Following the roar, everyone in the city, dragons, humans, the Archbishop's creations, all looked towards the one who had made the roar.

The huge black dragon arrived and stopped several feet in front of Shin, looking at him.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it? "Shin said calmly but you could feel a little anger behind it.

"That's right, my body still remembers you," Acnologia said as she looked at her missing arm with hidden hatred.

"I'm here for the dragons but since you're here, I'll make an exception!" said Acnologia looking at the dragons and dragonslayers before flying towards Shin at high speed.


Shin rushed towards him and transformed into his Phoenix form and the two collided.

They clawed and winged each other, flew away and destroyed the whole landscape around them.

The mountains were destroyed, the rivers dried up, the forests burnt and the plains became deserted.

All this destruction was spread out over miles.

At S rank, they are powerful enough to destroy an empire or even a small island.




Their high-speed collision created powerful shockwaves that could be felt even in the city as they moved several miles away and were high in the sky.

Shin stopped and gave a powerful wing strike propelling him directly above the clouds as Acnologia hurried after him.


"This is..." stammered Gray.

"Terrifying," Lucy finished, her eyes wide and terrified.

In the sky, a gigantic pillar of fire descended from the sky, dissipating the clouds and sinking into the earth.

The earth around it shook for a few seconds before it stopped.

This attack was so powerful and wide that it could have easily engulfed the city if it had wanted to.

Shin above the clouds used a large amount of magical power.

But by becoming S (middle) rank, his magic power reserves had increased considerably so the magic power consumption of this attack was reasonable.

At S (middle) rank, you can destroy an empire or a small island (like Tenrou Island)

Then, Shin hurriedly descended into the huge hole in the ground that you couldn't even see the bottom of.


As he descended, lightning bolts formed around his wings and swung them towards the hole.



Huge and numerous flashes of lightning erupted all around the hole and went to the bottom causing several small explosions.

The attacks had filled the hole with a thick dust that made it impossible to see inside.


As an angry roar was heard, Acnologia emerged from the dust and engaged in a rush of blows against Shin.



Tails, wings, claws, jaws, the two fought mercilessly in the sky.

Each contact between their two huge and powerful bodies created powerful shockwaves and the speed of their movement made them both almost invisible to the nȧkėd eye.

"You are a worthy enemy! You are even stronger than before!" laughed Acnologia.

He had scratches and cuts all over his body, while Shin had nothing.

That was the advantage of regeneration like his.

Especially since when he woke up, he had awakened his lineage to 50%.

As a result, his regeneration abilities were now at a level where he could truly be called Immortal.

As before, he is immune to and can heal all types of diseases and poisons, but now light wounds and loss of limbs will regenerate instantly, while mortal wounds such as having his head or heart destroyed will regenerate within hours.

He is literally untouchable, except when it comes to his soul, the only way he can die is if his soul is destroyed but it is very difficult if not impossible so he didn't worry too much about it.

A certain amount of his blood could make a person immortal, the amount of Life Energy his body can exert has become greater and more powerful.

Its amount is such that it could heal a whole planet.

Therefore, the Life Energy in his body and blood makes his body even stronger.

At his rank or below, it is not foolish to think that he is invincible.

"Yes, I'm definitely stronger than I was before," Shin replied calmly, realizing this fact.

As the two of them charged at each other, Shin reverted to his human form at the last moment, conjured up his spear in his hand and slashed.


Acnologia knew how to react in a second as he transformed into his human form and lost some hair.


Acnologia rushed towards Shin, gathering destructive magic power around his hand and striking him.


Shin had reached out his hand and recalled the spear of life which returned to his hand to protect himself from the attack.

The attack had created an explosion of destructive magic power that engulfed Shin but he and his spear emerged completely unscathed.

He was surprised that his spear could withstand it without a scratch, whereas the last time, with a much weaker Acnologia, it had cracked a bit.

''State'' thought Shin as he was surprised to see the information in front of him.

[Name: Spear of Life Rank: King]

"Well, looks like I'm not the only one who got stronger" Shin muttered with a smile seeing some good news.

"Argh" Acnologia grunted in displeasure as her attack was countered so easily.

Shin propelled himself at Acnologia as he prepared a roar.

But this time, the roar was smaller and more compacted into a kind of beam and Shin ducked to dodge it as Acnologia moved her head and the beam moved as well.


Behind Shin, there was a chain of explosions because of this attack.

The roar even split into several but Shin managed to dodge them with ease.

Then, as a surprise, Shin's eyes flashed a dark blue star and he instantly appeared in front of Acnologia to the latter's surprise.


Shin swung his spear and sliced Acnologia's torso, and Acnologia tried to protect himself with his arm, but the arm he tried to use was the one that Shin had cut off.

Blood spurted from the wound that made his entire torso as Acnologia lost her balance with surprise and pain but managed to get out of the way.

"Y-You!!!" Acnologia said with difficulty and rage, her magical power unleashed along with a powerful killing aura.

This aura could be felt for dozens of miles.

The people below fell under the pressure and most of them were sick under the deadly aura.

Zeref, Irene, August were still standing but were sweating under the power.

Erza was under pressure but less than the others thanks to her stronger body and the Life energy inherited from her father who protected her.

As for the dragon fights, although much further away, they still felt this power and were surprised but decided to trust Shin as he went to finish the Archbishop after a rather fierce fight.

