Godly Hunter

Chapter 199: Are masters

"One sword and two breaks!" The Hand of Shadows roared. He couldn't see anyone behind him, but he and the two assassins in the team were stunned with a chisel. He could only stab his hands with two swords.

He was about to enter stealth, sneak attack on an out-of-print master, but now he was interrupted by a double-edged attack, and he can no longer sneak attack.

"A knife and two, what do you mean?" The sharp knife drank with a calm face.

"Are you a traitor? You made everything up?" The slutty teacup couldn't help asking.

One or two breaks didn't answer, but after the attack interrupted the stealth of the Shadow Hand, he flickered with a smile, pulled away from a few people, a few people didn't do it, and saw him retreating too fast. It doesn't make sense to kill the past.

A few people also saw it. It was not a mutiny, and he was originally a master of out-of-print. He deliberately distributed false news to entice them as a group of black-named players to send him to death.

"Hahaha, a group of stupid guys who want to kill me for revenge! However, you do n’t have to rush to despair! If you kill two swords, there is no falsehood. I did complete the s-class task. You can get a lot of experience by killing me. All things are true. All the things that I said about me are not false! The only thing that is false is that they are not yours, but my men! You were deliberately brought here to die! Oh oh, yes Now, the Sirius Guild below is also ours. You don't need to expect them to kill and give you a chance to run away! "Laughed the proud master of out of print.

Sharp knives, shadow hands, and others looked at dozens of out-of-print guilds around them, as well as Sirius' Guild around them from below, looking pale.

"I kill you two times, I remember you, you won't have a good life in the future!" The sharp knife, looking at the two swords, said angrily.

"You, as well as out-of-print masters, your entire guild, don't have any orders in the future!" After the Shadow Hand was angry, he said quietly, but the calm words made people feel shudder.

"You dare to kill me, just wait for the revenge of the guild!" The slutty tea cup didn't say anything, and it was a frown when it spent a hundred nights.

"Huh! Who wouldn't say that harsh words, I dare to kill you, I thought about your revenge! If you have that ability, just come to avenge me, my out-of-print masters and the entire guild will all follow! A few of you have no guild I wo n’t say it, you dare to come, I dare to kill, kill and bury it! As for the guild, a guild just upgraded to level 2, so little strength, I dare not say to deal with ten guilds , But to deal with the three guilds, that's more than enough! "The out-of-print master listened to the threatening words of several people, and was not afraid, but just sneered.

After killing these people, he can rise to level 34 as a whole team, and then hand over the tasks he received to level 1!

Raised to level 35, his entire team of out-of-print masters is the highest level team in the game! After changing to 35-level equipment, they are not afraid of the sharp knife, the hand of the shadow, etc. They will not look at the flower guild.

Level 5 of the game is a hurdle. There are levels and equipment to suppress. If you want to fight beyond the level, you must have the best equipment and skills. The black names in front of you, no matter which one, can't be achieved, he has no fear at all!

"Kill!" Sharp Knife yelled at the out-of-print guilds who started to surround him.

If these people come around, they will have no chance!


"Lei Guangzhe!"

A sharp knife sharply charged an out-of-print master more than twenty meters away. At the end of the charge, two radiant swords appeared on both hands, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the sound was amazing.

Holding the two swords of Leiguang, the sharp knife leaped high, from top to bottom, aggressively towards the place where the out-of-print master was located, hacking down!

The Shadow Hand also recovered from the stunned state of the gouge skill. After the sharp knife took the lead, his body was blurred for a while, and his movement speed suddenly accelerated. It turned out to be a phantom, and it was difficult for people to grasp his body. shape!

The slutty tea cup that has not spoken is also a swipe, and then on his body, there are a total of five bright red fireballs.

As a mage, his attack range is far away, and he can attack more than out-of-print masters, but he does not stand and attack, but instead moves and follows the hand of the shadow to kill the out-of-print master.

After blooming for a hundred nights, she stopped talking nonsense. After her face was cold, with a swipe of the black staff, she ran away with a black magic shield and followed behind the slutty tea cup.

These temporary black-named teammates seem to be a bit powerful!

Chen Mo was slightly surprised. He originally saw that he was surrounded by out-of-print masters. He thought these people were dead, but now it seems that it is not necessary. If the out-of-print masters and others are slightly more cautious, maybe they will be taken away by several people. .

