The war was now over.

They all joined at the end in the middle of the square as Shin was reunited with his family with Erza holding on to him.

Shin healed all the people who were injured and unwell but could not save the dead so a minute's silence for the dead was held before they were buried.

A huge party was held at the Fairy Tail guild.

The atmosphere was incredible and everyone was laughing and getting to know each other.

Mavis and Zeref were finally able to get together again and talk to each other quietly thanks to Shin's presence to prevent the curse from working.

After a good hour of discussion, they left the room to be greeted by everyone.

"Thank you all for accepting me," Zeref said sincerely.

"It's okay, you're not so bad after all" said Natsu with a big smile.

"That's true. You've had a pretty hard life all things considered, you're a victim too" said Gray with understanding.

After talking, the whole truth about Zeref, Tartaros and END was revealed.

It had been hard for Natsu and Gray to digest but after being put in their place by Erza, they finally accepted and got over it.

The disappearance of the dragons was also hard on the dragon slayers but they managed to get over it thanks to their friend and the family they had.

Shin smiled as he stood up from the table where Irene and Erza were sitting.

"Come on," Shin said as he looked at his wife and daughter and walked over to Zeref and Mavis.

"Zeref," Shin calls as Zeref looks at him curiously.

"It's about time I kept my promise" Shin replied with a genuine smile.

"You mean..." Zeref widened his eyes as he remembered that promise.

"Yes, come on, I have a lot to tell you" Shin said looking at Zeref, Mavis, Irene and Erza.

"We'll be right back" says Shin to the others.

They head to the room and lock themselves in as Irene sets up a barrier to isolate the room at Shin's request.

"What's going on dad?" asked Erza curiously.

"Yeah, you're weird" said Irene at Shin's strange attitude while Zeref nodded in affirmation.

"I know, I'll explain, but first Zeref..." replied Shin calmly and then looked towards Zeref.

Zeref and Mavis approached Shin with some pressure.

Was he really going to be free of this curse?

Shin held out his hand to the two as Life Energy shot out of his hand and enveloped Zeref and Mavis' entire bodies.

Unbelievable!" thought Zeref and Mavis as they felt the power of this energy! He had never felt such powerful yet gentle energy.

And after a few seconds, it all stopped and they both checked in their own way to see that they were finally free!

Both cried with joy and threw themselves into each other's arms for several minutes.

"Sorry and thank you for everything, my friend" Zeref said to Shin, embarrassed with immense gratitude with which Mavis agreed.

"It's okay after all you are my friend" Shin replied happily and satisfied.

"Now it's time for you to talk about my secret, my past," said Shin, regaining some seriousness.

Everyone became serious, especially Irene.

As a wife, she didn't know it herself.

She had never asked about his past, waiting for the moment when he would tell her.

"Take my hand and close your eyes, it will be easier to show you and explain like this" Shin said as he held out his hand and they took it.


"What happened? Can we open our eyes daddy?" asked Erza having sensed that they were not in the same place anymore.

"Yes" replied Shin as everyone opened their eyes and was shocked.

He was now in the middle of an island surrounded by a lake that was itself surrounded by a forest that seemed to go on forever.

And in the middle of the island stood the biggest and most beautiful tree they had ever seen in their lives.

The air was light and pleasant to breathe, the atmosphere was soothing, pure and tranquil while nature was so green.

"It's... it's beautiful," Irene said, her mouth agape.

"Woah, what is this place dad?!" shouted Erza excitedly.

Zeref and Mavis were in contemplation.

"Follow me, I'll explain everything" said Shin with a smile as he spread his wings and flew to the top of the tree while the others followed him.

At the top of this tree was a huge wooden cottage the size of a mansion and yet at the top of the tree trunk there was still so much room.

"This is..." said Irene as she saw the cottage but was interrupted.

"This is our new home," Shin replied.

"I know it's not as big as your old palace but..."

