A.N: Quick question, what should I call the divine kingdom "of Shin"?

Otherwise, I know that the updates are not regular but I remind you that writing is not a talent nor a necessity but a pŀėȧsurė and a hobby. I don't always feel like writing so I don't write, I don't feel like posting so I don't post. But I still try to stay around 1 chapter per week even if I don't always manage to do so.​​




Irene had joined them in their hug.

"I think it's time to end this," said the Archbishop.

But they had no time to enjoy it when a huge fireball rushed at them.

Shin pulled out one of his wings to protect them.


The fireball made an explosion but had no effect.

"Sorry but we'll have to continue later" said Shin as he separated himself from his daughter and wife.

"You're right but I'd rather not be disturbed" replied the Archbishop as corpses began to rise from the ground and fifteen figures appeared beside the Archbishop.

There were thousands of corpses that looked human, on all levels throughout the city and even outside.

And the fifteen figures next to the Archbishop were all AAA (middle) or (high) level.

"That's quite an army you've got there," said Shin, looking at the Archbishop without any concern.

"It is. These are my beautiful creations. You are still as I imagined you would be, eternal youth has come to you" replied the Archbishop with an almost friendly smile.

Shin hadn't changed in those 400 years except for the fact that he had long hair that was tied back in a ponytail.

"Master, let me face him" One of the men next to him asked the Archbishop.

"You! How dare you interrupt the master" One of the women replied.

The Archbishop did not answer but looked at the man and smiled.

The man understood at once and did not wait and ran towards Shin.

"You!" said the woman but was stopped by the Archbishop's hand.

"Leave him be. That will teach him," said the Archbishop.

"Shin" Irene wanted to intervene but Shin smiled at her and told them to back off.

"Enchantment! Increased strength x10!" said the man as he came in front of Shin.

Around the man's right arm appeared a magic circle as his arm grew huge.



He threw the punch as his punch swept everything in its path.

The power of the punch created gusts of wind and a cloud of dust.

Erza, Irene and the others had been protected by a shield from Irene.

"Ahahah, master, this man is not that strong, I don't see what's so special about him" the man gloated as the dust before him hid everything.

"What?!" Then the dust cleared and the man could see that his punch had been stopped by a feather from a wing of Shin.

Suddenly the man felt a huge pressure that suffocated him as Shin swung with the wing that had stopped the punch.

The man was thrown back at the Archbishop at full speed with countless wounds on his body.

The people next to the Archbishop had sweat on their foreheads as they saw the man's condition while Shin did not move.

"Know your own strength next time" said the Archbishop as he healed the man.

'Healing magic?' thought Shin.

"Are you ready to fight?" asked Shin, addressing the others behind him.

"Irene and I will take two," said Zeref.

Zeref and Irene were both obviously of S (weak) rank, which meant they could take at least two at once.

The fifteen figures were annoyed at being picked off like that so four figures disappeared from their places at once and two appeared on Zeref and the other two on Irene.

"Irene" As Zeref and Irene responded to the attacks, Zeref looked at Irene and nodded.

Irene nodded in response and waved her hand at Shin as a magic circle appeared and an old man stepped out.

"Shin, this is August, a very powerful mage working for me," Zeref said to Shin.

"He is..." said Shin as he realized August's true identity.

"August, take one of the people over there" said Zeref pointing to the remaining figures next to the Archbishop.

Then Zeref and Irene continued their fight further.

"It is an honour to meet a myth like you" said August respectfully while looking at the figures.

"Likewise" replied Shin with a smile.

"Daddy! I want to fight by your side!" shouted Erza as she walked towards her father.

"Nah Erza, he's too powerful for you" said Shin seriously.

"But!" Erza tried to argue but was cut off.

"No buts. Take care of one of those over there. I know you can do it, you're my daughter after all" Shin said carefully and proudly.

Erza was moved but she replied with a smile saying that she made him proud.

Then the figures next to the Archbishop all engaged in a fight with the Fairy Tail members and August.

August also fought against two people because he was also at S ( low) rank.



Outside, the entire Fairy Tail guild had also arrived after making contact with Zeref and Irene.

They were all fighting against thousands of enemies.

The whole city and its surroundings had become a battlefield.

Only August was present because Zeref had met him by chance without any specific purpose and he was his son.

He was sorry, but there was nothing more he could do, and he had saved them from certain death.

Shin felt a movement so he looked up and saw the Archbishop with a spear in his hands.


It was an ordinary spear but the Archbishop threw it with such force that it split the air.

Shin didn't move and when the spear got closer, the spear suddenly accelerated.

"Shin was a little surprised but he dodged it by tilting his head to the side however, remembering a scene, he quickly took the spear in his hand.

The spear didn't stop and continued on while Shin was still clutching it, crossing the city and destroying all obstacles in their way.

In one movement, Shin turned around and dug his feet into the ground to stop, but only stopped several miles away.


When he was stopped, he turned around directly and swung the spear towards the Archbishop.

But Shin's strength and physique was far superior to the Archbishop's, so the spear was even more powerful and faster and even began to disintegrate in the air.

The Archbishop was serene and caught it in mid-air with one hand while only the shaft of the spear remained.

"!" The Archbishop's arm with which he had caught the spear suddenly burst into blood.

The spear had been thrown with so much force that when it was stopped dead in its tracks, it created a slight shockwave that gave the wind propulsion and made it sharp.

The Archbishop had no time to be astonished as Shin ran towards him.

"Hmph!" With a disdainful sigh, the Archbishop swung his arm and a wall of huge vines shot out of the one and towards Shin.

Running, Shin swung his arm upwards and a wall of very solid earth stood against the vines.


The vines collided with the wall but despite some cracks in the huge wall, it had not moved.