His teammates gave him power. Chen Mo had no reason not to follow up and kill out-of-print masters, but he had a lot of experience. He came here to kill out-of-print masters!

As soon as his body moved, Chen Mo also caught up.

As long as you find a chance, arrange a vortex trap, cooperate with a few people to attack, and make out of print masters a problem!

Of course, if you want to kill all the people here, it is definitely impossible, but as long as you kill masters out of print, they can escape.

"These guys! Look down on them!"

Seeing the skills of several people are unusual, the out-of-print master's face changed, knowing that those black name players were too good to kill before, causing him to underestimate the sharp knife and others.

Previously, those black-named players were killed by them under the ambush of out-of-print masters and others, but sharp knives were obviously more than one level higher than those people.

And if you think about it for a little while, you can understand that the sharp knives dare to turn to the black name to take on the task, and after the black name, they can still live alive.

The sharp knife shone from the light of Lei Guang's two swords, and they fell down from the sky. This pair of swords was definitely a group attack. They were killed when they were killed. I do n’t know how much damage they would lose!

Seeing that the sharp knife was about to hit the middle of the out-of-print master, but at this time, behind the out-of-print master, a heavy shield knight rushed out, grinning at the sharp knife: "Remember, brother Call it an out-of-print knight, a very memorable name, don't forget it! "


After the words of the out-of-print knight, the sharp swords of the two giant swords are chopped heavily on the black-thorn thorn shield of the out-of-print knight!

Suddenly, the light was dazzling, the thunder was scattered, and an out-of-print knight and a sharp little knife were hurt one by one.

—317! —480!

What horrified everyone in a team of black names was that the out-of-print knight just lost more than 300 HP, and the sharp knife, a person who used a big move to attack actively, lost nearly 500 HP!

"Ha ha ha! Too weak! Lao Tzu is the melee of physical melee!" The out of print knight laughed wildly. When the sharp knife attack was completed and the body landed, the thorns and black shield in his hand smashed forward!

"Shield strike!"

Shield strike, shield knight is one of the few attacking skills, the damage is not high, but when hit, it will fall into a short dizzy state!

From the ground, the sharp knife was unavoidable and was hit by the **** shield!


The sharp knife suddenly stunned and couldn't move.

"I'll deal with him!" After a hundred nights of blossoming, a dark magic arrow appeared in front of her.

The shield knight has a strong defense against physical attacks, but it is only slightly stronger than ordinary players.

In front of Huabaibai, a total of seven dark magic arrows appeared. With a wave of her staff, the seven magic arrows shot at the out-of-print knight.

The out-of-print knight quickly raised his shield to resist, but what made him look slightly different was that these seven black magic arrows shot on his shield, and each of them shot out about 500 of his health.

In just a moment, he lost 3500 health.

If it weren't for his powerful shield, this trick of spending a hundred nights might have killed him five thousand health!

So powerful skills!

Everyone on the scene, including Chen Mo, saw a change of face!

If it wasn't for the Knight of the Shield, maybe it would be spent a hundred nights to kill!

However, Huakaibaiye did not attack out-of-print masters, but attacked out-of-print knights, because she knew that there were out-of-print knights and attacked others, and out-of-print knights would also block the damage. It would be better to attack out-of-print knights directly.

"You attack again, and with almost the same damage skills, I also use a big trick to kill him!" The slutty tea cup shouted.

With out-of-print knights, the physical profession in the team was basically abolished. Killing out-of-print knights is a top priority.

"No, this skill is very special. I need to accumulate energy normally. I have just used it once." It took a long time to laugh, and the out-of-print knight's defense ability was much stronger than she expected. It didn't work as expected.

As soon as Chen Mo heard ~ www.readwn.com ~, he knew that this skill of Niucha is extremely similar to the type of venomous attack on him. It is not intended to be used, but it ’s worth far to spend a hundred nights. Above the poisonous attack.

"Burning flames!" The slutty tea cup's face sank again, and with the wave of the staff, a huge red fireball smashed from the air.

Range skill again!

Out-of-print masters and others are shrinking their pupils, and finally feel a bit, they really seem to provoke a few powerful characters.

However, the world did not regret taking medicine, let him choose again, the practice of masters out of print will not change.

What about these guys? No matter how great, they must die in their hands!

After they died, they went to the exile, and God knew when it was time to wash out the evil value, and when they came out, his level and equipment were already unknown, how could they be afraid of these people!


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