"Miss Xu Lei, with all due respect, I always feel that it's not" manager Yang, I'm afraid this young lady in your company is going to be developed. "

Ozyma murmurs in Yang Xiao's ear. She deliberately sticks her body very close to Yang Xiao. It's like imagining two magnets attracting each other.

"Miss ozyma has such a good figure and is so close to me that she is not afraid of my mistakes?"

Yang Xiao feels a large area of softness in his chest. If he is not a killer beyond the definition of ordinary people, how can he resist such temptation.

"Don't make fun of me, Mr. Yang. I can't wait for Mr. Yang to make some mistakes. Unfortunately, it seems that Mr. Yang is not interested in me. Your eyes are fixed on the girl you brought. Is this girl your husband's lover

Ozyma's mouth rose playfully, pointed her toes and talked to Yang Xiao's ear. Yang Xiao can obviously feel a stream of heat coming towards him.

Yang Xiao listened to ozyma's words and gave a mysterious smile. Fortunately, he directly held ozyma in his arms and completed a jump spin. "Miss ozyma thinks too much. I'm a bachelor. How can I not be interested in goddess?"

Yang Xiao finished and pressed ozyma harder on her chest.

"Bad guys, people are going to be out of breath." Ozyma obviously didn't expect that Yang Xiao would come here all of a sudden. She directly threw away her hand and began to spin, opening up some distance between herself and Yang Xiao“ However, there seems to be some secrets about that young lady. "

Ozyma's behavior is really decent and magnanimous, which doesn't make Yang Xiao feel any unhappiness“ What's the secret? I think the secret of miss is more, and I dare to be more interested. Does Miss ozyma want to talk to me? "

"The onlooker sees clearly, the woman's sixth sense is very accurate." Ozyma did not directly answer Yang Xiao's question, but blinked at Yang Xiao mischievously“ You are such a boring man. "

"Didn't miss ozyma want to go to a hidden place with me and have a long talk? Mr. Jin has arranged you here. It's convenient for me tonight. " Yang Xiao naturally knows that there is something wrong with Xu Lei today, but obviously ozyma seems to be more magical.

When ozyma heard Yang Xiao's words, she gave a smile and put her face directly in front of Yang Xiao's face“ Mr. Jin really asked me to take good care of Mr. Yang. I don't know if I'm satisfied with this kind of care? "

Ozyma seems to be more unrestrained, directly around Yang Xiao's waist, light red lips have not let Yang Xiao reaction, just fit in Yang Xiao's left cheek.

It's a beauty.

Yang Xiao only felt that a piece of warmth stayed on the left cheek of the son, and the softness brought a blank brain. Plus the chest two tight soft, all of a sudden three soft at the same time with Yang Xiao friction. Yang Xiao's judgment was confused.

"That's all for today. We'll see each other again, won't we? Mr. Yang Ozyma's face was flushed, and her lips had just been removed from Yang Xiao's cheek, and she was gone when she dropped the words.

This girl is really hard to see. Yang Xiao shook his head. Young people of their age are vigorous and energetic. Compared with the direct impact of their bodies, their indecision is more unbearable.

Isn't it one of the gifts that Kim gave me? Yang Xiao gave a wry smile, but he was not sure. The deal with Jin Laoer seems to be a steady one, but even Yang Xiao is not sure about it.


Before he could enjoy ozyma's soft warmth, Yang Xiao found a seat in the rear. Ozyma is right. Xu Lei's performance all day long, I'm afraid she's in a dilemma, but she can't see clearly. You have to find a chance to ask.

The pants bag vibrated for a long time, and Yang Xiaocai responded.

"Hello, David."

It's David.

"Yang Xiao, what are you doing? Why don't you come out with Wang Meng now and have a supper on me David has a loud voice and is obviously in a good mood.

"Oh, boss David, is the iron cock willing to pluck? Rare. " Yang Xiao shook his head, red star took the first, also don't know is a good thing, at least David's mind began to activate“ We're out to socialize with the company now. Another day. "

"Yes, another day. I'll come to Huadu tomorrow night. I'll take out all the cash for 300000. I'll give it up tomorrow night. "

No matter what David said, there's no credit to be said. Yang Xiao also understood that his brothers and fighters were waiting for the money to make a living.

"OK, Wang mengming and I will come late."

Yang Xiao agreed, exchanged greetings and hung up in a hurry. He knew that the days of peace were in the past. What he can do now is to protect these people around him.

I have been idle for a long time, and it is not necessarily a bad thing to do some things. Yang Xiao always felt that there was going to be a big wave in Jiangzhou, and he was on top of it.

It's time to plan and increase your chips. Yang Xiao drank his tequila in one gulp.

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