Yang Xiao walked out of the municipal government building, but didn't go back to Xu Lei. He knew that he was staring at himself now. No matter this guy was targeting him or Lin xueru, he didn't want to reveal where Lin xueru was hiding.

Yang Xiao went straight back to the company, only to find that the Jiangzhou manufacturing company was overcrowded! He thought that something had happened. He went directly into Wang Meng's office and asked in a loud voice, "what happened? What are those people doing outside?"

Wang Meng listened to Yang Xiao's tone and understood that Yang Xiao thought something had happened here. He immediately got up and walked up to Yang Xiao with a smile. "Brother Xiao, they are all here for work! The interviewers are batch by batch every day! I guess I'm going to pick some sexy ones, which can't compare with your Xu Lei, at least not too bad! The image of the staff is good, and everyone is more motivated! "

On hearing this, Yang Xiao was surprised and frowned. "It's a good thing that people don't leave when something like that happened last time. Is there anyone else begging to work here?"

"Yes, AI! I thought my Jiangzhou factory was going to close down, but I didn't expect that not only no one left, but more and more people were looking for jobs. In other words, I owe it to the 10 million you gave me! " Wang Meng shoved the check back into Yang Xiao's pocket. "No, there are still 17.8 million, but I haven't moved a cent!"

Wang Meng straightened himself up and said, "although our company has such a thing, what the police determined is a vendetta, which has nothing to do with the company. Coupled with our compensation, the company's reputation in Jiangzhou soared instantly! And I'm trying to expand the company. No, I'll have an interview later. The most urgent thing is to find two secretaries first. "

He said that he played with Wang Meng and began to laugh licentiously. Yang Xiao didn't have a good look at him, "expand, expand your head, where does the money expand?"

"Hey, hey," said Wang Meng, scratching his head awkwardly, "this is not your last fight, brother. I made a fortune here!"

Yang Xiao looks at this guy helplessly, turns around and walks away. Since it's not a bad thing, Yang Xiao doesn't bother to take care of so many things. These troubles come one after another. He hasn't had a good rest in the company. Today, he must have a good nap!

Finally, it seemed that he had returned to the peaceful days before. During the day, he was a small clerk. At night, he occasionally went to see a boxing match. If he had no money, he would hide his body and hunt in the city. However, as Lin Zhentian said, some roads, once set foot on, can't turn back.

That pair of eyes in the dark, has been staring at himself for a day, Yang Xiao has been waiting for his hand, but the other side is like a cheetah in the jungle, quietly dormant, has been waiting for the best time, killed!

"Qualified killers, it seems that wolf teeth are getting stronger and stronger." Yang Xiao muttered to himself, walking slowly towards the back mountain of Jiangzhou City, which is one of the few quiet places in Jiangzhou.

It was getting dark, and the forest was getting dark, almost dead. Yang Xiao walked slowly along the path in the forest, constantly stroking the tree trunk on one side.

When the day was completely dark and only the light moonlight was shining on the forest, a voice came from far away.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Yang Xiao. It's been three years to count the days."

Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes, did not make any response, but sent out a stream of air, sensing the breath in all directions.

"Stare With a crisp sound of the earth, the Bushido of the sun kingdom was inserted in the land in front of Yang Xiao. It was cold in the moonlight.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know how your martial arts are progressing now? Let's have a fight like before

Yang Xiao looks at this samurai sword, and finally understands who the person that wolf tooth sent this time is.

Distant memories burst out from Yang Xiao's mind and became more and more clear.

The first time they met was in an assassination. He was sent by Langya to assassinate a businessman of the sun Kingdom who came to China to do business, because what he did affected Langya's interests and threatened Langya as a useless garbage organization. Leading to the top is very angry, so the wolf tooth number one seed Yang Xiao sent out.

Yang Xiao excellently completed the task, and brought back the sun country bodyguard who was seriously injured, which saved his life. Yang Xiao's action at that time caused a lot of people's dissatisfaction, worried about the sun people's Revenge in the future!

However, in Yang Xiao's opinion, this guy's attack was very interesting. Relying on his reputation in Langya at that time, he fought against the public opinion and took him to join Langya! And gave him a Chinese code name, Gu Ming! Since then, their relationship has become closer and closer. Yang Xiao taught him some Chinese martial arts, and Gu Ming's favorite is to compete with Yang Xiao on taiyangguo sword.

In Gu Ming's opinion, Yang Xiao's understanding of taiyangguo sword skill is extraordinary! He never wields his sword with brute force, and his whole body skillfully transforms the attack of taiyangguo's sword skill to perfection! If he was in the sun Kingdom, he would become a famous swordsman of the sun kingdom!

Yang Xiao pressed down the memory of the past, pulled up the samurai sword on the ground and said with a faint smile, "you have to call me elder, Gu Ming!"

"Yes, master," leisurely voice, I don't know where it came from, suddenly far and near, "but master, since you have joined the wolf tooth, you also know that there is a saying that you can't help yourself!"

Suddenly, a figure with a bunch of sword light soared to the sky and fell straight towards Yang Xiao's figure. In the face of this sudden thunderous blow, Yang Xiao's sword blade turned, and then his right hand waved upward, "bang!" A sound, double knives in the air pulled out a dazzling spark, originally only a faint moonlight in the forest instantly burst out a bright fire!

Gu Ming's heart is full of spirit. Sure enough, Yang Xiao has great talent in the sword skill of the sun kingdom! The strength of his blow was extremely strong, but it was easily blocked by Yang Xiao. His strength was completely tilted to one side by his skillful force. The blade he held in reverse pushed aside along his own momentum, which made his body incline to the side!

Gu Ming was defeated, and Yang Xiao was about to take advantage of the situation to fight back. The samurai sword immediately cut out and fell behind him with inertia. He supported the ground with one hand and swept his right leg, forcing Yang Xiao to jump backward. Then he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the whole person stood up.

Four meters apart, the two met in the cold moonlight.

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