Chen Yuyue's unusual behavior made the whole staff of the procurement department look at him with new eyes.

Some people who rush home after work and don't want to work overtime for a minute almost jump up after learning Zhu Jiajia's "oral instructions".

There may be many kinds of luck in one's life. Meeting a leader who doesn't like meetings is definitely a rare kind of luck.

At least some people in the purchasing department regard this kind of luck as more comfortable than a few hundred dollars in fun.

Meeting is not a happy thing for most people. Most people regard meeting as a super boring thing.

"Well, let's break up." Zhu Jiajia finished his words and added, "but if you have work in hand, you'd better finish your work first and then go. No matter what, you can't delay your work."

Chen Yuyue simply cleaned up the documents, took the document that wrote the procurement of fruit raw materials required for urgent processing of enzymes, walked out of the office, greeted everyone and left directly.

When the leader left, these talents left with 100% confidence.

Zhu Jiajia is also relaxed. It's great to be an easy leader. There's no trouble at all. Her worries all morning are superfluous.


Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu make an appointment to go back to Zhuo together, but Chen Yuyue feels that ye Xuefu is a little uncomfortable on the way.

It is estimated that she was tired because she didn't sleep well in the car last night. If she doesn't pay attention to rest at this time, she is likely to get sick.

So Chen Yuyue turned the corner and went home on the way. Without them, he could operate normally. In fact, they didn't go there to help do much. They just wanted to be lively. They had dinner and did something there.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you at home." Chen Yuyue said, "if you're not feeling well, you can't carry it by yourself."

"Nothing. I just feel a little sleepy. Maybe I didn't sleep well yesterday. It's all right." Ye Xuefu smiled: "Xiao Yao has to help students rehearse the program at school. I'll call Su Qing and ask her to buy some skin shrimps when she comes back and passes by the seafood market. I'll make you pepper and salt skin shrimps."

Chen Yuyue was really greedy: "I really like to eat salt and pepper skin shrimp."

"Then I'll ask Su Qing to buy more." Ye Xuefu called Su Qing and confirmed that Su Qing wouldn't work overtime tonight. Then she told Su Qing about letting her go to the seafood market to buy skin shrimps.

Su Qing agreed and asked if she needed anything else.

Ye Xuefu doesn't know what else to eat. Let Su Qing have a look. If there are fresh clams, it's good to buy some.

Soon after Chen Yuyue and her family got home, Su Qing came back with three kilograms of shrimps, two kilograms of clams and eight very fat Portunus.

Seafood is very fresh. It doesn't take much effort to make it,

Although Ye Xuefu wanted to show them, Chen Yuyue didn't let her continue to show her talent, but asked her to watch TV with Su Qing in the living room and give him the kitchen.

"Nowadays, it's their men who cook delicious food. I really have to admit this." Su Qing said with emotion: "just say brother Yong. With the same materials, the same steps and kitchen, the fried dishes are more delicious than those made by his sister-in-law."

"Men have talent in the kitchen." Ye Xuefu smiled, "let's see what he can do with pepper and salt shrimp."

Chen Yuyue cooks. It's called a clean one.

Three catties of shrimps and red peppers, then prepare some garlic and pepper and start.

I saw the knife quickly chop the red pepper and garlic into powder, heat the oil, immediately fry the skin shrimp until golden, and take it out for standby. After the bottom oil left in the pot is heated directly, pour in the powder of pepper and garlic and stir fry until fragrant.

The smell came out at once.

Zi La, Chen Yuyue directly poured into the fried shrimp, stir fry evenly, and then put what soy sauce, raw flour, salt and pepper, green onions and so on, with complete color, flavor and taste.

And when he made skin shrimp, he also gave the big crab to the steamer. This fat and tender big crab doesn't need to do any other processing, but simply steamed. As long as the heat is well controlled, the crab meat is very fresh and tender.

You can eat the sauce as soon as you pour it.

"Come on, eat the shrimps first." after Chen Yuyue brought the shrimps to the table, he was ready to fry the clams with pepper.

After the clams are fried, the steamed big crab is just ready.

It's not a complicated meal. Chen Yuyue just finished it easily.

When he brought up the clams and the crabs, ye Xuefu and Su Qing skinned him two shrimps respectively.

"Try your own craft, it's really delicious!" Ye Xuefu couldn't help praising. To tell the truth, Chen Yuyue's cooking is much better than her.

Chen Yuyue smiled proudly: "this is called strength."

"Well, eat while it's hot." Su Qing directly sent the peeled shrimps to Chen Yuyue's mouth.

Chen Yuyue bit: "you eat by yourself. I'll do it by myself. I should have done this rough job of peeling shrimp skin."

"You are a hero." Ye Xuefu also sent the shrimp meat in her hand to Chen Yuyue's mouth: "accept our thanks quickly."

Su Qing looked at Ye Xuefu: "do you still have beer at home? Don't pour a cup for the meritorious man quickly. The great meritorious man drank a box of beer and went to pick you up last night. You really have to thank him."

"Did you drink yesterday?" Ye Xuefu was a little surprised. She didn't see that Chen Yuyue seemed to have drunk.

Chen Yuyue pursed his mouth and smiled. The alcohol was still very good for him. It was all right.

"The best surprise for me now is his drinking capacity. If he doesn't want to drink too much, he'll drink as much as he does. If he wants to drink too much, he'll feel dizzy. Now I suspect that he has split personality." Su Qing's words are sincere. She really doesn't know how Chen Yuyue did it. It's like he drank a box of beer and didn't drink a cup.

Ye Xuefu grinned and said she didn't believe it. Then she went to get Chen Yuyue three bottles of beer: "if he can drink three bottles like yesterday, I believe he has a lot of alcohol."

But if Chen Yuyue doesn't force himself to expel alcohol, three bottles of beer can really feel some state after drinking.

Of course, three bottles is a stage. Many people are like this. As long as you break through this stage, you can drink ten bottles and eight bottles. Anyway, it's just a few urine bubbles.

It's rare for three people to have such a relaxed home life. It's really comfortable to simply eat, watch TV and chat.

It's just that the matter of Pulsatilla makes Su Qing seem a little absent-minded from time to time.

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