Godly Hunter

Chapter 122: Game update

"Brother, don't think about the warehouse, but you can join our six guilds, and we can sell you some equipment at a low price."

Another player came up and said with a smile.

"Hey, the Six Guilds are just a pit. Don't be fooled, brothers, add our Seventh Heaven Guilds." The young man asked by Chen Mo laughed.

"The Seventh Heaven Guild? Huh! Don't go in there, brother. That's the fire pit! Someone joined the Seventh Heaven Guild before, saying that it would take at least ten beast cores for five days. Turning his face and ignoring others, killing others by suicide! "The six-guild player hummed aloud and began to scratch the bottom of the Seventh-day Guild.

"Your six guilds still have the face to say that? That guy is the undercover of your six guilds, don't think we don't know!" The youth of Qi Zhongtian's face sank.

"You can add us to our snow night guild."

When the two quarreled, a weak female player stepped forward weakly.

"Sister Sunny, you still forget about it. Your snowy night party is just about you and your big snowy night flower. What can you do?"

On a sunny day, the two young men immediately stopped arguing and grinned.

"Snowy Night Boss is privileged here, neither of you can match it!" Argument of sunny blushing.

"Don't bother, can you talk about why you want me to join your guild?" Chen Mo was curious.

The three were idle here and had nothing to do, but they didn't mind taking some time to explain. The three said one by one, arguing from time to time, Chen Mo listened carefully and finally understood what was going on.

Everything is because of the special rules of the exile.

The place of exile is a huge prison cage. He is now at the bottom of the prison. No one knows how many floors are in the prison. There are more than 40 black name players in the prison. They have only been to the top. Second floor. No one has gone to the higher levels.

The second prison is also divided into a room. The whole prison will refresh 100 monsters every day and kill these monsters. You will not get any experience, but you will drop a beast nucleus with 100% luck. You can also hit equipment.

The Beast Core is the most important item in the Exiled Land. The 10 Beast Cores can find the manager in the Exile Land to reduce the evil value by 1 and can also be converted into a lot of experience value.

But the number of animal cores is very small, only 100 per day, so many people compete for 100 animal cores, and fierce competition can be imagined.

In order to grab more beast cores, the black name players form a group to compete. Now that Chen Mo has arrived, there are only two large guilds left in the exile, and there are fewer than ten teams or individuals who disdain them to live with them.

Monster refreshes are very regular, starting at zero every day and refreshing every six hours. 25 monsters are refreshed each time by the black name players in the exile.

Except for the first floor of the prison in Exile, each floor is very large after that. There are far more than 25 rooms on the second floor. No one can determine which room the monster refreshed before refreshing. A guild with a large number of people has a great advantage at this time. They can let people with low output to find monsters, and then the players with output can quickly kill the monsters they have found. Players who did not join the two big guilds had bad luck. Maybe even the monsters can't see one. Even if they do, if the monsters can't be killed quickly, the two guilds will **** without hesitation.

Here, the big fist is the truth, no one cares whether the monster fights first.

But there are dozens or twenty people in a guild. The number of beast cores hit in a day is only thirty to forty, each person is divided equally, and it is only two to three beast cores. It takes four to five days to wash away a little sin.

The speed of washing the sin value is too slow. The black name players have a minimum of 50 sin values. At this speed, there is no reason to leave the exile for half a year.

Chen Mo asked his question, and later learned that every five days, using 10 animal cores, they could teleport to a special place where the evil value was washed. When they got there, their luck was not bad, and they were generally able to wash Drop a few evil values. The real purpose of the animal core is actually tickets.

Chen Mo suddenly lost interest. He didn't have any guilt value. He came to the exile, only because of the title of great sin. As long as three days passed, he could take off the title and become a white name.

However, when Chen Mo continued to listen to the three, he could not help frowning.

He thought he could leave the exile in just three days, but it was simply impossible.

The place of exile is definitely not a place where you can enter and exit casually. There is nothing here. You ca n’t return to the city immediately after the whitewashed name. You must wait until the teleportation team comes here from a higher level.

Teleports, like warehouses, appear once a month. Those with bad luck may have to stay in exile for two months.

Chen Mo is also one of the people with bad luck. Just yesterday, the warehouse and the teleportation both appeared. The next time it appears, it is almost a month later.

But even one day earlier, Chen Mo couldn't leave here for the first time.

"Is there no other way to get out of here?"

