Two days later, on the underground floor of Huadu, the last incident did not bring any impact here. Everyone was acquitted and accepted an apology from the police station. Now, there are still as many people as ever.

"Xiao... Brother Xiao!" A vague cry came to Yang Xiao's ears.

As soon as he looked at it, Wang Meng was wrapped like a rice dumpling. Sitting in a wheelchair, he waved his arm to Yang Xiao and was pushed by Gangzi towards Yang Xiao.

"I, shit! Wang Meng, are you brain damaged? " Yang Xiao is speechless.

"Haha, isn't it, brother Xiao? I can't stop this guy from coming to watch the game. I also think he's been fooled. I don't want his life." Push the Gangzi of wheelchair to mend the knife.

If he can move, Wang Meng really wants to jump up and punch these two guys. Unfortunately, now he can only fight with his eyes, "can you two guys say something nice? Wang Meng, how can we miss the glorious moment when our red star won the first place

"No, you don't want to win again, do you? You play this again, believe it or not, I'll make you a wheelchair all your life? " As he spoke, Yang Xiao was about to strike Wang Meng in the chest.

"Stop stop stop" Wang Meng moved his body in a panic, but he was wrapped too tightly. He moved for a moment, still in the same place... "Brother Xiao, if you punch down, I'm afraid I'll lose my life! Don't say I really don't gamble, but I really want to gamble, and no one will open today! "

"No one's opening?" Yang Xiao is a little sad and can't laugh. "It means that if someone opens it, you can play it?"

"Hey," Wang Meng said awkwardly, "I don't want to support you, brother."

"Come on, if you want to support me, just go back to the hospital. Don't make trouble here. However, "Yang Xiao tone pause," no one opened what is the situation? "

Wang Meng depressed way: "must compensate of dish, give you, you open?"? Last time, those guys still made a lot of money. After all, most people still believe in the strength of blood shadow. But if you beat them like this, who dares to beat blood shadow? "

"Well? What about the ones you pressed last time? "

"I don't count! Who cares so much about you when you are disturbed! "

Yang Xiao sneered. It seems that the sudden attack of the police that day was not accidental.

"Wang Meng, you remember that I don't care about other people, but we Red Star people can't touch this piece except boxing! Do you know! "

"Yes --" Wang Meng expresses his dissatisfaction with yinla's elder. He finally finds a way to make money and is strangled by Yang Xiao!

"Why?" Wang Meng's head, which had been a little dispirited, suddenly rose again.

"Why, what?"

"What about the snow? Why didn't xueru come? "

This kid is still thinking about this? Yang Xiao said with a smile, "why? Still thinking about rewards? "

"No, no, no, it's better if she doesn't come. Anyway, the reward won't fall on me." Wang Meng mumbled two words.

"Ah? What did you say? " Yang Xiao pretended not to hear Wang Meng's words and asked aloud.

"No, nothing!" Wang Meng quickly looked away, "by the way, brother Xiao, why don't those guys of blood shadow come? It's all about to start later. Are they afraid? Ha ha ha ha

Yang Xiao knew that this guy was changing the topic, so he didn't pay any attention to him. However, no matter whether the bloody shadow guy came or not, Lei had to settle with him.

When Yang Xiao chatted with them, there was a little commotion in the whole competition

"Hey, it can't be blood shadow. Those guys are afraid!"

"Yes, that ray was beaten by the Red Star guy last time. I'm afraid he didn't dare to come."

"Ma De, come here, Cao, I bought my ticket for nothing today? Hello, person in charge, where is the person in charge... "

Looking at the appearance that the audience is about to riot, a person in charge of the ring is also anxious and sweating. He quickly jumps to the challenge arena to comfort everyone, "don't get excited, don't get excited, the game will definitely be held as it is! Let's have 10000 hearts


Listen to this ethereal guarantee, the stadium immediately sounded bursts of boos, all people are shouting to refund, this place is about to chaos. Just when the person in charge was in a mess, a huge sound of breaking the door rang out, a figure suddenly flashed to his side, grabbed the microphone, cold eyes swept all the people, cold mouth, "who said we want to escape?"

Yang Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked at the people in the challenge arena. This guy is not afraid of death and dares to come.

Seeing that the person in charge of the scene of Xueying finally let out a sigh of relief, he quickly took back the microphone and announced in a loud voice: "here, here, the competition that decided to be the first in Jiangzhou is about to start!"

The already impatient audience sat down bitterly, because they had accumulated a lot of unhappiness before. Even if they saw the blood shadow, the warm atmosphere was no longer there.

"How dare you come?" Yang Xiao looks at the people on the field indifferently.

"Of course, I'm going to beat you here today, a shame before snow." Lei smiles at Yang Xiao and shows his white teeth.

"Is this guy so confident?" Gangzi was a little confused. He went to Yang Xiao's ear and whispered, "brother Xiao, be careful. I feel something is wrong with this boy today."

Yang Xiao nodded, but he didn't pay any attention to Lei. Now that his dragon and tiger boxing has reached the fourth level, will he be afraid that he will lose?

"Then let's invite the players from both sides to come on the stage and continue the last fight. Let's wait and see!" The person in charge with the microphone, with the highest voice out of this sentence, want to drive the atmosphere of the scene, but the effect is not satisfactory.

Yang Xiao stood face to face with Lei in the middle of the challenge arena again.

"Yang Xiao, I'm ready to beat you this time. Are you ready?"

"Ah" Yang Xiao smiles casually. Although he doesn't know what method this guy used, he seems to have improved his strength to a higher level in a short time, it's still not enough for him now.

"Game, start!"

With a loud drink, Lei's face became cold, and his whole body broke out in a fierce battle. His body moved so fast that he could not be caught by the naked eye. He leaned forward and flashed to Yang Xiao. With a loud shout, he made a hook at Yang Xiao's chin.

However, Yang Xiao didn't dodge at all. He held out his left hand and blocked his chest. He easily took the blow. His body didn't move. Before he could wait for Lei to be shocked, Yang Xiao's counterattack had arrived.

The right fist was suddenly clenched, and the back hand was heavy. With an explosive breath, he smashed at Lei's chest.

With a bang, Lei's body flew out of the challenge arena and landed heavily.

Everyone was stunned, one, one punch Ko.

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