Lei's heart sank, and the Madness on his face gradually dissipated. Finally, he stopped attacking. Standing in front of Yang Xiao, I watched him coldly.

Yang Xiao's pressure was also suddenly reduced. He shook his numb arm and said with a sneer, "why, you can't just finish it?"

There was no response.

A breath of killing surged wildly around ray. A trace of determination flashed in his eyes. His mouth was bulging. His upper and lower jaws were biting something hard. Unstoppable blood flowed slowly from the corner of his mouth.

"Poof", half of the tip of his tongue spat out from his mouth, and "pa" fell to the ground, splashing blood.

Even Yang Xiao took a cool breath at the sight.

"What do you mean, ready to commit suicide?"

There was no response, but Ray's breath soared again, and the offensive was launched again. And in the eyes of the audience, around Yang Xiao attack figure, suddenly became five!

"Hiss" the red star's all poured to breathe cool air, this thunder is really crazy!

"Hello," David went to Gangzi and Wang Meng, looking slightly nervous, "is Yang Xiao OK with him?"

Two people are silent, their heart is also nervous up, don't know Yang Xiao can withstand this crazy offensive.

Half ring, a voice rang out beside their voice, "don't worry, if you can't even stop this kind of attack, he won't be called Yang Xiao."

In response, David is a playful female voice. The three of them turn around and look at the girl who doesn't know when to appear beside them.

The girl's hair and tail are slightly curled up. Under the thick bangs on her forehead, a pair of smart big eyes constantly exude the unique vitality of the girl. Some of her round face and petite body are less than 1.6 meters. They are just like the super cute girls in Japanese comic books!

Wang Meng couldn't help swallowing, "you, who are you?"

The girl winked at him mischievously, but she didn't reply. She just looked at the battle on the field.

Damn it, it's the best! Wang Meng in the heart secretly scolds a, this Xiao elder brother's peach blossom is also too good, what kind of female can eat?

However, the girl's words can be regarded as a reassurance to the Red Star people. Although I don't know why, the confidence spread out in the girl's words makes everyone's heart that had been hanging back.

Yang Xiao is also a big head in the field. It's really crazy for him to fight back. I knew I should have killed him! Leading to now into a very passive situation.

If only I had a samurai sword.

In the defense, Yang Xiao thought of the Yuehua dance, which was used to defeat Gu Ming. The defense without dead corner is what he needs now! But even if there are, weapons can't be used in the ring.

What should I do? Yang Xiao was forced by the lightning attack to show his flaws from time to time. Although he made up for them, as time goes on, Lei's attack will fall on him sooner or later!

"Mad, no matter. There is no knife in hand, but a knife in heart!" Yang Xiao finally can't stand the fact that he can only defend and can't fight back. Can you kill me with a blow?

Yang Xiao's right hand is gradually surrounded by the virtual shadow of a giant dragon, which is more obvious than before. But ordinary people still can't find it with their naked eyes. Only those who have a study of martial arts can feel the huge power.

Just like holding a samurai sword in his hand, Yang Xiao's right hand suddenly waved around, as fast as lightning.

Lei doesn't know what Bai Yang Xiao wants to do all of a sudden. He only knows that Yang Xiao is full of flaws now!

"I can't stop it at last, ah!" With a sneer in his heart, Lei's body suddenly flashed to Yang Xiao's back and gave him a hard fist. He wanted to smash Yang Xiao's internal organs!

However, Yang Xiao's body was a strange turn, a wave of his right hand, and then he left. Lei felt that his strength was all released to one side by this seemingly gentle blow, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, and in the blink of an eye, he attacked another flaw of Yang Xiao.

It's a strange block again!

Ray's heart is tight, but he does not stay in the crazy hand, but every time he is inadvertently blocked. Gradually, Yang Xiao's figure is getting faster, and the air around him is distorted. In the eyes of the audience, Yang Xiao has formed a protective cover around him!

The girl standing in the Red Star rest area can't help but pick her eyebrows. This guy is really a mess. It's sword skill

With the "bang bang" -- "violent impact sound, the momentum of thunder is constantly weakening, from five figures, slowly changing to three, and then one!

With a loud bang, thunder falls in front of Yang Xiao and staggers back two steps. Countless blood seeps out of his pores. At this moment, Yang Xiao's breath suddenly shrinks, his right foot suddenly steps forward with half a bow step, and his right arm rotates around the top of his head and blows out towards thunder's chest.

With the sound of bone cracking, the thunder finally fell to the ground.

"This, this..." Lei's bloody hands clung to the ground, "what kind of boxing is this?"

Finally, he solved the problem. Yang Xiao's body was aching and twisted. He walked slowly to Lei's face, squatted down, stared at his desperate eyes and gave a smile. "This is what my old friend left me."

The referee saw that the battle was finally over. He was shocked and ran to Yang Xiao. He raised Yang Xiao's right hand and said, "red star, win!"

The audience finally broke out a scream. Everyone was deeply shocked by the battle between them. From this moment on, the name of Red Star Club and Yang Xiao will be printed in everyone's heart!

"Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao, Yang Xiao!" The whole stadium was filled with inspiring shouts. The girl who has been watching Yang Xiao also smiles a little, then turns her head and leaves. It seems that this guy has made a lot of progress recently

"Blood shadow abandons the race!" After half a ring, the referee strode to the center of the challenge arena, took the microphone and said loudly, "now, I announce the first Jiangzhou amateur club competition, champion, Red Star Club! Welcome to the Red Star team

"Ha ha ha," David raised his head and laughed, leading all the red star players to the challenge arena. At this moment, although there are no trophies and flowers, all the Red Star people feel the supreme glory, we Red Star! It's the strongest!

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