The voice of the old lady is extremely sad, and the tears that turn around in the eyes of the day are finally falling.

Who can think that the children who were dead 20 years ago are now by their side.

Just in front of the old lady, but she can't see.

Zhou Wei saw the old lady with a firm face and panic.

He has never worked hard, and there is a flower for one. Most of the time, the old mother is feeding their husband and wife.

He originally planned to wait for the old woman to die, and sold the house. The couple then rented the house to live.

But now, the house has nothing to do with them, what should they do?

So Zhou Wei 'plopped' screamed in front of the old lady, crying and smacked two slaps: "Mom, I was wrong, I was blinded by lard, doing something like this pig and dog." You forgive me this time, give me a chance to change my relationship?"

"Tomorrow, I will go to work tomorrow, and I will make money to treat you."

If Zhou Wei is a first-time offender, he may really forgive him.

Zhou Wei is already fifty years old, his character, what will be done, what will not be done, she is a mother, clear.

If she should go to him now, his face will change as soon as the police leave.

For this son, the old lady has been completely disappointed.

At the moment when he overthrew himself to the ground, the mother-child relationship between them was completely cut off.

Seeing that the old lady was unmoved, the daughter-in-law also stumbled, so I cried.

The white man ignored the two men and reached out to lift the old lady. "Grandma, I will send you up."

The old lady nodded and thanked her again, never looking at the so-called son and daughter-in-law.

The police made a caveat to Zhou Wei and told them that they could no longer approach the old lady and her house, otherwise they would have to go to the cell to introspect.

The police went away and the neighbors were gone. The two couples in pajamas face each other and eventually rise up.

If they can't get it, no one wants it.

The whole body of the two people is filled with black gas that cannot be seen by a group of people. The eyes are like immersed in blood and red as red.

Like being driven by evil spirits, they stepped up the stairs and stood in the dark to see that a man and a woman had helped the old woman into the house. In the darkness, there was a sly smile on the faces of the husband and wife.

"Thank you." The old lady sat in the old sofa, and the room was very messy. She didn't even have the strength to clean up or pour the glass of water for the guests.

"Grandma, I came from S City, brought a person you miss, he said that in this world, the person who misses the most is you." Bai Hao did not bend around, directly.

The old lady looked at Bai Yu inexplicably: "Who is the girl you are talking about? There is no relatives in our family." She really couldn't think of anyone who would miss her.

The relatives of the past have long since gone, and they are afraid that Zhou Wei will borrow money from them, borrow it and not return it, and take it as a grandfather.

"It's every day, do you still remember him?" Bai Yan looked at the side of the sky.

The old lady’s body suddenly trembled, and the triangle’s eyes showed an incredible light: “What do you say? You say it again.”

"It’s Zhou Tiantian, I brought him here, he is by your side right now." Bai Hao pointed to the empty road on the left hand side of the old lady.

The old lady excitedly cried and laughed, then shook her head: "Impossible, impossible, for so many years, I have never dreamt of him even dreams, how could he possibly-" The old lady cried as she spoke The tears blurred her eyes. When she took the paper towel from the white enamel and wiped away the tears, she suddenly had a 'person' in her eyes, perhaps not a person.

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