Chen Mo felt a little cold, and if there was no other way, he would spend a month in exile.

There are not many monsters to kill here. Even if he stays here all day, he can't kill many monsters. The experience gained is extremely limited, which is far from being comparable to killing monsters outside.

"No, you still give up, come to our Six Guilds!"

"Come to Seventh Heaven!"

The two youths were furious, and Zhang Xiaokou opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but he didn't say anything.

"I'll take a look before I say it."

Chen Mo didn't mean to join them at all. He didn't need beast cores, but if he wanted a large number, joining the guild here would not be of any benefit to him.

The reason for the great crime is that he was resurrected in the land of exile after his death, but he did not forget that in the place of exile he belongs to the privileged class. Other players will be able to leave here for a month.

Chen Mo thought about it everywhere, but talked with the three for more than half an hour, and his online time was approaching, so he glanced at Ceci Hero in the pet bar.

Looking at Ceci Hero, Chen Mo groaned slightly.

Ceci Hero is definitely not an ordinary pet. He looked at the pet panel. The attributes of Ce Si Hero are all "?" Symbols.

It is impossible to see the properties of Ceci Hero, intuitively, but as long as Cesi Hero comes out to fight for a little more time, Chen Mo can know about it, but unfortunately there is no time.

"No problem. I want to join the guild. Remember to come to me."

The two youths did not continue to persuade Chen Mo, nor did they use threats of violence, just smiling.

The black name players who have just arrived here have some pride, but after the whole body is exposed, they do not even have weapons. Even if they encounter a monster refresh, they will not kill the monster. Within two days, this guy will run over and ask for help. He had a meeting.

Chen Mo is offline, intends to visit the forum, take a good night's rest, and test the properties of Ceciheero tomorrow, and find out what secrets Ceciheelo has, making the old man of Bevisent want to arrest her.

But when he came to the forum, Chen Mocai sweated and found that he who entered the place of exile could not enter the normal player forum. He came to the exclusive forum of the place of exile.

This exclusive forum has weird rules. All posts in it are only kept for five days. After five days, the posts will be automatically deleted by the system. The forum has only one section, and the posts above are only poor three.

The person who posted these three posts, Chen Mo, have all heard that they are the boss of the six guilds, the six madmen, the boss of the seventh heaven guild, the seven-colored wings, and the boss of the snow night guild.

Apart from that, there are no more posts.

Chen Mo could only be speechless for a while, and deeply experienced what it means to be a black-named player without human rights. It is no wonder that someone here is here, preferring to delete the number and not want to suffer.

Chen Mo can only exit the virtual network and go to the traditional network to see the news of Genesis games. As a result, he discovered that at noon during the day, the official gave an announcement that the game would be shut down and updated.

At 12 o'clock this evening, the game will be shut down for updates. After this update, players will no longer limit online time, but the virtual helmet will detect the player's fatigue level. When the fatigue or drowsiness reaches a certain level, it will be forcibly broken. Open the connection.

At the same time, on a global scale, all countries will simultaneously launch dormant game warehouses. With the hibernation game bin, players can have a rest while playing the game. With the hibernation bin, they are online 24 hours a day.

However, the hibernation warehouse does not make people really not need to sleep. According to different people, every two or three days, the player must really sleep and rest.

The game content is not updated, but in order to confirm the stability of the dormant position, the game will be stopped for nearly three days. At 6 pm on the third day, the game will be open again.

During this time, players can order dormant game bins.

"A game warehouse of 200,000 Huaxia coins, this thing is really not affordable for ordinary people."

Chen Mo went to the official website to check the price ~ www.readwn.com ~ and found that ordering a game warehouse now requires a full 200,000 Chinese currency.

The price is expensive, but Chen Mo didn't hesitate to buy one.

Even if you don't play games, with the sleep function of the game warehouse, this money is worth it.

After he made the payment, the mobile phone immediately received a message telling him that the game warehouse would send it to him at noon the day after tomorrow, asking him to remember to receive it at home.

"It's been more than half a month since I switched to the Chinese department, and it's time to show up."

There was nothing to do for the next two days or so, Chen thought about it, and decided to go back to the university to expose himself and do his part as a student.

However, when he was about to return to school the next morning, Tian Fatman called him: "Brother Chen, are you in exile now?"


Third, the monthly pass is bleak. Do you have a monthly pass, please support one. Wow ... ()

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