When Zhang Youfu saw that Chen Yuyue took out the products he brought to the employees of the Department and ate them, the big stone in his heart was put down, and the business was successful.

After Chen Yuyue and Zhang Youfu signed the contract, they no longer need to pay attention to the agreement of boss Wu.

Zhang Youfu insisted that he would invite Chen Yuyue to have dinner together at noon, but Chen Yuyue refused and said that it was OK to have dinner together. Then he would eat the canteen of Tianya group and eat big pot dishes together. As long as he eats the canteen, he would have no problem how Zhang Youfu spends his money to treat.

But Zhang Youfu can't promise. What's delicious in the company canteen? It's not a treat at all.

Finally, Chen Yuyue didn't compromise and agreed to Zhang Youfu's arrangement. Zhang Youfu had no choice but to give up. He realized that Chen Yuyue was completely different from many people who did procurement work. He couldn't communicate with Chen Yuyue with the idea of dealing with those people. That would only make him lose Chen Yuyue's good partner.

After Chen Yuyue sent Zhang Youfu away, he threw the cooperation agreement of boss Wu into the dustbin when he came back.

Since the formal cooperation between Chen Yuyue and Zhang Youfu will take effect tomorrow, today is the last day of delivery for the former partner Wu Dayou.

This is also the reason why the cooperation agreement wrote the word "urgent" when Chen Yuyue took over.

Although Chen Yuyue handled the matter here, no one informed Wu Dayou, boss Wu!

Boss Wu also knows that today is the last day of the contract signed between him and Tianya group last year. Tianya group has not moved yet. He must be worried, but he can't contact the procurement Minister of Tianya group.

Finally, Wu Dayou couldn't sit still, so he drove to Tianya group in person. He was afraid that his cooperation with Tianya group would be broken after this afternoon.

When Wu Dayou came to Chen Yuyue under the leadership of the sales staff of the procurement department, the whole person was stunned.

Chen Yuyue saw Wu Dayou and smiled friendly: "boss Wu, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"How... How could it be you?" boss Wu's mind was blank, and the whole person was completely confused. He really didn't know what happened. When he first met Chen Yuyue that day, the head of the procurement department of Tianya group had dinner with him in the same room.

Chen Yuyue drank water: "how? Surprised or not surprised?"

Of course not! But there was no surprise. Wu Dayou felt that he had nothing pleasant. You know, the simple meeting between him and Chen Yuyue that night was not friendly at all.

Therefore, boss Wu obviously didn't dare to talk disorderly and sat carefully in front of Chen Yuyue: "Hello, Minister Chen, I'll introduce myself first. My name is Wu Dayou, yes..."

"I know." Chen Yuyue interrupted Wu Dayou: "boss Wu, I know what business you do. I've seen the new agreement between Tianya group and you."

"Minister Chen, don't worry. What I did to the former minister before, and what I do to you now, is definitely only more and more. I'm sure I can't lose your share." Wu Dayou flattered carefully: "otherwise, I'll arrange a place. Let's go out and talk now?"

Chen Yuyue pointed to his watch: "boss Wu, it's working time now. I can't leave without permission."

"Let's talk here. As long as you think it's appropriate, it's no problem to talk here." Wu Dayou said, taking out a new cooperation agreement: "I know it's possible that the former minister didn't hand over my cooperation with Tianya group to you when he left, but it doesn't matter. I can explain it to Minister Chen."

Chen Yuyue ignored his meaning and looked down at a piece of information in his hand.

As like as two peas, Wu Dayou gave the identical agreement that Chen Yu - ping threw away. "In fact, there is no difference from what happened last year, and the price of supply has almost remained unchanged," he said.

Chen Yuyue still didn't lift his head.

Wu Dayou could see that Chen Yuyue was embarrassing him, but he didn't dare to talk. He could only skillfully continue to put this thing on the table and push it in front of Chen Yuyue.

In this way, Chen Yuyue had to pay attention to him.

But Chen Yuyue did it quite simply. He picked up the agreement and threw it directly into the trash can.

Wu Dayou was surprised. The whole person was almost stunned.

"Boss Wu, I've read your agreement. There's another one in the trash can. If you give it to me again, throw it directly." Chen Yuyue said, "if I'm satisfied with the agreement, I'll call you long ago. Why throw it away directly."

"But... But let's talk about it more or less? Minister Chen, you just throw it away. It's... It's not appropriate?" Wu Dayou was really oppressed.

Chen Yuyue pointed to the door: "boss Wu, I don't want to waste your time. To tell you the truth, our fruit raw materials have been supplied. The price is much lower than yours. We have personally checked the quality. There's no problem, so please go back."

Wu Dayou stared at Chen Yuyue: "Minister Chen, we can't play like this. It's not authentic. Who can put this on?"

"Why can't you be willing? What's not authentic?" Chen Yuyue was also unhappy: "what's the matter with me? I just went through the process according to the contract. Your contract expires and the price is high. I can't change to a low price?"

Boss Wu couldn't say a word when he was blocked.

Chen Yuyue pointed to the door: "walk slowly, don't send."

"Minister Chen." boss Wu forced himself to swallow this tone, which can be said to have been low: "do you think it's ok? What price they give, what price I give, and our cooperation should not be terminated. I... so many people in my hands are waiting for wages... Minister Chen, give me a chance."

Chen Yuyue raised his head to re-examine Wu Dayou.

Wu Dayou was a little hairy all over.

"Boss Wu, to tell you the truth, I don't want to give you this opportunity." Chen Yuyue said, "I don't want to see those ordinary workers working with you laid off without food, but I have signed a contract with a new supplier. If I want to breach the contract, I need to pay a lot of liquidated damages."

This has completely killed the conversation.

"Otherwise," said Chen Yuyue, "if boss Wu is willing to pay for the liquidated damages for the sake of the workers under your hand, I will give these workers a chance to continue to work with you, a good boss who can do everything for them."

Wu Dayou's mouth opened in surprise.

"Well, if you want to give me a word, I'll settle this matter for you now." Chen Yuyue said: "anyway, there is no supply now. It's just millions of liquidated damages. If boss Wu doesn't have money, can he sell a house?"

Wu Dayou finally snorted heavily and left with his sleeves!

He is really pissed off by Chen Yuyue. How much money can he make by supplying Tianya group for a year? Let him pay millions of liquidated damages by himself. Is he crazy!

blamed! Wu Dayou scolded in his heart as he got on the bus and left. Don't fall into my hands in the future. If it falls into my hands, I'll see how I deal with you!

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