"Don't tell me, I love it" interrupted Irene as she gave a kiss and took his hand to go inside.

The interior was very warm and cosy with a ground floor and two upper floors.

Eventually they sat down on the large sofa in the living room and Shin began to explain everything.

Their expressions ranged from shocked to sad and surprised Shin had said it all.

It was coming from another world, being reincarnated, becoming a God of a new universe, the functioning and rank of Gods and universes, the existence of several universes, etc. He only left out the system and the fact that their world came from an anime because he didn't find it relevant to them at the moment.

"It's... unbelievable to say the least" Zeref said as he learned of the existence of multitudes of universes, gods, etc. but he was excited about it.

He had always been a person with a thirst for knowledge.

Shin looked at Irene and saw that she was upset about something but gave her a smile to show that everything was fine.

"Daddy is amazing! The best and the strongest!" said Erza as she threw herself into Shin's arms with sparkling eyes.

And just like that, they continued talking for several hours. Zeref was particularly diligent in learning about the universe.

"Besides, won't the others get worried when they see we're not coming back?" asked Zeref.

"Don't worry, time in the divine realm doesn't pass the same way as in the 'mortal' worlds, for them we'll only be gone a few minutes."

"Good," Zeref said, listening carefully to Shin and writing it down in his head.

"That's why I'm coming to a subject I wanted to talk to you about" Shin said seriously, looking at Zeref.

"Zeref, would you like to become a God of the divine realm?"

"What? To become a God? But how? I don't have the power and then from what I understand, I'm not from your universe so how?" asked Zeref calmly after being more than surprised by Shin's question.

"There is a way. Irene can extract Fairy Heart from Mavis' body allowing you to have the qualities to become a God. Of course, you won't become a God like that but in time you will."

"And as for the universe, there is only the divine realm at the moment in my universe and via me you will be able to enter it and thus cultivate to become a God and when that is done you will be linked to the divine realm and thus to my universe. Of course, you will have the opportunity to become a God after absorbing Fairy Heart, but the chances of success are not 100%, it's up to you" Shin said.

"I..." stammered Zeref as he looked at Mavis.

"I can't.." But before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted.

"If it's Mavis' fate that you're worried about, don't worry, being the essence behind Fairy Heart and with our help, Mavis will have the opportunity to become a God to stay by your side" Shin said with a comforting smile.

Zeref and Mavis were surprised by this news but looked at each other with a new look.

"We agree" said Zeref and Mavis at the same time.

They hadn't thought about it. They had found a way to be together forever and live happily and quietly to recoup all that lost year.

"Good," said Shin, happy to see that his friend had made this decision.

"Dad, when they become Gods, what rank will they be?" asked Erza curiously.

'System?" thought Shin.

[Zeref has the potential to become a first class God by absorbing Fairy Heart while Mavis can become a third class God]

'Thank you' thought Shin.

"Zeref can become a first class god by absorbing Fairy Heart while Mavis can become a third class god" said Shin perhaps expecting Mavis to be disappointed.

"As long as we're together" said Mavis giving Zeref a fulfilling smile.

"Yes, and then I'll protect you if ever" said Zeref with a sneer.

"What about me and Mom?" asked Erza to Shin with sudden expectation.

[Erza has the potential to become a first class god with very few equals while Irene can become a first class god]

"Mom can become a first class goddess while you, my princess, can become a first class goddess with almost no equals!" said Shin with amusement and excitement for the last part.

Following this, Erza was cheerful and boasted about it while laughing.

After continuing to talk for a while, the four of them went back to the party and celebrated for several more hours.

Finally, after talking, solving problems and having fun, Erza, Shin and Irene went home.

The city was not yet fully repaired but Shin decided that he would go and help tomorrow.

"This is a beautiful house" said Shin in front of the house.

"Isn't it? Mum chose it" Erza said with a smile while Irene replied with a smile as well.

They returned to the house, Shin and Erza discussed the time he had missed on the couch while Irene prepared the meal and then they went to bed.

