Godly Hunter

Chapter 121: Land of exile

Don't let this old man succeed!

Chen Mo prayed secretly.

Ceci Hero still has 50% of his blood. At this time, he calculates that the hand and Bevisent will **** Cesi Hero and it is impossible to succeed.

Since Bevisent also wants to catch Ceci Hero, then he has only one chance to make a shot. Once he makes a shot, he will flee regardless of success or failure. Bevisent will never give him a second chance.

Chen Mo's prayers seemed to have taken effect. After a few strugglings, Ceci Hei Luo cracked and disappeared.

Bevisent continued to attack with annoyance, and Ceci Hero tried to fight back, but still could not get rid of Bevisent's attack, and his blood was still flying away.

When her health dropped to 30%, Bevisente took out another magic scroll, and the magic scroll turned into the same light as before, entangled Cesi Hero again.

Chen Mo can be seen, this magic scroll of Bevisent seems to be used under certain conditions.

"OK! Failed again!"

Ceci Hero was struggling again, the black light was broken again, Chen Mo was happy, and Bevisent was quite annoyed.

Two people, one old and one young, banged on the icy lake again. From one side of the lake to the other, Chen Mo changed to the title of wickedness and approached quietly.

If he didn't guess it wrong, Bececent would do it again with 10% of Cesi Hero's blood.

10% HP is already a dangerous HP position. It is not surprising that Bevisent has successfully seized Ceci Hero at this time. Chen Mo can't watch Bevisent succeed. If Bevisent succeeds, Even if he knew he had failed, he would have to fight it once.

For Ceci Hero, he let go of the big fat man, and still ambush Bevisent here for nearly a week, it is impossible to give up easily anyway!

Cesi Hero ... 10% HP!

Sure enough, as Chen Mo expected, a black light entangled Cesi Hero again. The blood volume dropped to 10%, and Ceci Hero's power weakened significantly. I struggled a lot during the struggle. The last two times, she just struggled a little, and got rid of the shackles of black light. This time, she struggled for a long time and couldn't break free. Chen Mo had to wonder if she was going to be caught by Bevisent, and when she was about to make a move, Ceciello was finally struggling to get rid of the black light.

Escaped again by Ceci Hero, but Bevisent not only was not upset, but showed an excited look on his old face.

He knew that the next time Ceci Hero would never escape!

Bevisent knew that Chen Mo also looked out.

Next time, when Bevisente takes a shot, he must also take action, otherwise Ceciello will be captured by Bevisent!

Cesi Hero's health continued to drop. At 5% HP, Bevisente started again!

This time, Ceci Hilo struggled hard, but Bevisente's preparation for so many years was not in vain. If this was the case, she would not be able to catch her. Bevisent has been fooling around for decades!

Seeing that Ceci Heroo was arrested, Chen Mo's figure moved, and at the same time, a green light surged on him!

Light of hope!

This is the first time Chen Mo has used the Light of Hope skill since he received this special equipment of the Seed of Hope!

After more than half a month of energy storage, the energy value stored on the seeds of hope has reached more than 13,000, this time. Chen Mo consumes all energy values ​​at once, use the Light of Hope skill to increase luck!

"Boy, what are you doing! Come closer, I will kill you!"

When Bevisent saw Chen Mo ran out at this moment, he gave Chen Mo an angry look. There was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

This old man is definitely not a good guy!

But Bevisent didn't dare to move, and it was the most crucial moment to capture Ceci Hero!


Chen Mo completely ignored Bevisent's warning, and appeared beside Ceci Hero as a lightning bolt, and used the mutant capture skills directly!

Ceci Heroben is only a murderous pupil. Suddenly blinking slightly, it seemed that something had been decided.

The system prompts: The arrest is successful!


Chen Mo was ecstatic, knowing that he was right!

He didn't take a shot early, he didn't take a shot early, and he just waited until this time to take a shot, which was to make Ceci Hero make a choice.

Either be caught by Bevisent or be caught by him!

Ceci Hero's blinking eyes fell on Chen Mo's eyes. Facing the fate of being caught only by people, Ceci Hero did finally choose him!

Chen Mo was not surprised by this. Although Ceci Hero had become extremely sane, her basic resolution was still in the end. It fell into his hands or fell into Bevisent. She could react by instinct. Distinguish.

Of course, Chen Mo couldn't rely on Ceci Hero's judgment alone. Ceci Hero did not necessarily choose him, so he was equipped with the title of evil, and used the light of hope skills to increase luck.

Under the blessing of various attributes, Chen Mo's chances of arresting Ceci Hero are not low. After Ce Si Hai Luo was willing to choose Chen Mo, Chen Mo immediately seized Ce Si Hai Luo.

