Godly Hunter

Chapter 198: Ambush and Anti-Ambush

Although somehow was pulled in, but from these few short words, Chen Mo probably knows that these black-named players are probably pitted by the player who is an out-of-print master, so it will become black. Name, now they are together to find revenge for out-of-print masters.

But what makes Chen Mo curious is that these people don't seem to know each other. How did out-of-print masters make them black names?

Several of them introduced themselves and looked at Chen Mo. Chen Mo quickly said, "My name is Silent, professional trap stream hunter."

Then Chen Mo immediately added a sharp knife friend and talked to him privately: "Oh, knife brother, in fact, I was a friend who asked me to help him find out-of-print masters to get revenge. He could n’t come to the exile because of his black name. I I don't really know what happened this time. "

The sharp knife seemed to speak better, and Chen Mo immediately asked him for questions.

He didn't know the context in this matter. Naturally, he could not follow these black-name players to find revenge masters. If not curious how out-of-print masters cheated this group of people into becoming black names, Chen Mo has gone. He doesn't have the idea of ​​nosy.

Even if the out-of-print master is no matter what, as long as he doesn't provoke him, he won't bother to bother.

"Don't you be deceived into a black name by an out-of-print master?" Sharp Knife was startled, then his eyes lightened and he was a little excited, "Amazing, so you killed so many talents so black by yourself Yes? How many people have you killed and what is your crime now? "

The sharp knife asked again and again, Chen Mo could only answer: "How many people don't remember, the crime is worth more than 200 points."

He didn't dare to say that his sin value was more than 500. If he said that, he would be scared to death.

"More than two hundred evil values! Cow! You have a brother, the out-of-print master is dead this time!"

The sharp knife praised him, and then in order to allow Chen Mo to stay and help them avenge him, he quickly outlined the reasons for the incident.

As Chen Mo guessed, everyone in this team was deceived by blackout masters.

Strictly speaking, it was not the out-of-print masters who lied to them, but they were fooled by a wild one.

The field said that there are missions awarded to black name players, as long as the black name is available, a special copy can be entered with him.

They did not expect that the sharp knife would lie to others. Naturally, they were fooled. After they went black, they went to find that, but they found that it was no longer there.

They felt wrong, and then found that they were being followed by out-of-print masters and others. Most of those players who were cheated to become black names were mostly killed by out-of-print masters and others.

A group of black-named players who were deceived eventually died.

Then, until yesterday, they did not know that it was known by out-of-print masters, and they were very familiar with out-of-print masters. It was that out-of-print masters let that lie to players. The out-of-print master will do this because his team has completed an s-level quest before, and that task rewards them with a special magic scroll. After using that magic scroll, the out-of-print master's team will be within ten days. You can gain a lot of experience by hunting down black name players.

Those black name players who were killed were almost all killed by out-of-print masters, and their levels, in just a few days, went from 30 to 33.

After players are level 30, the upgrade becomes more difficult. The highest level in the game is also level 35. It is the most crazy level of players. Like out-of-print masters, in just a few days, almost a day, that is almost impossible. Possible.

Knowing that they were pitted by out-of-print masters, they were of course extremely angry with sharp knives, but they wanted revenge for out-of-print masters, mainly because the magic scroll they used was out-of-print masters, which had negative effects.

Using that magic scroll, out-of-print masters of course they can obtain a lot of experience by hunting black name players, but if they are killed by black name players, their level will be crazy, black name players will get Extremely large experience value.

Therefore, sharp knives they just want to cooperate together today to kill out-of-print masters and others, so that they can not only get revenge, but also get great benefits.

They received news that the out-of-print guild where the out-of-print masters are located today will compete with another guild for a small border, and they want to take this opportunity to kill the out-of-print masters and others.

The reason is that Chen Mo understands it, and the words of the sharp knife make Chen Mo's heart.

If he kills out-of-print masters and others, his level will rise immediately.

But from the words of the sharp knife, he had a big problem.

"How do you know these? It stands to reason that these secret things, out-of-print masters, they don't tell them, that no one knows that they are doing good things, right?" Chen Mo asked doubtfully.

