"Now that the subject of transformation is settled, all I have to do is solve the problem of magic."

Shin knew that he had to learn magic to defend himself because his body alone would not be enough.​​

Physical strength is important but it can quickly be dominated by magic.

Even more so in a world like Fairy Tail where magic is the daily life of the inhabitants of this world.


Name: Shin Ai / Age: 18 (physically and mentally)

Breed: Phoenix God

Title : None

Lineage: God of Life

Total power: A (low)

Competence :

- Immortality: You are immune to all types of diseases and have eternal youth. Thanks to your lineage, your healing has been taken to a higher level allowing you to heal all types of non-lethal injuries in seconds (such as the regeneration of a limb).

- Rebirth: As a phoenix, when you die, you will not turn into ashes but into a flame to be reborn after an unknown time.

- Flame Control: As a Phoenix, a flame-headed species and being at the top, you will have perfect control over the fire element giving you immunity to the fire element but the strength of the flames will depend on the power of the host.

- The shape of the phoenix: Switch to the shape of the phoenix which will increase your total power by one step.

Elements : Fire (Supreme), Water (Low), Earth (Low), Wind (Low), Light (Low), Darkness (Low), Space (Medium), Time (Low)

Shin asked for his status only to look at items with which he had mastered well enough to be used.

He remembered that he had a supreme mastery of the element of fire and medium for space but he had not really looked at the others.

"Ahah, I see." Seeing his mastery with the other elements, Shin chuckled.

Except for fire and space, all his elements were at a low level of mastery.

"Ah, I guess I'll focus on the elements of fire."

With a sigh, Shin had no choice but to focus on the element of fire.

But he knew that he would still have to look at the other elements later.

It was always helpful to know all the elements, he didn't want to fall into a situation where he would need it and not be able to use it because he didn't want to concentrate on it.

He would blame himself.

Even though he could now fly to get around. But if he was ever lazy he would have a solution.

"I wonder if I could merge several elements"

Shin wondered because he had seen a lot of manga, manhua, manhwa, ect where a character had a mastery of several elements and merged them together to create a powerful attack.

[Indeed host, you will be able to merge several elements together to create powerful attacks but you will need at least a superior mastery of the elements to be able to use them].

"Superior?!" It was very high, he knew that his supreme mastery of fire was due to an accumulation of reason related to fire as his race, his soul, his system and that to have a supreme mastery, it would take an enormous talent and a lot of time.

So to tell him that the elements had to be at least of a superior mastery was quite discouraging. Even a superior mastery was enormous, after all it was the mastery just before supreme that gave you a divine mastery of the element.

[Yes host, you need a superior mastery of the element because an element fusion is something very dangerous if it is not controlled and could cause enormous damage if it is out of control. That's why a superior mastery is required to do it. Moreover, the more elements merged together, the higher the difficulty of merging and the more powerful the attack is].

Shin understood the reason why an if at the mastery level was required and he was glad he asked before he tried otherwise he would have killed himself.

Well, at least he has a new reason to increase his level of mastery for the other elements.

But it's true that hearing the system say that attacks from merged elements were very powerful and dangerous, it gave him chills.

He was afraid of encountering an enemy using a merged element attack when he was not strong enough to resist it. Even more so if one person mastered all the elements.

[The host need not worry, a person who can control several elements is quite rare, especially above 4 elements. And meeting a person with several elements at a higher level of mastery is also rare, especially in this world. This will be less rare in the higher and supreme worlds, and as for a person who can master all 8 elements, this is only possible for a divine person or a person with divine talent, but it is extremely rare even in a supreme world]

Shin was relieved to know this, but there will always be people who can master several elements and perhaps even merge 2 elements in the higher and supreme worlds.

And he suspected that his next world would be a higher world, to go to a supreme world just after an average world would be suicide.

So he will have to leave the world of Fairy Tail when he is sure that he can take care of a person like that.

He will therefore have to leave the world of Fairy Tail when he is sure that he can take care of such a person.

For now, he must get used to the element of fire rather than learn to master it since he already has a supreme mastery of the fire element.

"I guess I have to feel the magic in my body and imagine a flame," Shin ȧssumed.

[You are right host, you must feel the energy inside your body, imagine it and turn it into a flame]

After a few seconds, he felt a new flow through his body and decided to concentrate it in his hand as he opened his hand.

