Yang Xiao looked at him calmly and said faintly: "sure enough, people in the sun kingdom are dead brained. They finally chose to fight me head-on. It's not like the assassins taught by Wolf teeth."

Gu Ming didn't answer, he solemnly pointed the sword at Yang Xiao, the blade tip slightly drooping, slightly backward. Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes: "the snow of chaos, Yuehua... I don't know how heavy are you now?" As soon as the voice fell, Yang Xiao rushed up.

Gu Ming's samurai sword suddenly flashed out, waved it forward and then suddenly took it back. At a very fast speed, he left a remnant shadow. At this moment, his samurai sword was like a very elastic whip, which was drawn forward one by one, bringing up a remnant shadow.

This move is based on the strong arm strength. It makes a very fast and flexible swing, leaving a two meter long shadow under the attack path. In each shadow that has not dissipated, the power of that blow will not dissipate. It's just like the attack of a samurai sword into more than ten pieces! And the attack distance also has not small promotion!

At the beginning of the war with Yang Xiao, he also used this move. At that time, he could only leave three residual shadows, which were broken by Yang Xiao's swords. Now, with more than ten residual shadows, Yang Xiao still rushes straight up as he did at the beginning. Such contempt makes Gu Ming angry, and the attack is even more successful!

During the charge, Yang Xiao waved his knife upward at the speed of lightning and flint, chopped it down, continued to attack like a rainstorm, and constantly forced Gu Ming.

Gu Ming felt that his every attack seemed to be attracted to his sword! He continued to maintain his figure, slowly retreated, but at a moment, Yang Xiao suddenly lost sight, and then appeared in Gu Ming's side!

Yang Xiao stepped forward with his right foot, held the knife in both hands, and spun it from his head for a week. It seemed that the speed was not fast, but it left a lot of shadows, reflecting a little bit of moonlight, just like a new moon.

Yi Dao - new moon!

Gu Ming was surprised by the sudden attack. In a hurry, he picked up the samurai sword and put it on the top. His body rolled to the side with the impact force. However, without giving him any breathing time, Yang Xiao's figure rushed to him quickly again and cut out with a knife!

For a moment, the sound of "dangdangdang" rang out in the quiet forest. In terms of pure strength, they may be equally matched. However, in terms of physical sensitivity, Gu Ming can only lament that he is inferior.

But during the battle, Gu Ming's eyes suddenly changed. As he lay on his side and kept on defending, the samurai sword in his hand slowed down in an instant and slowly pulled out a few residual shadows on his chest. The whole person was petrified, leaving only a few residual shadows of samurai sword shining in the moonlight.

Yang Xiao screamed that it was not good, but the samurai sword in his hand had already split out, and he couldn't take it back!

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, the samurai sword in Yang Xiao's hand was shaken out! And the right hand holding the knife was numb by the huge impact.

Counterattack skill - first string!

At this point, Gu Ming finally opened the distance from Yang Xiao and stood up. He took a deep breath and waited for Yang Xiao to pick up the samurai sword. He held the handle of the sword in his hands and drew back behind him. He stood there motionless, as if he were storing his strength.

Yang Xiao's eyes finally took a trace of dignified, it seems that this boy in his days after leaving, progress is not small!

However, this is not enough!

Yang Xiao's body suddenly moved. His body appeared in the moonlight for a while, and then hidden in the shadow of the tree. The whole person was dancing wildly in the intersection of light and dark.

Yang Xiao's body constantly flashed in the forest divided by light and dark, and his feet stepped on strange steps, forming a movement like an illusion. He sometimes appears at Gu Ming's side, sometimes behind him. For a moment, Gu Ming's forehead is in a cold sweat because of the numerous attacks.

Although Gu Ming can't help wriggling his upper body to resist Yang Xiao's attack, his steps are still standing firmly in place!

As the light of the sword falls, Gu Ming grabs Yang Xiaoshan's figure in front of him in a blink of an eye. He clenches the handle of the sword with both hands and stabs him like lightning in front of him. He recognizes that Yang Xiao's speed is too fast. With his accurate capture, he can't change his figure to avoid.

Sure enough, Yang Xiao's changing figure suddenly stops, mentioning his samurai sword to block Gu Ming's attack. It's not that Yang Xiao can't hide, but he doesn't want to hide at all. He decides to take Gu Ming's strongest attack. Since Gu Ming came out from the dark, then he should be fair and aboveboard to decide with him!

Gu Ming saw that a blow was blocked, and he was finally ready to send out his own thunder blow, his strongest sword skill, instant kill - wind March chop!

He took back his samurai sword, then rotated the blade, parallel to the ground, and waved a crosscut forward. Yang Xiao saw the situation and jumped back. However, the crosscut seemed to tear the air, and sent out a curved moon like sword! With the sound of whistling, he rushed to Yang Xiao.

At last, Yang Xiao was full of fighting spirit. He grasped the handle of the sword, held the sword flat in front of his chest, and with a loud shout, he dashed away in the face of the sword.

"Ding!" Yang Xiao's samurai sword made a trembling sound. The momentum of the sword was cut straight by Yang Xiao, but it didn't dissipate. Yang Xiao knew that it was just the first cut!

When Gu Ming made the first cut, people disappeared. The fast wind March chop is Gu Ming's family's sword skill. He began to practice it from the beginning of his memory. The first chop was able to give full play to its power when he was ten years old, and the second chop was practiced for 15 years!

Until recently, Gu Ming finally practiced this sword skill. However, the first person he met was Yang Xiao! In the past, when they were still in Langya, they often exchanged views with each other. They also showed Yang Xiao this sword skill and got many tips from Yang Xiao!

Meet again, but never die!

After defeating the first sword Qi, Yang Xiao collected the sword calmly, slowly closed his eyes, and stood firmly in the same place under the cold moonlight. The last two cuts of the fast wind in March were no longer the moves that the naked eye could catch.

After a cut, the air will become whistling and twisted by this huge power, and the person who moves at this time is like assimilating into a whistling wind, hiding in layers of sword Qi. Just wait for the enemy to show their flaws, and then kill them!

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