Godly Choice System

Chapter 3699: Live Festival

"It's actually a ritual ceremony in Ise Jingu!!"

After listening to Xiao Mingzhu’s explanation in the group, Gong Qingyu was even more excited, and hurriedly said: "Mingzhu, you ask the little witch, Sakura, right? Ask her, can you broadcast the whole process to us? Shijingu’s ceremonies are particularly interesting, so ask her if she can live stream it!"

There are many ceremonial ceremonies at the shrines of the Sakura country on the Internet, and there are also many real maidens performing Kagura dance.

But no one has ever uploaded a ceremonial ceremony at Ise Jingu!

Not to mention that the **** maiden of Ise Jingu was abbot by herself and used three artifacts to serve as rituals.

The reason is also very simple.

As the most traditional and high-status shrine, the annual festival of Ise Jingu is impossible for foreigners to enter, and even for locals, it is only an invitation system. Only some important figures, even members of the royal family, are invited to participate each year. The most solemn festival.

Only some less important ceremonies will be open to tourists to participate together.

As for foreigners, I can only look at it from a distance. I want to see the festival with my own eyes. I'm sorry, let's go to another shrine. Ise Jingu is not welcome.

No one has ever photographed what it is like to hold a festival in Ise Jingu. Cell phones and cameras are all forbidden to be brought in.

It can be said that Xiao Mingzhu inadvertently posted a rather remarkable picture, which successfully aroused Gong Qingyu's keen interest.

As for the girls, they are all very curious too. How does this petite maiden who looks neatly dressed and smiles at the camera holding a strange bell, performing the etiquette of offering sacrifices to the gods?

She was a little too young, she was only sixteen or seventeen years old, her expression was very immature, her smile was full of innocence, but her temperament was solemn and sacred, all of which aroused the curiosity of Fang Xue, Su Muxin, Liu Xianxian and others. .

What did this little witch look like when she offered sacrifices?


Xiao Mingzhu seemed a little hesitant and reluctant to broadcast it. After all, when she took out her mobile phone to take pictures and asked the Omiya Secretary, the clergyman in charge of daily affairs unceremoniously refused her request to take pictures.

Of course, Ise Kamakura was by her side, and she immediately rejected Omiyaji's order, saying that Xiao Mingzhu could take a photo or shoot at her.

Therefore, Xiao Mingzhu was able to pass the photos to the group.

As for the Omiya Secretary...Anyway, he didn't dare to say any objections, at least on the surface, no one knew what he was in his heart.

As long as Ise Jinzakura is still a Mikami, and can still summon the power of Omikami, no one can oppose her.

In the past, Mikami also had great powers, but they were not very concerned, and Mikami had no intention of changing this tradition.

But here is Ise Jinzakura...

Not only did she change a lot of traditions, she also summoned the power of the true Omikami, so that Ise Jingu, and even hundreds of thousands of people from various shrines, had no objection.

What Mikako said, that's what.

Her words are oracles.

Her decision is the decision of Omitama.


Standing in front of the Kagura Hall full of white lanterns, Ise Kamakura blinked and looked at Xiao Mingzhu suspiciously: "What is the live broadcast? Isn't it taking pictures? It’s okay to take pictures, and Omikami didn’t say no, besides. It’s a sacred sacrificial ceremony later, so it’s okay to take pictures for others to see.

"Photographing is not a live broadcast, but a live broadcast is...real-time shooting means that many people will directly see you dancing the Kagura dance." Xiao Mingzhu explained.

"Oh... it's okay, let's broadcast it. Later, I will be facing the camera, dancing Kagura among many people, praying to the god, so that outsiders can see how powerful the **** is~"

Ise Jinzakura agreed.

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