He imagined that this flow in his body was magic.

As he managed to concentrate the magic in his palm, he imagined a green flame.

After a little while imagining it, he felt something form in his hand.

When he opened his eyes, he could see without great surprise the appearance of a flame in his hands.

A beautiful big green flame crackling and giving the impression of being alive.

Seeing this, Shin thought about the flame taking the shape of a heart.

The flame in his hand then twisted in all directions, danced in his hand and took the shape of a burning heart.

Shin's eyes glowed with excitement like a child in front of his new toy.

A firework, a dragon, a human, a telephone, a sword, a spear, a bow, ect.

A moment of pŀėȧsurė and fun does not hurt anyone.

Shin then stopped his activity to focus on more useful ways to use the flame.

He made the flame disappear in his hand to refocus on circulating his mana and think of an attack he could try.

Then he came up with an idea of an attack he wanted to try, to see if he could do it too.

He hurried his mana flow towards his mouth while thinking about the attack he wanted to try and the flame he wanted to create.

At the same time, he breathed in a deep breath of air and his ċhėst bulged from all the air he was breathing in.

Feeling the attack coming, Shin suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth wide as he exhaled all the air he had accumulated.

But with the air, a torrent of flame came out of his mouth like a dragon spitting fire.

When they reached the forest, the flames continued to make their way as they engulfed all the trees in their path.

What can be called a roar of fire continued until it reached several kilometers and hit the mountain on the other side of the forest.


A huge explosion of flames burst on the mountain forming a huge sphere of green flames engulfing the whole mountain.

The explosion caused tremors that even reached Shin as the impact created a shock wave that spread while creating gusts of wind that swept everything in its path.

Seeing gusts of terrifying wind that could carry him away and make him fly across a whole country, Shin embedded his feet in the ground with all his might until he saw a small crater under his feet and moved his arms in front of his eyes to protect them.

Then the gusts of wind came to him as he felt an enormous force pushing him backwards.

To decrease the force of the wind, Shin created his wings of fire and moved them forward in front of him to slow down the force of the wind as much as possible.

The wind was so strong that he felt an enormous pressure on him pushing him further into the ground and enlarging the crater under his feet.

After a few seconds of intensive resistance, the shock wave and gusts of wind stopped while the place where Shin was washed away with dust.

One could no longer even see a few centimeters in front of him. It was like a huge fog.

Seeing this, Shin kept his arms and wings in front of his eyes to protect himself from the dust.

After waiting a few minutes, Shin opened his eyes halfway and lowered his right arm a little to see if the dust was gone.

He saw that the dust was almost completely gone and that he could now completely see in front of him.

So he retracted his wings, lowered his arms and opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he opened them the second he opened them.

What he saw shocked him.

The path that the roar of flame took was completely destroyed and burned.

The earth was destroyed, dead and dry without any greenery.

The other side of the mountain that he could not see before because of the trees was now completely visible in front of him.

Except that there was no more mountain but a huge crater in its place.

"Shin" was shocked by what he had just done.

He didn't think that he had put so much power into his attack and even less that he was going to produce this kind of result.

Feeling guilty and filled with guilt for the forest and the animals, Shin crouched down and put his hand on the ground and circulated an enormous amount of life energy through the ground on a perimeter that surrounded all the places where the forest and greenery was burned.

The Life energy spread to every nook and cranny of the places where Shin's attack had passed.

The greenery, the trees, the plants, everything began to grow back and come to life at a surprising speed.

Continuing to circulate the Energy of Life, Shin finally managed to grow back everything he had destroyed. Except for the huge crater and the mountain that he could not restore.

"For the sake of discretion, I think it's a failure," Shin sighed in defeat. After what he had just done, it was an invitation to people to come and see him.

He then got up, but when he got up, he felt an enormous fatigue and his whole body became heavy and numb.

He could no longer stand upright and his body started to pitch as he started to fall forward.

His eyes began to close with fatigue and his eyelids became heavy.

"What?" Shin didn't understand what had happened to him.

[The excessive use of magic and Life Energy caused enormous fatigue and loss of strength in the host's body. The host must rest to regain energy and recover].

Hearing the declaration of the system, Shin's eyes closed completely as his body fell to the ground.

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