Made in Jiangzhou, outside Yang Xiao's office.

Xu Lei has been hesitating, holding a letter with three big words on it -- resignation letter. She doesn't know why, she is a rascal, and she even has so many problems.

It's a beautiful accident to be a secretary in Jiangzhou. It's a beautiful, no, strange accident to be his secretary. Since it is an accident, let it disappear in the beauty and strangeness.

Xu Lei choked a little. She didn't make up her mind to live a stable life for a while. How could she repeat the twists and turns of the past? She is a poor woman. She only prays for a good ending.

She wants to see Yang Xiao today, and even some want to let Yang Xiao know something. She can even ask herself what she has hidden from her. He doesn't know if Yang Xiao really asks, she will tell him everything truthfully. But in the morning, Yang Xiao didn't come, and then she put off. Xu Lei was afraid that her resolution, which she finally made up her mind, would disappear again.

Xu Lei still put the resignation letter on Yang Xiao's desk.

"Well, I've taken care of it." Xu Lei is a little cautious, and her tone seems to be coy.

"OK, I'll send someone to come right away. You wait for me in the coffee shop downstairs of your company, and I'll send someone to pick you up." The other end of the phone is a mature and steady male voice.

"Well, good."

Xu Lei didn't say a few words to the other end of the phone. She sighed after she hung up the phone, as if this was not her choice, she was forced to be helpless.

But no one is her. Who can say that she is forced to be helpless? In other words, she is also forced by the day helpless?

When Yang Xiao arrived at the office building, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon.

"You see, when you hear David say what he looks like when he plans for a year, which one is not ambitious and aggressive. I'm right. It's a surprise. "

Wang Meng hooked up with Yang Xiao's shoulder and said that he was proud and excited, so he asked for help for the people.

"Who is not excited when he gets 50000 yuan? I can't thank boss Wang and boss David for contributing another 200000 yuan each. I think you're paying less. Like our boss Wang Meng, we should pay another 300000 yuan to keep up with boss David. " Yang Xiao joked that Wang Meng was bleeding this time.

"And you. Well, I've got all the limelight. I've got your share in the interview. I'm in the limelight. You've given me all my red envelopes. "

Wang Meng is very angry when he thinks about it. Well, if you follow Yang Xiao, I would not want to be the big wrongdoer.

"Wang Meng, boss Yingwu."

Yang Xiao opened a joke, turned back to the office.

The office and the Secretary's desk outside were empty. As soon as Yang Xiao arrived, he felt something was wrong. When he saw the resignation letter on the desk, he realized that something was really wrong and he was late again.

I don't know what Yang Xiao has been doing these two days. I haven't received a letter for many years. Even if it's not a love letter written by a girl, I'll forget it. Once I receive the two letters, they are all written by the person who has the closest contact with me. The identity of the person given is not clear and mysterious.

One was written to him by his father in his early years, and the other was a resignation letter that suddenly appeared. Yang Xiao could not accept both letters.

Xu Lei's resignation letter is very simple, just a few lines.

"I'm sorry, manager Yang. Assistant this job, adapt to a few days, not suitable for me, I choose to give up, hereby resign. Please approve. "

Yang Xiaodu is flustered. What is not suitable? Come and go as you like. Or with the richest man in Jiangzhou on the eye, want to hold hands to see each other tears, pour out love?

Of course, Yang Xiao knows that Xu Lei is not like this. There must be something wrong with it.

"The number you dialed is down." Yang Xiao's phone call to Xu Lei has been stopped. He has made several more calls one after another and got the same standard bass answer.

Yang Xiao looked hard at the wall and punched.

"Manager Yang, something's wrong. Something's wrong." Before Yang Xiao sat down, an employee of the company came to Yang Xiao's office and said something had happened.

"Calm down, what's going on?" Yang Xiao has not seen, the company's Xiao AI so haunted to find their own.

"Secretary Xu, she -- Secretary Xu, she --" Xiao AI was panting and couldn't speak clearly.

"Secretary Xu, she had an accident. She had a car accident downstairs. She fell down on the Road downstairs, unconscious and bleeding. The waiter of the cafe downstairs came up to report. We've already called the police and 120. The police and ambulance are coming up. You, go and have a look. "

Xiao AI has a big tongue when she talks.

Yang Xiao listened and ran downstairs.

A woman was in a coma in the middle of the road, bleeding all over the road. A large area of dark red blood, some coagulation into a block, the air filled with, are thick smell of blood.

Yang Xiao put Xu Lei's head on his lap.

Today, Xu Lei is wearing a floral skirt. It's rare that she doesn't wear professional clothes. Quiet down Xu Lei scattered bangs do not speak, quietly lying, like a movie inside the princess, elegant and beautiful.

The only disappointment is that the bloodstain has dyed her colorful skirt, and the folds have all fainted. It's just that Xu Lei, without all her clothes, is so quiet, pure and beautiful.

Yang Xiao blamed himself for not coming earlier. It can't be a simple car accident. It's not an accident at all. It's a deliberate assassination.

How can all this be concealed from Yang Xiao's eyes.

The trace left by the tire oil on the ground is not the trace left by the driver's emergency braking, otherwise the braking distance could not be so close.

The braking distance on the road is artificial, which can't hide the eyes of Yang Xiao.

It's true that Xu Lei's real fatal injury is in her head, but it's made of killer's special steel ball strike, not from a car crash. On the ground, the blood of Dashan is indeed Xu Lei's. There are several obvious cracks on her body.

Apparently, he was deliberately posing as the scene of the accident.

Fortunately, he arrived in time. Simple treatment saved half of Xu Lei's life, but I'm afraid that the head injury can only be recuperated in the hospital.

The secret behind Xu Lei must have something to do with Qian Dongsheng, but Yang Xiao doesn't know if it has anything to do with him. Yang Xiao only knows that he is distressed, but also blames himself. He knows that Xu Lei has a problem and why he has to wait until now, but it's too late to regret everything.

A day later.

The hospital came to the conclusion that Xu Lei was saved, but not saved. If she doesn't wake up for a week, she may be a vegetable.

Jiangzhou's Public Security Bureau also gave Yang Xiao a reply: the owner of the accident has been found and admitted to drunk driving.

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