Ceci Hero's figure suddenly disappeared from the black light, and the black light disappeared without a target.

"Little bastard, what good did you do! Turn over Ceci Hero right away!" Bevisent froze completely and became completely angry!

Chen Mo added nothing to it, directly added a growl of King Slime, fled quickly, and then used camouflage skills.

The old man was really angry. He didn't know what would happen if he was caught. He must not be caught!

In the normal state, the use of camouflage skills is of course not concealed by Bevisent, but he is now equipped with the title of wicked evil, and a hiding power can be added to it to greatly improve the camouflage effect.

However, Chen Mo still underestimated Bevisent's level. His camouflage skills are still close to the elementary level. It is impossible to get rid of Bevisent by the power of hiding!

"Where to run!" Bevisent looked angrily at Chen Mo's position, angrily!

I grass!

Chen Mo couldn't help looking back, and was shocked. Bevisent's figure flickered, leaving behind him a phantom that was visible to the human eye, and chased him at an amazing speed!

Can't run away!

When Chen Mo saw this speed, he knew that even if he ran at full speed, he couldn't escape far. Gritting his teeth, he took out a dark red dice from his backpack!

Destiny Dice!

This one-time small prop was exploded when the fat man killed the group of Longxiang Guilds. After using it, it is possible to get two effects according to the number thrown.

The number thrown is singular, the player's health will be reduced to 10%, and the number thrown is double. Players will get an invincible time of five seconds.

He is now very lucky, and throwing a dice of fate should give him five seconds of invincibility, so he can use a trap to block Bevisent. Then wait for the opportunity to escape!

Chen Mo felt a strong wind kill him, and he cast the dice of fate without hesitation.

I grass!

A large red "1" appeared, and Chen Mo's health was instantly reduced to 10%.

At the same time, a dagger's knife stabbed behind Chen Mo, and Chen Mo felt grey for a while.

With 10% of his blood remaining, he naturally couldn't resist an attack from Bevisent.

The system prompts: You are dead, the level is forcibly reduced by 5 levels!

System prompt: You will be resurrected in the exile!

Finally died.

But ... it seems good to die!

In a state of soul, Chen Mo looked at Bevisent's stunned face, knowing that Bevisent did not want to kill him, but wanted to catch him.

Now he should have triggered some kind of plot. If he was caught by Bevisent, I'm afraid I wouldn't know if he could keep Cecihelo, but he died. Cecihelo was still on him, and he didn't have to worry about what he could do with him.

It seems that he is really lucky. If the fate of the dice comes in double numbers, and the invincible time of five seconds, it is really impossible to escape from Bevisent.

Although he died, the rank was reduced by 5 because of the crime, but Chen Mo died with no complaints.

I can catch Ceci Hero, everything is worth it!

Leaving nothing else, it depends on the old man Bevisent trying so hard to catch her. Knowing that Ceci Hero is definitely worth his death once.


Land of Exile.

Many players know the existence of the Exile, but there has never been any news about the Exile in the forum.

Before the resurrection of the Exiled Land, Chen Mo originally thought that even if the environment of the Exiled Land was even worse, he would not be afraid. Even if he was completely out of gear because of the title of wicked sin.

He has a guilty title, his attributes are so powerful, and he just grabbed a once beautiful cow pet. There is also a spare equipment in the warehouse to find the warehouse. Even if the level drops back to level 14, blinking is a good guy.

But when he was resurrected in the exile, Chen Mo realized that he was wrong and that he was outrageous.

Exile, it sounds like a good name for many cattle, but Chen Mo was dumbfounded as soon as he was resurrected.

This is not a romantic place, the name of the Exile is simply a pit father, it should be renamed "Great Prison"!

That's right, the place of exile is a huge prison out of sight!

Chen Mo was resurrected in a room on the bottom floor of the prison. This is the resurrection point in the exile. Anyone who died will be resurrected here.

"Hey, there's a new guy!"

The resurrection point of the room was dark and wet ~ www.readwn.com ~ The room was obviously a former cell with three solid gray walls and a rusty iron pillar. Chen Mo stepped out of the wide-open iron door and walked out of it. Strange laugh.

In this place of exile, it seems that there is more than one person. Not only that, but the number is quite a lot. Chen Mo looked away and saw seven or eight black-named players.

This seems to be the safe area of ​​the exile. These black-named players are still very peaceful. Chen Mo's equipment has been exposed, and only a novice clother shown by the system is out.

Chen Mo walked to the nearest young player: "Brother, where is the warehouse?"

"Warehouse?" The player listened, with a weird look, and he smiled. "You are lucky. The warehouse only came once yesterday. The next time he comes, it will be 28 days later."

Your sister, where is the luck? It ’s completely unlucky, okay?


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