Yang Xiao takes a cold look at Lei who falls outside the challenge arena. He moves and flashes to his side.

"You... You!" Ray was obviously seriously injured and could hardly speak.

"Me? I don't know what I am Yang Xiao stepped on Lei and said coldly, "what? Aren't you very confident? "

"Poof" was trampled heavily by Yang Xiao, and Lei spat out a mouthful of blood. He never thought that this guy had such strong strength, which was quite different from the last fight.

"You can't help me!"

"Oh," Yang Xiao said, "I'm Yin you? You're not ready for me today? How, hit stimulant to think oneself invincible

Leiben's twisted face because of the pain was said by Yang Xiao, and it became more ferocious and terrifying. Yes, he did play doping. After the last battle, he knew that Yang Xiao's strength was much higher than himself. Under normal circumstances, he would surely lose.

This time, in order to win, he deliberately risked his life to fight a super stimulant. He thought that even if he could not win, he could match Yang Xiao. However, it turned out that he was wrong.

"Hum!" Lei spat a mouthful of blood phlegm and laughed coldly, "aren't you the same? I didn't expect that there are things in the world that can make people's strength leap to this level. Hum, boy, but you should also know that the stronger the medicine is, the greater the backfire is. "

"Don't compare me with rubbish like you," Yang Xiao kicked Lei hard. Since Lei was going to kill Wang at that time, he would never show mercy to such people. The cold breath of the exclusive and killer spread all over Yang Xiao.

What a killing intention! Ray's heart suddenly tightens. This boy really wants to kill him.

The boss of Xueying also noticed Yang Xiao's cold eyes, ran to the referee, held his shoulder and said nervously: "referee, we lost, quick, stop the game, Xueying admit defeat!" The last sentence was just a roar. Even if there was no microphone, half of the audience heard it.

"Before a minute, did you give up? That's what he told us to see! "

"It's easy to earn money, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes!"


The referee is also frowning, indeed, the moment Lei Fei out of the challenge arena, Yang Xiao won, but Yang Xiao is now like a murderer, who dares to stop him?

"Wait a little longer." It was a long time before the referee came up with such a sentence.

"Wait, wait, you'll die!"

"This is the underground boxing world. It's not normal for people to die. If you want to save people, save yourself! Stop talking. Are you the referee or am I the referee? Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll The referee was also tired of being forced to push the boss of Xueying.

Not far away, Lei, who was trampled on the ground by Yang Xiao, also noticed the movement here. He was silent for a moment, but he raised his head and laughed wildly. The blood in his mouth came out from the corner of his mouth and dyed half of his face red.

"Well, well, Yang Xiao, since I'm in the ring, I'll fight with you today The words full of blood roared out in Lei's mouth. His withered body, which was going to be in a coma, was shocked suddenly, and a strong impact came out, which drove Yang Xiaozhen away. Then a carp beat him up and stood up again. With the roar, Lei's whole people ignited explosive power again.

Yang Xiao also didn't expect that this guy could even send out such power. For a moment, he didn't notice that he broke away from his body.

"I didn't expect you to move?"

"Hum" Lei stretched out his hands and wiped his cheek fiercely. The whole face was covered with bright red blood. The whole person looked extremely twisted and crazy. "You didn't expect so much. Well, since you want my life, I'm here, you're here to take it!"

"Oh," Yang Xiao said with a smile, "I'm afraid you don't need me to take your life. How long can you last? "

"Until you come to be buried with me!"

"Go to hell! Yang Xiao With a roar, Lei's body suddenly disappeared in the same place. He rushed to Yang Xiao like a bullet and punched out.

With a bang, the two fists collided, causing a huge storm. The audience in the front row shook uncontrollably.

The attack is not over.

Just at the moment when the two fists collided, a powerful sweep of the leg kicked Yang Xiao's back with an explosive smell. The momentum of the blow was not over, but Yang Xiao turned around and blocked the blow.

However, without the slightest pause, a swing came from Yang Xiao's left side. Yang Xiao's body twisted in a strange posture and escaped the attack. Before Yang Xiao could catch his breath, the next attack came from Yang Xiao's back.

"This, this, this..." Wang Meng, who was watching the battle, was stunned and murmured, "this ray, can he separate himself?"

All the audience's thoughts were the same as Wang Meng's. they rubbed their eyes for fear that they would be dazzled. Because Yang Xiao on the field, at this time, it's like fighting with three thunder.

Because of the rapid change of body shape and the short pause during the bombardment, the next figure appeared in front of the crowd before a shadow disappeared. Therefore, it seems that Lei used the technique of separation, and three people around Yang Xiao beat him one by one.

"No wonder the nickname is Ray!" Yang Xiao was also surprised. If he had not entered the fourth level of dragon tiger boxing, he might have been killed by Lei's fighting attack. Even now, it's hard for me to deal with it“ Mad, this guy is crazy

This kind of rapid attack is also a great damage to Lei. After all, every time he takes back the attack, he will suffer a little bit of counter attack from Yu Li, but his face is only crazy.

"Ha ha ha, Yang Xiao, you can come down and bury me! From the first time I saw you, I saw that you were not happy. At last, you looked as if you could do anything? But now, you didn't expect that, ah ha ha... "

Like a madman, the shouting came from all directions of Yang Xiao, and hit his eardrum.

"Well, boy, you seem to be proud too early?" Yang Xiao stood in the way of the attack and said without expression, "do you think it's cool for me to see your fake and explosive smile? So far, you haven't hurt me at all, but you can't support yourself, can you? "

When Yang Xiao said that, Lei also reacted. He was so crazy that he ignored the problems he was facing. His body really couldn't hold up

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