"What's going on? Since we talked about my past and my secret, you seem strange" Shin said worriedly in bed as he hugged Irene.

"I just don't feel like I'm up to par with you," Irene said hesitantly as she sank deeper into Shin's embrace.

"I mean, you're such an important person and a God, I'm a nobody" said Irene almost to the point of tears.

"How can you say that? You're a nobody? No, you are my wife and the mother of my child! I am an important person? For you and Erza, I hope so, but for the rest? Not really. So if I become a god, you'll become a goddess too and I'll make sure of it! Even if you don't, I won't part with you and Erza again," Shin said as Irene looked up at him with glassy eyes.

"You are a wonderful and amazing woman with countless qualities, and you live up to all my expectations" said Shin as he looked at her with a comforting look.

"Hm" Irene threw herself at Shin and kissed him with tears that were now of joy.

"I missed you" Irene said between breaths as she returned to a wilder kiss.

The two had a wild and steamy night ~


As he slept after his long and eventful night, Shin felt called to the Divine realm.

He made his way to the large island in the middle of the divine realm where the meeting places of the gods and God King were supposed to be.

After a short while he found himself on top of this island, which gave him a view of the four domains of the God Kings.

All four domains except his own shone with a dazzling light of the same colour as their respective energy.

The lights shone brighter and brighter as the fluctuations spread throughout the divine realm and the entire divine realm shook.

As the lights shone, three beams emerged and moved towards Shin's position.

The dazzling light that blinded the entire divine realm finally disappeared and three people stood before Shin.

A man and two women.

The man was very handsome, with long blonde hair and beautiful golden eyes. He was very handsome with facial features that were not far from feminine. He was on the same level as Shin.

He was equipped with white, sky blue and grey armour with a red cloak that gave him a chivalrous appearance.

He was surrounded by a white energy mixed with a sky blue that exuded power, nobility.

Next to him was an incredibly beautiful woman with long silky silver hair and beautiful amethyst violet eyes. To be honest, her beauty was superior to Irene's, but Shin knew that when she became a goddess, she would be equal.

She was dressed in a large all-black robe and was surrounded by a purple energy that exuded savagery, destruction.

This man and woman were side by side and their energy seemed to match and correspond. They were made for each other.

While the other woman was further away from the two but closer to Shin, whom she looked at with insistence and feeling.

She was also as beautiful as the other woman, she had long black hair, seductive golden eyes and unlike the others, she had longer pointed ears.

Somewhere between an elf's and a human's.

She wore a black dress with golden embroidery. Around her, a very intimidating, cold, black and gloomy energy that exuded death, the end.

(All appearances are available on the fandom)

"Nice to meet you, you are the God of Life I presume?" the man said as he approached Shin with a friendly smile and held out his hand.

"Likewise, you are..."

"The God of Creation, Sōzō and this is the Goddess of Destruction, Cai Er" said Sōzō pointing to the goddess.

"Nice to meet you, God of Life" said Cai Er bowing slightly.

"And this is..." Sōzō didn't have time to finish before he was interrupted.

"I can introduce myself, I am the Goddess of Death, Semiramis" Semiramis said with a bit of disdain and savagery to Sōzō before becoming more enthusiastic and friendly as she introduced herself to Shin.

"I see, you can call me Shin, but how do you know me?" asked Shin with a drop of sweat as he saw Semiramis' demeanor and Sōzō's helplessness who also had a drop of sweat.

"Well, when we were born, we already had some knowledge regarding the universe and the divine realm. So of course we knew about your existence, the first God and the first being of this universe" Sōzō replied with a tone of respect in the last part of the sentence.

"Ahah, despite that, I still..." said Shin feeling embarrassed by the praise but was interrupted.

"Weaker? Well, it is true that we are at the God King level right now and you are not yet a God but we still need to train and get used to our power. Besides, it won't be long before you become a God and when you do, you will certainly be the most powerful God" declared Sōzō.

