It was her baby grandson who had been obsessed with her heart for twenty years.

The old lady stretched out her hand and wanted to touch her grandson's little face. There was no scary color on the face.

This is the family, the real family.

The crystal tears rolled down one by one, and I didn’t know where to fall.

The old lady couldn't touch him, and she became more and more sad.

"Grandma, I miss you every day, I really miss you." He didn't dare to rely on his grandmother too close, and his yin was bad for a seriously ill old man like her.

"Grandma misses you too, come over and let Grandma look at it."

Shaking his head every day: "Grandma, I can't go, your body can't stand it."

The old lady also felt cold, but she didn't care. As long as she could look at her grandson again, what is the relationship between her death immediately?

"Grandma is not afraid, come over soon."

The grandson was still the appearance of the accident 20 years ago. The clothes on his body were stained with a lot of blood. This dress was put on by her own hands.

For twenty years, he still wore this dress.

It is useless to blame her, even the child's bones could not be found back, nor did he have a funeral for him.

I will not receive it if I sneak into him.

Both the grandfather and the grandson said something that was not marginal, but very warm.

Bai Hao and Chu Yu sucked their noses at the same time: "Well? What is this smell?"

The two quickly turned and found that there was thick smoke coming in at the closed door.

"Not good, some people set fire." Chu Yu strode to the door and reached for the door, but he couldn't grasp the door handle, stretched his foot and went to the door, and the foot could not touch the door.

The white cockroach rushed to his nose. "This cigarette is poisonous. Open the door quickly."

Zhou Tiantian saw the situation, a small hand waved, a violent force rushed to the door, a loud bang, the prohibition imposed on the door was broken.

Chu Yu’s kick kicked the door and kicked the door.

As soon as the door opened, a thing like a fire dragon came in and entangled a little bit of defense.

Zhou Tiantian stepped forward, the delicate fingers pinched a cockroach, a finger flicked, a smoldering force hit the Chu, and the fire dragon was extinguished instantly.

"What is this ghost thing?" Chu Yu retired, he felt that things didn't seem too good, the fire is not an ordinary fire.

"It should be the evil spirits who escaped from the bar. They came to seek revenge." Zhou Tiantian calmly said.

This is the first time I saw Zhou Tiantian speaking in a different voice than a child.

Zhou Tiantian was a child when he died in a car accident, so his appearance has always been a child.

But he stayed in the Hades for the past few years, and the day after day, the true mind is no longer a child, especially when attacked and in danger.

"I will deal with them, you will leave with my grandmother."

The smoke in the doorway contains a very good concentration of poison. Inhalation of a small amount can be dizzying, and a large amount causes death.

At this time, Bai Hao has found a few wet towels to cover the three populations.

She had a sigh of relief at the beginning, and Chu Yu was a master in this area. It was just that the old lady reacted slowly, and her breath was not as good as that of young people. At this time, she was already poisoned and her standing was unstable.

The white shackles the wet towel on the old lady's face, covering her nose, and then letting Chu squat up, so she rushed out.

Just out of the door, I saw two sneaky figures slamming into the corridor, and Chu hurried to chase. Although the corridor was dim, the backs of the two were still clearly visible.

It is clearly the Zhou Wei couple who just want to drive away the old lady.

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