Wang Meng was relieved. "Boss, the reason why I agree is because of David's one-year plan."

"A plan to become a professional club in one year?"

Yang Xiao didn't have to think about it at all. He knew what was in David's mind.

"Yes." Wang Meng lowered his voice and nodded.

"You and a gang agreed? Do you all know? " Yang Xiao felt that it was a little strange.

Wang Meng nodded, "agreed, but the brothers don't know. We are going to surprise them."

"You think it's a surprise to change the nature of the club. I think it's a shock." Yang Xiao was not angry enough to answer.

"Boss, we are not young. Both a gang and I have the strength of professional fighters, but what about brothers? Once you are over thirty-five years old, you will not be a place for experienced elders to talk in this ring. Boss, brothers all have their own boxing dream

"Don't make excuses for your money." Yang Xiao shook his head, which gave him a feeling card.

"Boss, look at the brothers. After we won the championship, their mood, boss, your own mood. You ask yourself, are you willing to take part in the final and lead everyone to win the championship, but you also want to face more powerful opponents, and you still can't put down the boxing ring in your heart? "

"Enter the professional club, everyone's strength can be improved?" Yang Xiao said with a smile, "Wang Meng, you and David really drew a big cake for them. It's a pity that when the time comes to earn money, it will not fall into David's and your pocket in the end."

The atmosphere fell into a stiff situation.

After a while, Wang raised his head and opened his mouth.

"I've been a classmate for so many years, don't I even have this kind of trust? Boss Wang Meng seems to be lost. He loves money, but he is greedy for small things.

However, no matter how poor Wang Meng is, who knows the most about his love and righteousness over the years? Yang Xiao knows best.

"Tell me, one year plan." Yang Xiao still calmed down. For so many years, the two of them had never quarreled so fiercely.

But Yang Xiao thought it was worth it. It was not only his interest. But he was still impulsive, calm down and found that he did not completely listen to Wang Meng and finish what he said.

Wang Meng heard Yang Xiao's words, all of a sudden it was like beating chicken blood, inexplicably excited. It seems that the estrangement just disappeared“ Hey, boss, listen to me

"Don't just talk."

"Boss, seriously, I'll just throw in the money, and I won't get any good at all." Wang Meng suddenly came to the strength, bang up“ One year plan is the professional boxer development plan within one year. David will invest 20 million yuan from the sponsorship fee and his own principal to buy all the equipment and training for his brothers. I've come up with a million of my own, which means, "he said

"David means to train his own professional fighters to help him make money?" Yang Xiao asked the key.

"Boss, if David wants to get back 20 million yuan, it depends on how many professional boxing awards we get. If we don't have you, how many years do you think David will get back?" Wang Meng did not answer directly, but asked Yang Xiao.

"Although David buckled a little, he was really good to his brothers. I know that." Yang Xiao didn't say it in a positive way. He was soft.

Yang Xiao's temper, can do this degree of soft, also can be regarded as the flowering of the iron tree, can go up high fragrance.

"David also promised that as long as the brothers who are willing to stay, no matter how good they are in boxing, they will not leave. Similarly, if they want to leave, they will never force them to stay." Wang Meng added.

"Fierce." Yang Xiao called Wang Meng's nickname, "why didn't you go to the professional boxing club and join the red star?"

"Because I want to live, I have my company." Wang Meng nodded, "but boss, there is no one who can't get by now. It's time for us to pursue something. David doesn't force us to have another time. You also know the gap between professional clubs and amateur clubs, between the capital chain and investors. "

Yang Xiao didn't speak for a moment. He found that he couldn't make decisions for everyone.

"David also promised that he would buy the most professional instruments and invite elite fighters from Japan and other countries to compete. In addition, he knows that you can't rest assured of these brothers. He hopes that boss can become an instructor of special training for a period of time in the future, and he will also pay a lot of money to hire instructors of professional boxing of the United States. He hopes you can see his sincerity, boss. "

"It still sounds tempting." Yang Xiao smiles. These are what the brothers really want to learn. He can't refuse.

"Boss, do you agree?" Wang Meng immediately put on a set of confident appearance, "I know the boss heavy friendship."

"First of all, I don't participate in all interviews. Besides, I'm just the consultant of red star. Everything depends on you. As for the instructor, I took the whip. "

Yang Xiao pondered for a while.

He suddenly found that he had been eager to enter his father's stage, one of which should belong to him. No boxer does not want to stand in the professional arena, he should not be cowardly patience, he should go back to his father's glory, his glory.

Although there is still a long way to go in the future, even if red star really wants to enter the stage of professional club, there is still a long way to go. Everyone's quality and recognition on the international stage are all obstacles to the transformation of red star in the future.

Although there are many obstacles, the son of his former champion is not a vegetarian. If you really want to talk about the training methods that can be used, that organization has used too much on Yang Xiao. After a long illness, he has become a good doctor. It's really not a problem for Yang Xiao to be an instructor of these three legged Kung Fu.

I'm afraid of the trouble caused by the organization behind. However, I should be careful. In front of the camera, there should be no problem. Besides, after hiding for so many years, Yang Xiao is fed up with this kind of cowardice. A year later, he should fight back.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wang Meng even said three times, "don't bother the boss. You accept the interview. I know that the boss is low-key and likes to play a pig and eat a tiger. But when we take a group photo, the boss will be on the camera. "

"Up. Don't beat me, you are also a member of the training. In my opinion, you should be trained most. I will never care about the friendship of my classmates. I will use all the cruelest things on you. "

"As long as the boss agrees, I will accept any punishment." Wang Meng is now carrying forward the advantages of thick skinned, the development of strengths.

"Don't be complacent, not only here, but also the company." Think of the company, Yang Xiao thought of Xu Lei, there is a question mark has not been solved.

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