As soon as Yang Xiao came back to his villa, he had a big fight with Lin xueru.

The party is over. It's almost eleven o'clock in the evening. Li Zhe, the Secretary of Jin Laoer, personally sent the three to the car. Obviously, he was ordered by Mr. Kim.

Xu Lei is absent-minded, Wang Meng is also present, and Yang Xiao is not easy to ask. Wang Meng arrived first and took Xu Lei home. Then he took Yang Xiao to the door of their villa and put him down.

As soon as he got home, Yang Xiao found that Shasha had left, leaving only a letter.

"Yang Xiao, you are my bodyguard. I spent money to ask you to keep me safe, not to spend money. Please scold me." Lin xueru wiped her tears.

"Why do you want to let her go?"

Yang Xiao sighed and pinched the tip of his nose. In his hand, he was holding the letter paper that was put on Yang Xiao's desk before Shasha left.

"What makes me mad at her? These days, she is angry with me! And the legs are on her. Where does she want to go? This is not her home in the first place. " Lin xueru looks like a hostess.

"This is my home. If I agree with her, she can live."

Also don't know is how to return a responsibility, Yang Xiao really with got mad same, hurled Lin xueru to launch a Biao. On weekdays, he would never take a girl seriously, let alone speak loudly to a girl. At this time, Yang Xiao, like an angry bull, roared around, trying to find an outlet.

"Yang Xiao, you are not a man."

For the first time, Lin xueru spoke in such a loud voice, half roaring, with the volume of voice to hide the softest fragility in her heart. She did not know why, a stranger came to stay for a few days, normal leave, to make Yang Xiaofa so angry.

Yang Xiao quietly took the paper in his hand and didn't speak. It's his problem. It's not Lin xueru's fault.

The scene fell into endless embarrassment and emptiness, only the clock was still ticking. However, this letter was not written by Sha Sha, but by his father.

Shasha leaves inexplicably. Yang Xiao goes to ask who is the source of this letter.

"My son, Yang Xiaoqin." The envelope had not been opened, and the front of the envelope was filled with these six big words. The handwriting is cursive, not neat, but extremely powerful, you can see the edge of writing.

The letterhead is an ordinary red checked letter paper, and the handwriting on it is written by Yang Xiao's father, the champion of the previous generation. The writing paper is obviously some years old, but it is well kept and the handwriting is clear. It's just that some of the macules above show its long history.

"My son Yang Xiao, when you see this letter, I may not be in this world any more. I've devoted my whole life to boxing. For you and your mother, I'm a shake off shopkeeper. In this life, I'm most sorry for you two. "

As a child, Yang Xiao didn't play with his own father like an ordinary family, so he had a calmer mind than others.

"... boxing is the sport of the brave and the war of the brave... My son Yang Xiao, never fall down, never be weak. You are the child of the glorious... "

There is only one paragraph in the letter that expresses Yang Xiao's father's apology to Yang Xiao, and the rest are all about how to be a real boxer.

Yang Xiao's father is a real boxer.

This is my father's tone. I haven't heard such advice from my father for many years. A man who has tears is as strong as Yang Xiao, the first murderer in Jiangzhou. At this moment, he can't help falling his own tears.

However, this letter is not simple.

"Are you all right?"

Lin xueru stood beside Yang Xiao with some heartache. She didn't know why. It was Yang Xiao's fault. Looking at her tears, her heart seemed to be more painful than Yang Xiao.

She went to Yang Xiao and buried his head in her stomach“ Isn't it just a woman? You are so powerful that no woman can have it. "


Yang Xiao didn't answer. He just buried his head in Lin xueru's arms, just like when he was a child. In the arms of Lin xueru, he is so relieved.

Lin xueru wants to say something else, but Yang Xiao's weakness at this time makes her unable to say one more word, even a word of blame.

Yang Xiao sleeps in a daze. He seems to dream about his childhood, his childhood and Lin xueru.

"It's OK. No one dares to bully you."

A girl with two ponytails stood in front of a boy shivering in the corner. With her thin body, she stopped four boys who wanted to bully the little boy.

"If you don't leave, I'll tell the teacher." The little girl is not afraid at all and looks at several bullying boys with integrity.

"Lin xueru, you are cruel. You have the ability to protect this loser all the time. Let's go. "

Several young boys left with their cruel words. Left the little boy put his head into the little girl's arms, the little boy felt extremely calm and peaceful, as if all the troubles and dangers were over because of the little girl.

"Snow like"

Yang Xiao was a little confused and confused. I have a bad headache. Warm and soft. Although he was sleepy, Yang Xiao still enjoyed the soft feeling brought by the outside world.

"Are you awake?"

Lin xueru's voice came from his ear, which made Yang Xiao wake up quickly from his sleep.


Yang Xiao subconsciously looked around, villa French window looked outside, it was still dark.

"I'm sorry, Yang Xiao." Lin xueru's eyes were red and swollen. "I don't know about your father. I'll help you find Sasha and make it clear. "

Obviously, while Yang Xiao is asleep, Lin xueru also looks at the letter left by Sha Sha.

She's still as righteous as she used to be. Yang Xiao looked at his mobile phone. It was already three o'clock in the morning. He leaned in Lin xueru's arms for more than three hours. Lin xueru's arms were purple.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't be angry with you." Yang Xiao is very annoyed with his gaffe, and even more annoyed with his impolite behavior, which is still shown in front of Lin xueru.

"I have a problem, too. Go and have a rest." Lin xueru's face is a little red, but she has been listening to Yang Xiao's call all night. All she wants now is to get off the scene.

"Come with me to the car tomorrow." Yang Xiao did not know what to say, subconsciously said a sentence.

"Well." Lin xueru slows down, agrees and enters the room.

Yang Xiao rubbed his nose and looked at the complete version of the letter paper on his hand, but it stopped abruptly after only half writing. I want to start writing about that organization, but my writing style turns sharply.

How did this letter get to Shasha and who was it? All this is destined to make Yang Xiao sleepless tonight.

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