"Of course. After all, he is my future husband!" said Semiramis with confidence and pride.

"? I am not your future husband" said Shin directly without doubt.

"What?" Semiramis looked at Shin with surprise and a bit of anger, unleashing a tiny bit of power but it was still too powerful for Shin.

"I only have one wife and it's not you" Shin said clearly, not wavering in power and resisting even if a little blood came out of his mouth.

"Hmmph" Semiramis stopped immediately upon seeing the blood and walked away directly after with a gruff and sad look on her face.

Sōzō and Cai Er watched this with a drop of sweat, while Cai Er apologized and went to follow Semiramis to comfort her.

This was followed by a conversation between Shin and Sōzō, discussing everything and anything.

For now, despite the presence of the four God Kings, the creation of life and everything else in the universe would not be possible.

First of all, the God Kings had just been born and had to learn to master their power and simply discover life.

But more importantly, it is that Shin cannot help them yet because his power is not great enough.

Only when his bloodline is fully unlocked and mastered and he has reached the rank of God King, then they can begin this task.

Before leaving, Shin looked at the state of the divine realm.

It was in great shape and still expanding, life was spreading more and more.

The animals that Shin had brought back from the world of Fairy Tail were mating and multiplying, mutations were sometimes occurring creating a new species.

The species of "divine beasts" made their appearance, while some divine beasts with the strength of a Divine Officer could already be seen.

After that, Shin left to return to his sleep in the world of Fairy Tail.


"Hmm" Shin slept in his bed as he turned with a dreamy expression.

Then he felt a soft sensation and touches on his face that woke him up.

When he woke up, he realized that his head was between Irene's brėȧsts as she ċȧrėssed his face with her fingers.

"Good morning, little dreamer" said Irene in a soothing voice and with a look of love in her eyes.

Waking up with her little dreamer next to her was something she dreamed of every night and missed so much.

"Good morning, my beautiful queen," said Shin.

The two of them got up and went to wake Erza up.

As they went to her room, they laughed at how peacefully Erza was sleeping and how she was positioned.

She was really behaving like her father.

After waking her up, they had a typical and normal day.

Lunch, visiting a town, going to Fairy Tail, seeing friends. Shin and Erza even trained together with a few small duels with Irene from time to time.

At the moment, the family was out in a forest for a picnic while Shin taught Erza a few things.


Suddenly, Shin felt a huge magical power coming towards them.

He and Irene went on the defensive as they looked towards where the magic power was coming from.

At the same time, Zeref suddenly appeared next to him.

"You felt it too," Shin asked Zeref without looking away from the spot.

"Yes, as soon as I felt it, I came to you while Mavis went to warn the others... Whatever it is, its purpose is you"

"And it's very powerful" Zeref said in a serious tone.

"Daddy, Mummy, what's going on?" asked Erza surprised by this sudden reaction.

"Something is happening" said Irene.

"What?" said Erza but her eyes widened as she felt the enormous magical power coming towards them at great speed as she drew a sword.

"But this magical power..." said Zeref thoughtfully.

"Yes, you noticed," Shin said, further affirming his suposition.

"It looks like the one from..."

"Acnologia" said Shin, frowning.

"But how?" asked Irene surprised and confused.

"I don't know. I destroyed her soul though... Unless..." said Shin equally confused before the magical power arrived and all the trees around them were blown away by a huge gust of wind.

In the sky, a huge familiar draconic figure appeared.

A huge black dragon with blue tattoos and crystal blue eyes.

It's him. Yet something is different... So this is it' thought Shin as he realised the answer after scouring all the possibilities.

"Unless it's not the Acnologia we knew but a new soul has somehow taken over his body" said Shin as the others were shocked.

They hoped that the soul controlling this body was not a psychopathic or murderous soul or something worse than Acnologia.

"And oddly enough, I feel something between us... like a bond," Shin muttered to himself.

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