Godly Choice System

Chapter 3698: Cute little witch

In the fairies group, at seven o'clock in the evening, the girls began to chat lively.

Because Xiao Mingzhu sent a few pictures up.

Once it was sent out, it detonated a group chat of more than 20 people, no, more than 20 fairies.

Gong Qingyu: "!!! [shocked]"

Three exclamation points and a shocked expression proved how shocking Gong Qingyu, a housemaid, was after seeing the photos of Xiao Mingzhu.

Delicious little chili: "Wow! Wow!! Wow!! Miko costume!!"

Among the few photos sent by Xiao Mingzhu, it is clearly a close photo of her and Li Yun, and there is also a full-length photo. She is wearing a red and white witch costume and wooden clogs, standing in front of a brightly-lit temple, smiling cleverly. , Special beauty.

Xianxian is not a lingxian: "What a beautiful girl, who did that villain Li Yun provoke... Ah, wait a minute, this is... Pig?! Xiao Mingzhu?! No way? Really. Xiao, Ming, Zhu?!"

Calling a girlfriend by the name is also enough to prove how shocking this "immortal is not a spirit fairy" is.

Ling Xian: "@仙仙 is not a Ling Xian, Xian Xian, your name... [无力貪Cao]"

Shangguan Lingxian sent an expression to express his feelings, and immediately said: "It's really beautiful, Mingzhu, are you and Li Yun in the cherry blossom country? Going to the shrine for a trip?"

Sister Fang Xue: "No, he and Mingzhu are in Ise Shrine. It seems that something happened again. Xiao Mingzhu said in the morning. I don't know if it is resolved."

"It's probably solved. Judging from the background of the photo, it seems to be a celebration?"

"It's hilarious, envy."

"I, I am quite envious."

Tang Anxi bubbling for a while, she finally couldn't help being added to the group on New Year's Eve. Except for the greeting, this was her first bubbling.

Gong Qingyu: "What kind of celebration, this is a festival, a festival of a shrine! By the way, this is a festival of Ise Jingu?! @萧明珠, come out and give me an explanation, otherwise I will fly over and watch it now! "

Strictly speaking, she can indeed go to Li Yun's side. Through the Qinglian Immortal Mansion, all the girls in the capital and Zhonghai City can quickly get to Li Yun's side.

It's just that these days are Xiao Mingzhu and Li Yun's date, Gong Qingyu said that it is impossible to disturb her.

After all, what happens when I date Li Yun, Gong Qingyu, who has experienced a night of sketching, knows clearly.

I don’t know whether Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu were in a shrine for the first time, in a hotel, or in a hot spring?

The girls chatted for a while before Xiao Mingzhu continued to post some other photos up.

One is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old witch, dressed in unusually beautiful and neat, Baoxiang solemn sacrificial witch costume, holding a Kagura bell in his hand, and showing a brilliant smile to the camera, seeming to be in the group The fairies say hello.

"So cute!!"

The first to scream is Gong Qingyu. As a genius and dead housemaid, she has zero resistance to the little witch who seems to have come out of anime.

Especially the identity of this little maiden, seems to be the genuine maiden of Ise Jingu? !

"who is this?"

"Ise Jinying, a little witch Li Yun knew in the cherry blossom country, according to Xiao Mingzhu, she is very good, very beautiful, and has a good status."


Seeing Su Muxin's explanation, the women became vigilant. Xiao Mingzhu said very well, referring to...the one who is willing to be included in the big family is very good?

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