"Huh! The out-of-print master is not a real master, but just luck to complete an s-class mission! He can't hide his secrets, the level has risen so much, and he can deceive the player, of course he is unwilling I told some friends about this, and some of these friends couldn't help but the matter naturally spread and was known by the friend who broke the knife. The friend who broke the knife told the knife again and then posted on the forum. The deceived black name player was contacted, and he was going to seek revenge from an out-of-print master. "The sharp knife snorted and explained.

Chen Mo heard the words, and quietly glanced across the board. One hit and two hits is a very ordinary young assassin. When he enters the game, he does not intentionally adjust the role to look good. Whether in the game or in reality, it will become inconspicuous after being put into the crowd.

However, such a role is undoubtedly suitable for the assassin profession.

"In half an hour, the out-of-print guild and its rivals will compete for the giant sand scorpion. Then we ambush. If there is a chance, we will take a shot. If the chance is not great, everyone should not take risks. , But if revenge is not killed, it will be a tragedy. "

Chen Mo, while chatting privately with the sharp knife, swayed the middle-aged fire method of the tea cup and expressed his opinions.

Several people agree with this opinion. They came here to try their luck. They are already black names, and it is unrealistic to want to ambush out-of-print masters at the city gates. Waiting for out-of-print masters to sneak attack when they start a conflict is the best opportunity.

They were all deceived by out-of-print masters, and they all wanted to kill out-of-print masters. The next few people discussed some details, and they must ensure their safety while killing out-of-print masters and others.

"Okay! The giant sand scorpion is about to refresh. We will pass now. The out-of-print guild and Sirius guild will soon begin to operate." He looked at the time with a knife and a halt, his voice hoarse.


A row of six black-named players immediately went to the southwest, and the giant sand scorpion was small and refreshed there.

Five minutes later, six people came to a sand basin with a radius of hundreds of meters. Around the basin were giant tree roots intertwined, and the giant sand scorpion refreshed in the center of the basin.

"Well? The people in Sirius Guild are here, and the people in out of print Guild?"

"Several are here, seemingly less than ten."

"The out-of-print masters are not there. What's the matter, have they been delayed?"

The giant sand scorpion has been refreshed in the center of the basin. There is a large group of people around the center of the basin. Among them is the Sirius Guild of out-of-print guild competitors. The number of out-of-print guilds is also there, but the number is pitifully small. This is less than one-third of the Sirius Guild.

The most important thing is that out-of-print masters are not there.

The out-of-print master and the other who used the scroll together were not there. The six people came here completely useless. They were not there, and they could not kill if they wanted to kill.

"It seems that Heaven is going to help him. They can't come. There are too few people out of the out-of-print guild to fight. Even if out-of-print masters are there, they can't fight. Forget it, let's withdraw. "The sharp knife sighed.

Da Lao Yuan came here, but ushered in this result, it is a little uncomfortable.

"That's all." Shadow Hand shook his head.

"Ah, I wouldn't have come if I knew it. I waste a lot of time. With this time, I can wash away a lot of evil values."


But all of a sudden, an archer flickered out from behind the root of the tree, facing a crowd of arrow rain, leaving all six in combat and unable to go offline instantly.

"Out of print master!" Behind the archer, several people walked out, one of them smiling young soldiers came out, and the sharp knife suddenly changed his face.

"Hahaha, I don't want to go to you. You actually came to me. You really delivered to your door! You killed yourself! By killing you, our level can be raised to 34!" The out-of-print master laughed.

"You know we're coming, ambush us here?" The hand of shadows sulked.

"Yes! You think your actions are hidden, but in fact, I know your actions well! I am not a master of out-of-print masters! Www.readwn.com ~ but people who have completed s-class tasks! The props and methods you own are not comparable to those of you, the poor ghosts! "The out-of-print master sneered.

The sharp knife waited for someone to change his face.

S-level tasks, they have never seen it before, but out-of-print masters and others have completed it. God knows how much benefit an s-level task can bring to out-of-print masters.

"Kill! Fight with him! Kill him, even if we die, we will not lose it!" The Shadow Hand looked at the members of the out-of-print guilds appearing around them, knowing that it was difficult for them to escape. , I want to end up with the out-of-print master.

But at this moment, behind him, a figure suddenly moved, and a gouge skill stabbed him!

The hand of the shadow can't move immediately, but his face becomes extremely angry instantly.


Second more. Two more today, and a super big tomorrow! !! !! It's Monday, please recommend! rs

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