"I'm going to kill all the dragons and you are in my way! Then I shall eliminate you and everyone in this place!" Acnologia said grimly with rage as he transformed into his dragon form and opened his wings wide.

Behind him, thousands of stars shot out in a beam of destructive magic power accompanied by house-sized meteors.

Shin's eyebrows furrowed.

There are a lot of them and some pretty big ones, if they all fall on the city, it will be destroyed and there will be many deaths' Shin thought seriously.

Shin backed up to the hill surrounding the town.



Shin heard two shouts behind him which was Irene and Erza, down at the bottom of the hill.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it but Irene, deploy a shield around the town, I can take care of it but I don't guarantee that there won't be any debris when the others, take care of the few debris that might get through" Shin said calmly and seriously looking at his wife and daughter serenely.

"Okay!" Both nodded confidently as they set off with the others.

"!" As Shin smiled at his wife and daughter, he seemed to sense several extremely powerful auras that he had never felt before.

He quickly turned his head in the sky in one direction but saw nothing.

Weird' thought Shin.

He was sure he had sensed several auras around here that were very familiar, as if they were familiar.

He was on guard because he was confident in his senses but he couldn't help but be relieved.

The auras he had felt were phenomenally powerful, he knew he didn't stand a chance by only feeling the aura for a few seconds.

I don't have time to worry about that right now, if those beings wanted to attack, they would have' Shin thought in light of the current situation as he turned his attention back to Acnologia.

He held out his hand, a flame appeared in it and floated into the sky.

The flame expanded into a huge wall of fire as the wall of fire condensed into thousands of fire spears.

"Die !!!!" roared Acnologia.

The thousands of stars and meteors came at great speed as Shin held out his palm, causing the thousands of fire spears to shoot towards the stars and meteors.







Thousands of explosions burst in the sky as if there was a war.

Each fire spear collided with a star and exploded as the meteors passed the spears.

Seeing this, Shin tapped his foot concentrated with magic power on the ground.

The ground shook and a bright green light appeared on the ground.



Green phoenixes emerged from the ground surrounded and made of magic power giving shape to columns of green magic power that came out of the ground and went into the sky.

These phoenixes all went to destroy the meteors one by one as the sky was conquered by multiple explosions.

Some debris fell on the city but were destroyed by the others or protected by Irene's barrier.


This went on for several minutes and then the phoenixes attacked Acnologia who was struggling to tear them apart and devour them.

During this time, Shin took advantage of this and called for his spear in his hand.

When the spear was in his hand, it was surrounded by Life Energy as Shin walked into the sky as if there were steps in front of him.

He walked as he was surrounded by explosions and arrived a few meters in front of Acnologia.

During this time, his spear was also surrounded by black energy.

This black energy was the element of darkness.

Acnologia had had time to devour the phoenixes so seeing this, Shin's eyes flashed as on the ground beneath Acnologia, hundreds of earthen chains came out of the ground and chained Acnologia.

"You think this will work?! I can devour anything!" said Acnologia angrily and arrogantly as he began to devour the chains around him.

"Hmph" Shin laughed at him as Acnologia noticed something about the chains.

Each chain had a huge amount of magical power, so devouring them all would take far too long! And time, he didn't have any!



Acnologia roared in anger as he struggled in vain.

Then suddenly, the life energy and dark element surrounding the spear of life burst forth and became more and more powerful and intense.

Seeing this, Acnologia felt very bad and struggled even more, devouring the chains desperately.

"You know, Acnologia, I wish I could have given you a chance, only I realize that you could have taken that chance a long time ago," Shin said, looking at Acnologia with slight pity.

"A doctor turned murderer... You've done too much harm, and more importantly, you've harmed my family" Shin said as he raised his spear to the sky.

Everyone in the city watched this scene in silence as the explosions stopped.

Even Acnologia had stopped moving and looked at Shin as she heard what he had said.

"You can't live anymore," Shin said in a calm, decisive voice that sounded cold to everyone.

"Life Energy is the energy that gives birth to all so if it is mixed with the element of darkness that is linked to Death Energy, your soul will be erased and destroyed forever.

Everyone, including Acnologia, widened their eyes.

It was cruel. But some deserve a second chance, others do not.

Let's stop the hypocrisy, second chances can't be given to everyone.

"How..- Why..." stammered Acnologia but couldn't finish her sentence as Shin's eyes flashed with a cold glow and his spear lowered.



... Silence. Only the sound of the wind cutting and the chains could be heard.

A huge black veil hundreds of metres high erupted, rising upwards and darkening the sky.

After a few seconds, the massive veil dissipated and gave way to a deep rift for a few kilometres.

Acnologia's body was no longer shackled by the chains but was still in the sky, motionless with lifeless eyes.

Strangely enough, his body was somehow intact, not counting all the wounds suffered before this attack, he had nothing more.

But his soul had been completely annihilated.

"Farewell," Shin said in a monotone voice with cold eyes.

At these words, Acnologia's body seemed to give up all effort and fell into the deep rift until it could no longer see him.

At the same time, the Archbishop had been killed by the dragons.

"We won!!!" After the silence, all the mages jumped for joy, celebrating their victory.

All were happy, having won their battle.

Erza looked at his father with stars in his eyes while Zeref and Irene looked at him with a smile.

"Finally finished," said the two.

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