Arriving at the wall, Shin leapt to the top of the wall and landed on the other side with the vines behind him.

And when his foot touched the ground, the huge vines caught fire.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Shin kicked the ground hard and propelled himself towards the Archbishop leaving a crater behind.

The Archbishop enclosed Shin in a sphere of flame but Shin absorbed the flames.

When he was absorbed, he was greeted by a vine.

Shin pressed his foot into the air as if he were walking through the air and the element of wind gathered around his foot, giving him a little propulsion.

Shin did a forward somersault while dodging the vine and landed on it.

While running on the vine, Shin was surprised by a thorn that grew out from under him, so he shifted to the side but the thorn was able to make a slight graze on his cheek.

And when it did, Shin suddenly felt his body undergo different effects.

The slight graze hurt more than before, his senses were blurred.

Without him seeing it, thousands of vines had gathered behind the Archbishop covering the sky and were all thrown towards Shin.

Continuing forward as if he didn't know what was happening, the vines coming towards him were all cut off instantly.

A green spear appeared in Shin's hands as he stopped running.

He stood on guard, put his spear behind him and gathered his magic power into his spear.

Swinging his spear, he released a huge horizontal slash that sliced through the thousands of vines coming towards him.

He then propelled himself even faster with the element of wind and came face to face with the Archbishop.



The two rushed at each other with his spear and the other with his fists.

Each attack created a shockwave of increasing violence.

Sometimes, some of the Archbishop's movements were predicted by Shin, so he took the opportunity to throw a few punches that left a big mark on the Archbishop's body.

Then Shin tightened his fist and punched the Archbishop in the stomach, sending him to the ground.


"You! We are on the same level and yet...!" said the Archbishop angrily.

The Archbishop stood up and a flame appeared on his hand while his other hand was surrounded by Curse Power.

And he brought these two powers together to combine them.


The fusion exerted a strong pressure that seemed to crush the Archbishop's body.

"A fusion of two elements," Shin muttered without much surprise but with some caution.

"Ah!" The Archbishop shouted and nine pillars of black flame shot up from the ground and into the sky to surround Shin.

Shin was suspicious of these black flames so he tried to absorb them but was surprised that he couldn't.

"They aren't really flames, Curse Power modified it and it's more of a curse than a flame" Shin muttered as the pillars twisted and turned towards him.

The water element appeared in Shin's hand and he swung his arm so that a water bubble was created around him.

The pillars collided against the water bubble from all sides and the bubble didn't seem to be able to hold for long.

Shin thought and found a way, at the end of his spear appeared a ball of light.

He threw his spear even higher into the sky, reached for his spear to stop it and turn it back towards him, then reached for the ground where drops of water had gathered from the bubble.

Shin squeezed the points and a column of light fell from the sky from the spear while a column of water spurted from the ground.

The two columns came towards Shin and met to merge together in Shin's water bubble.

Shin's water bubble was now glowing with a bright light and Shin swung his arm as if to give a command, the water bubble glowed and water dragons came out of either side of the water shield.

The dragons rushed towards the columns of black fire to engulf them and then raged all around at the Archbishop's soldiers to help the others.

"I will kill you!" the Archbishop shouted with a hateful look and a dark voice.


He put all his strength into his feet and threw himself into the air leaving behind a huge crater that destroyed most of the square.

Halfway through, his body glowed and his form changed to a huge black and red demonic looking western dragon.

Shin looked back at him and became a little more serious as his eyes had a glint in them.

Shin's holy water dragons changed direction and went towards the Archbishop's dragon form.

The Archbishop swung his powerful claw at the dragons and cut them down.


The Archbishop roared and opened his mouth to let out a roar of black flames.

Shin immediately retracted his sacred water bubble and drew a circle with his finger towards the roar as the sacred water turned into a huge shield in the sky and Shin reached his other hand towards his spear even higher in the sky to retrieve it.

The roar and the shield made contact but the roar could not pass through the shield.


With his other hand, Shin threw his spear towards the Archbishop.

The spear went through the shield and cut the roar in half but the Archbishop realized it in time and managed to narrowly dodge it but he was still cut from the torso down to his stomach.


And just as he was about to go back, he heard a roar.

That roar alone had everyone on the battlefield startled, stunned and terrified for the most part.

"So there it is," said the Archbishop unseriously and a drop of sweat.

"This is going to get complicated" said Shin seriously and with a drop of sweat but inside his blood was boiling.

"Let us deal with him, Shin!" Suddenly, a deep, powerful voice was heard from nowhere.

Shin looked towards where he had heard the voice and could see Natsu as he held his ċhėst, glowing.

Shin's eyes widened as he remembered who it was.

*ROAR* (x5)

Five roars were heard from every corner of the city as giant shadows came towards Shin.

"Igneel, Metalicana, Grandeeney, Skiadrum and Weisslogia!" said Shin with joy and longing.

"It's been a long time, old friend," said Igneel.


"Igneel!" Downstairs, shouts were heard as everyone gathered after dealing with the Archbishop's minions.

They were in a sorry state.

Shin looked at Erza and Irene with a smile while the dragons looked at their children with a smile.

"The five of us will take care of him," Weisslogia said, looking at the Archbishop.

"Okay, I'll take care of the big one" said Shin.

"We're counting on you" replied the five dragons.

"You think I'm going to let you-" shouted the Archbishop angrily but he didn't have time to finish as he was ȧssaulted by the five dragons and carried away.

The five dragon slayers were running towards the destination where he had gone to help their parent.

Then Shin looked in one direction as the air around him began to grow heavier.


"Daddy" Shin heard Erza scream and gave her a smile to comfort her.

"It's okay, daddy will take care of it."

In front of Shin, a huge flying figure arrived.

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