immediately when they get off work.

The people who finished the work also put down their work and waited for Chen Yuyue to hold a meeting for them.

Chen Yuyue really doesn't have this habit. Of course, he knows that meetings are the most conventional means to add cohesion to a department or even a company.

But Chen Yuyue really feels that using this means to increase the cohesion of a department is a very low-level way.

If he wants to increase the cohesion of a department, he must use advanced means and methods.

For example, the Security Department of Tianya group has the highest cohesion among all departments of Tianya group.

But did the security department have a meeting all day? Not really!

Chen Yuyue, the minister, doesn't even go to the company every day. Sometimes he's even unreliable, so that people in his department can't find him.

But what? The cohesion of the security department can not be compared with that of any department.

This is the brilliance of Chen Yuyue. If you really ask him what means he has used to improve the cohesion, no one can say what means he has used.

Anyway, he can improve the cohesion of the whole department.

This level and this means are definitely not what ordinary people can do, so ordinary people need this way of meeting, but Chen Yuyue doesn't need this way. This way is meaningless to him.

"There's no need to have a meeting. You go and tell everyone that you've got off work. If you finish your work, you'll go home early to have a rest." Chen Yuyue said, "go home and fry two dishes, have a drink, walk around the corner comfortably, watch a ball and chase a play after you go home."

Zhu Jiajia was completely shocked by Chen Yuyue's remarks.

"The so-called life is not just work and making money. We should know how to enjoy life." Chen Yuyue said, "otherwise it will not be called life."

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