Lin Zhennan looks at Yang Xiao who strides in. He doesn't seem to have any unexpected feeling. He raises his hair with a bright smile. "Yang Xiao, why are you here? Sit down!"

Yang Xiao looks at Lin Zhennan's appearance, is also a little smile, not polite to sit down, we are all smart people, a look at each other's purpose.

One is the person who got up to the rank of deputy division commander, killed a nest of poison curls, and finally got into the position of chief S. the other is the person who has gone through the bloody storm, stepped on numerous corpses, and finally got to today.

They have a feeling of mutual affection.

Lin Zhen waved to the two bodyguards standing beside him in the Southern Dynasty, leaving only two of them in the mayor's office.

Yang Xiao cocked up his legs on the sofa and took the lead in saying: "Mr. s, since you have decided to give my daughter to me for protection, you must have thoroughly investigated me. Now that you know who I am, you have even thrown your precious daughter into my hands. Don't you worry at all?"

Listening to Yang Xiao's question, Lin Zhennan suddenly burst out laughing, stood up, went to the window, took out a bag of pandas from his pocket, threw one to Yang Xiao, lit one by himself, looked out of the window and took a deep breath.

"Yang Xiao, do you know that in the eyes of Lin Zhennan, there have never been good people and bad people. In my opinion, people can only be divided into two categories, one is useful people, the other is worthless waste."

Yang Xiao faintly smile, "so in your opinion, I Yang Xiao, is useful for you?"

Lin Zhennan turned his head with a smile, looked at Yang Xiao, and said calmly, "yes, I know your details. Last time I met you, I knew who you are. I believed you."

"But I can't believe you!" Yang Xiao is still that light smile, but the sarcasm in the eyes to Lin Zhennan is not concealed to burst out.

Hearing this, Lin Zhennan was stunned. He didn't expect Yang Xiao to be so straightforward. However, his appreciation of Yang Xiao was even better. He shook his head, and a strange meaning appeared on his face. "Yang Xiao, do you understand the situation in China?"

"Don't understand"

"I don't know. It's still a good time to be in the army! That's where a man really should stay, but now that he's on this road, no matter how tired he is, he can't go back, can he? " After that, Lin Zhennan sighed helplessly.

Yang Xiao understood what Lin Zhennan wanted to express, and his eyes gradually relaxed. However, without saying a word, he just looked at Lin Zhennan lightly.

"Cough." Lin Zhennan coughed lightly, pulled out his chair, and finally sat down again. He said with a smile to Yang Xiao, "the incident of going to the hinterland of Yunnan to encircle and suppress poison curls was actually my unauthorized action. At that time, I just didn't understand those. I only knew how serious harm those guys brought to our people."

Speaking of this, Lin Zhentian hesitated, gritted his teeth, and continued: "but I didn't expect that it actually interrupted some people's interest chain!" At this point, Lin Zhennan's eyes brightened and his palms fell heavily on the table, splashing tea.

"Do you think I want to be the s-chief! For me, men's blood should be sprinkled on the hot battlefield! But after that time, the leader openly praised me, but secretly gradually weakened my rights. Finally, he threw me here and gave me a s-long who seemed to be gorgeous! "

Yang Xiao sat quietly listening to the man in front of him telling the story of the past. The man's fingers were pinched white because of his anger.

Lin Zhennan also found that he seemed to be a bit impolite, and his face became indifferent again. He said coldly: "but I didn't expect that those guys were so persistent in their interests, and even could abandon all the bottom lines. I think you can understand that once the poison curl organization was defeated by me, it was absolutely unable to take revenge on me."

Speaking of this, Lin Zhennan took a sip from his glass and sighed as if he had seen through his life. "We all gather together for money, and there is no so-called belief to support their revenge. When their interests are irretrievable, why do they want to revenge me for the illusory past? Only when I obstruct their interests again will this new round of fighting be aroused! "

Yang Xiao slowly took a puff of the cigarette, snuffed out the butt, and finally said, "do you mean the blue snake?"

"Yes, this organization has only become strong in recent years, and the main leader is the former poison curl, and behind them stands the Yangchuan s government! And the s-commander is my former comrade in arms. You must also understand that he was the officer who was in charge of the Yunnan Military Region. Although there was chaos there all the year round, he gave his superiors a lot of advantages. "

Yang Xiao Wen Yan coldly smile, in the bottom of the sheep's hands continue to suck blood, to fertilize the top of a few people? Ha ha, it's the essence of human nature.

Lin Zhennan looks at the murderous air in Yang Xiao's eyes. A touch of joy comes out, but it is instantly destroyed by him. However, how powerful Yang Xiao's insight is, he still captures Lin Zhennan's small emotions.

"A few years ago, my comrade in arms was thrown out and came to Yangchuan city because he couldn't bribe his superiors. However, he did not change his mind. He gathered those poisonous curls again and developed secret forces in Yangchuan. So far, the whole Yangchuan city is under his control. And I happened to find out his bad behavior, and started a secret investigation. I was ready to collect evidence and kick him down from there! "

After listening to Lin Zhennan's passionate speech, Yang Xiao showed a faint smile, "it seems that he doesn't want to keep you anymore! Mayor Lin

After listening to Lin Zhennan, Yang Xiao stood up and said, "Mayor Lin, I already know the situation. I think you also know my name of" killing God ". Now that you have taken over the responsibility of protecting women, I will not retreat and leave."

With that, Yang Xiao turned around and went to the door without hesitation. When he is about to disappear in Lin Zhennan's sight, Yang Xiao's steps, with sarcastic words, spit out coldly.

"Mr. Lin, you are too modest to say that you don't understand politics."

Yang Xiao's figure is very long in the sunshine on the corridor. It looks lonely and free and easy.

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