/ Forest /

Shin could always be seen looking at himself, or rather admiring himself in his reflection of the lake.​​

He was not narcissistic or self-absorbed but he found his appearance just beautiful, hypnotic, celestial.

And then it was the first time he saw a mythical creature like the Phoenix in his whole life.

He had only seen mythical and legendary creatures in the books he read in the library.

The first fantastic creature he saw, even in this world he had not seen any fantastic creatures, only ordinary animals like rabbits, foxes, deer, ...

After observing himself in every nook and cranny, he turned and flew off towards the land and landed.

When he reached the land, his powerful wings created gusts of wind all around him.

The gusts of wind prevented the animals of the forest from getting close to him as they waited far away from him behind the trees for the time when the gusts would stop.

Shin finally landed on dry land and stowed his wings which were unfolded, imposing and intimidating.

When he landed, he didn't have time to ask the system that all the animals rushed towards him to surround him and look at him with admiration, love, admiration, respect as if they saw a God.

Which is half true.

Shin was amused by the reaction of the animals but quickly thought of something else because he didn't want to lose time and start his training.

"How do I become human again?"

[It's the same way as becoming a Phoenix but this time you want to become a human]

"Logical" said Shin as he mentally slapped himself for not being able to find that answer on his own.

He closed his eyes to return to absolute concentration.

Feeling the same as he had last time except that this time he felt his body get smaller and smaller.

At the same time as his body was getting smaller, he felt his arms and fingers re-forming in place of his wings.

His claws were lengthening to become legs and feet as Shin could again feel the ground in a much different way than when he was in his Phoenix form.

The flames that were once on his body and one with him disappeared as his body became smaller.

And finally, Shin's human body appeared with the last little flames that were leaking out of his hair, hands and his entire body.

Shin looked again at his body to see if everything was all right with it.

He saw his normal body still with his clothes on. A good point was that his clothes did not tear during the transformation.

In fact during his transformation into a human, we could see that the flames of the Phoenix transformed into his clothes and the reverse, when he transformed into a Phoenix, his clothes were transformed into flames.

"Practical" he said as he clenched his fists to get used to the sensation of having fingers. Even though he had only been transformed for a few minutes.

The transformation between his two forms was something he had to get used to.

Speaking of transformation, Shin wanted to experience something he had just thought of.

Before trying it, he only asked the animals to move away because he was going to practice.

"Can you move away? I might do some damage," Shin said with a smile. He always had a smile when it came to animals, he always loved animals.

Realizing what Shin was asking, the animals nodded their heads in approval and started to move all of them towards the forest so as not to disturb him.

"Thank you".

After seeing the animals walk away and thanking them, Shin focused on the experiment he wanted to try.

Shin closed his eyes to concentrate, not absolute concentration as in his transformations but rather focused on a specific point of his body.

His back.

He tried to feel it but only in his back.

And after a few seconds, he finally felt the warmth appear.

Feeling this heat, Shin concentrated it and circulated it through his back while imagining a pair of wings sprouting.

Concentrated and thinking hard, he suddenly felt a new limb appear in his back.

But even though he had like a new limb, he didn't feel any weight coming on.

He quickly opened his eyes to see the result of his experience.

He could see a large pair of feathered wings made of green flames in his back.

It was about 6 meters long each.

Shin's eyes glowed with ecstasy at the sight of her wings like a child and a proud smile formed on her face.

The reason Shin was proud of himself was because he didn't need the system to give him the idea to do it or tell him how to do it.

He knew it didn't take a lot of intelligence to think about it and get it done, but he was just happy to know that he could do it on his own and didn't need to rely on his system all the time for everything.

This is the problem that Shin had often noticed in novels and fanfiction, is that the main characters often tend to give all their problems to the system to solve them.

He never took the time to think about it or make the effort to try without his help. Shin could always understand it, they were coming into a new world and they were given an almost omnipotent system so it was normal to use it 100%.

But Shin thought that this way he did not face the normal difficulties that everyone has, they were constantly held by the hand.

Just like a mother with her child, one day the child has to move forward on his own without anyone's help.

The character has to move forward on his own without the help of the system.

Afterwards, Shin didn't say that he should never use it and enjoyed it but just refrain from using it in times when you could do the thing yourself.

In short, Shin was not them and he preferred to follow its resonance.

Shin refocused himself on the subject of wings.

"So, my theory is confirmed"

Since the moment the Shin returned to his human form, he thought that he might be able to get only the members of his body he wanted transformed into those of a Phoenix.

He wanted to control his transformations, his body at 100% and be able to freely change himself into either a human, a Phoenix, or only certain members of his body into a Phoenix.

Shin, seeing his success, closed his eyes to concentrate and try to make his wings disappear.

And after several seconds, they disappeared.

"Now, I'm going to do this until it becomes natural."

Shin was now going to practice to make sure that he didn't need to concentrate, close his eyes, etc. to form his wings.

That he can take them out without all this preparation, as naturally as possible and in all possible situations.

/ 1 hour later /

After what seemed like an hour of practice, he could make his wings appear and disappear whenever he wanted.

"How long did it take?"

[You took an hour, host]

Shin nodded his head satisfied with his performance.

1 hour to learn that when he had only learned to turn into a Phoenix for only about 1 hour and a few minutes, it was from his point of view a very good performance, very fast.

After the wings, he decided to now try to turn his arms into some kind of claws.

He knew the Phoenix had no claws, only claws, but he didn't really want to turn his legs into chicken legs.

That would be very weird and unsettling.

So he thought why not try to wrap his arm in flames to form claws instead of fingers.

Shin moved his arm in front of him and closed his eyes again to concentrate on his arm and feel the heat.

Shin used the same method again and after several seconds he felt his hand wrapped in a great heat.

Opening his eyes, he saw his entire arm wrapped in green flames while the flames at his fingertips were in the shape of sharp, pointed claws but not long ones.

(A bit like ichigo in getsuga tensho ultimate, at the moment he forms the blade, we can see that these hands that are wrapped in "darkness" have become like claws).

Seeing the result he wanted, satisfied, he began to practice as for the wings.

/ 1 hour later /

"Always the same time?"

[Yes, host]

"Good" Shin nodded with satisfaction and returned his arm to its human form.

He had now practiced the partial Phoenix transformation for wings and claws.

Apart from these two parts, there were no others. He didn't want to form a beak because it would be very weird, the same for the legs so he concluded that he had finished for this part of the training.

His transformation from human to Phoenix was totally mastered.

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