The biggest 4S shop in Jiangzhou.

A man and a woman stroll in the top luxury car section with a value of 2-4 million. You know, although Jiangzhou is a coastal city with Ganjiang River, developed land and sea, and ranked among the best in economy, it is not a place like mordu or capital after all.

2-4 million luxury cars are already the most expensive ones that can be taken out of stock. As for the best car, I'm afraid I have to go to the auto show or order to buy it.

A man and a woman are only twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, but they come to visit the most expensive workshop, that is, Jiangzhou, where there are so many rich people that there are so many rich second generation.

"Yang Xiao, I know you have money. You don't have to buy such an expensive car." Lin xueru is a little surprised that a "killer" who can't even pay the rent wants to visit the top workshop overnight. Did he rob it yesterday?

"We don't need money!"

Yang Xiao deliberately learned the tone of an old Jingzhou man, which made Lin xueru smile.

"I know you still have millions of money. It's OK to buy a car. The cost is on maintaining it." Lin xueru still thinks that Yang Xiao's purchase of this kind of car is a bit exaggerated, but seeing Yang Xiao's poor appearance, she tells her that she doesn't need to spend her own money, whether it's expensive or not!

Yang and Xiao's leisurely walk naturally attracted the attention of the 4S shop assistants. Although it's the largest 4S shop in Jiangzhou, and there are many people coming and going on weekdays, people like Yang Xiao who go straight to the top of the car are still so young, and they don't meet many times in a year.

This kind of rich second generation usually takes women who are raised by themselves. And women are born extremely beautiful. It's just two words to buy a car. The turnover rate is very high.

Who doesn't know, buying a car is like buying a wife. You have to choose carefully and compare goods. It's hard to find a man like this who has a lot of money.

"Sir, madam, are you here to buy a car? I'm the gold medal salesman in our store. Just call me monkey. "

It was a thin man with glasses who came to entertain Yang and Xiao. The gold medal salesman, monkey, grinned at Yang and Xiao, with an honest and sincere appearance.

"Yes." Yang Xiao nodded.

"You've got vision. Our 4S shop is the biggest auto dealer in Jiangzhou. Guaranteed, reliable! " Monkey to Yang Xiao two people first boasted, "do not know if you have any favorite car?"

"How about Land Rover?" Lin xueru carefully gives Yang Xiao advice, but also afraid of refuting Yang Xiao's face.

"Good Land Rover." The monkey's eyes are shining. It seems that he is ready to come again. This single business is more likely to be done. It's enough for one month's living expenses.

"Land Rover can't do it. Mengzi already has one. Let's have a change. And the back is too small! " Yang Xiao shook his head. He didn't come to buy a car without any plan. He also had a request.

Every man has a dream about the car in his heart. What Yang Xiao wants is the kind with detachable back seat and extremely spacious. If it's OK, it's nice to put an air cushion bed on it.

"Boss!" The monkey was a little worried. He didn't understand what Yang Xiao meant. "Is the rear car of Land Rover small? Absolutely not small. A friend bought it, which means Land Rover has a big brand

"What car do you want to buy? A Maserati or something? " Lin xueru gives Yang Xiao a white look. She wants him to be more pragmatic. Unexpectedly, she still doesn't get the feeling.

"The sports car is good. It's absolutely beautiful to have a beautiful girl and a handsome boy with a sports car." The essence of the monkey's eyes bloomed even more. A Land Rover is close to a million, and the starting price of a Maserati sports car is two or three million.

Sure enough, with such a beautiful woman, absolutely rich second generation. Monkey eyes more than light up and down, inside and outside glanced at Lin xueru, can be worthy of such a beautiful woman, must not be the general rich second generation.

Monkey has been thinking about his dream, this month's performance need not worry.

"What kind of sports car. What I want is a spacious back seat that can be disassembled. It's better to put down a bed for people to have a good rest. " Yang Xiao took a mysterious look at the monkey.

"Boss, I know what the car you want!" The monkey screamed and suddenly realized, "Audi Q8! Mobile RV! My fellow fellow Monkey seems to have met a confidant. He doesn't care about the sales. What's more, the price of the top version of this car is no lower than that of a sports car.

The monkey leaned over Yang Xiao's ear and murmured a few words, then mysteriously shot Lin xueru with a few eyes, even more smiling.

"Deal." Yang Xiao did not care about the price of the car several times, "I've made you a friend, and I want this car."

"Don't think about it any more?" Monkey seems to have come up with a frank strength, "I give you the lowest rebate, you this friend I make."

"Just refit it as you said. When can I get the car?" Yang Xiao took out a gold card from his pocket with the name of the car shop on it.

"You can take it in a week, boss. Is this a credit card?" The monkey was obviously still immersed in his fantasy world, and did not find that this card was not a bank card at all.

"This card can carry any car here, regardless of the price. I want the one you said, and you don't have to give me a rebate. " Yang Xiao looked at the monkey with a smile, "I'll pick up the car in a week, and you'll give the card to the person in charge here

"And this card?" Monkey has been working in this 4S store for almost eight years. He has never seen such a gold card before. He can pick up a car without paying. What a thick thigh it is.

Before the monkey reacts, Yang Xiao and the other two have left, leaving the monkey stunned. But what Yang Xiao didn't know was that not long after he left, the whole 4S shop was a sensation. It happened that the master of Qi family, whom he met at the last banquet, appeared at the door of the 4S shop.

"What did you and the monkey mutter about?"

Lin xueru couldn't understand why two men who didn't meet each other suddenly became intimate.

It's not surprising that Lin xueru doesn't understand that a man's car is a man's second wife. He has the same views, which is the key.

"You don't have to know." Yang Xiao a face don't tell your appearance, also let Lin xueru helpless.

"Mobile RV? Didn't you buy the Audi R8? Isn't it an SUV? Why call a RV? Did you buy a RV? "

Lin xueru doesn't care about Yang Xiao's knave. She seems to have 100000 why she wants to ask.

"It's an off-road vehicle. You go home first. I'll see Wang Meng later. I'll deal with something later." Yang Xiao pats Lin xueru on the shoulder and calls a car for her. He takes another car and goes back to the company.

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