Godly Hunter

Chapter 208: Change of You Ji

"What do you want to do!"

Chen Mo turned You Ji upside down and turned her hips upward. You Ji suddenly panicked. (Starting)

Chen Mo didn't reply to her words, but just moved her hand to lift the back part of the black hem.

The two petals are white and round, and the powerful hips jump out, very impactful, like art.

"Sure enough," Chen Mo murmured, her claws politely grasped it, and she felt a strange softness and elasticity in her palm.

Feeling that his hips were being pinched by the adventurer, You Ji regretted his face.

Knowing this, she would never have that stubborn idea to provoke this guy.

But it's too late to say anything now. The youngest and most outstanding woman of her Jewish family has become a slave to others.

What made her even more ashamed was that she was so humiliated by this adventurer, but her body was filled with an uncontrollable excitement.

This must be the reason for the demon contract!

You Ji can only think so.

In the strange pleasure that has not been experienced, coupled with the role of the devil's contract, You Ji feels sore and numb, she has no strength to resist.

But in the dark, You Ji felt her two hips lifted by the guy to the left and right.

"No! You can't touch it later!"

Immediately feeling what this adventurer wanted to do, You Ji's face changed and she hurried.

Can't you touch it there?

After Chen Mo froze, he understood.

The beauty thought he was going to violate her from behind!

rub! You Ji is even better than him!

Chen Mo really didn't want to do this. He knew that he was a big satyr now, but it was also a normal satyr. What came later was still too heavy for him. He turned Youji over, Just because her hips were too seductive, Chen Mo wanted to satisfy her curiosity.

It's almost impossible to see a superb buttock like You Ji in reality. Even if you can see it, it's not his turn. The chance that he wants to experience it by hand is very small.

Now Yu Ji is in front of him, and he is his slave again. He can fiddle with whatever he wants, and Chen Mo certainly won't miss such an opportunity.

But I did not expect that You Ji mistakenly thought that he was going to carry a gun.

Having said that, in reality it is a bit more tasteful, but here is a game, and it is still different from reality. Would he like to experience it?

Looking at You Ji's seductive buttocks, Chen Mo couldn't help but be a little tempted.

However, at this time You Jimeng gritted his teeth and said, "You can't touch me, otherwise I will fight my name and die with you!"

Under the constraints of the devil's contract, she cannot take the initiative to disclose her relationship with Chen Mo, otherwise she will be severely sanctioned by the contract. Taking the initiative to leak the relationship with Chen Mo is definitely a two-pronged approach.

rub! Dare to threaten the owner!

Chen Mo slaps his hands on You Ji's hips, dissatisfied and says, "This won't work, that won't work, what use do I want you as a slave?"

"My fighting power is very strong, and I can help you fight against your enemies!" You Ji said quickly.

Well, that's a good idea.

Although he could force You Ji to fight, he certainly did not take the initiative to fight aggressively.

"Don't you know Joanna, the owner of Donghai City? Who is better with you?" Chen thought for a moment, and asked.

You Ji hesitated, and replied: "I know. She's very good, otherwise she can't be the owner of Donghai City. I haven't played against her, but I think I should be able to tie with her."


That's not bad. It can be tied. If You Ji strikes, Joanna will be defeated properly!

Compared to You Ji, Chen Mo wanted to capture Joanna as his slave.

And if You Ji's strength is similar to Joanna's, Leopold of Tianhai City will not even be an opponent of You Ji. He can let You Ji deal with Leopold, and with You Ji in, he is building Carter. The process of Lynn Territory can also be considered to speed up.

You Ji was anxious, it was both defeats, coaxed her first, and let her work hard for herself, a lot of benefits she could get.

Chen Mo, who is not interested in the post-entry You Ji, is naturally not difficult to make a choice.

Anyway, as long as he is still his slave in particular, it is only a matter of time before he wants Youji.

Picking up Ji Ji again, Chen Mo rubbed her twin peaks and said, "You're lucky, I'm really lacking a capable man now. I can promise not to move you, but I will let you fight in the future, you You have to go all out to show me that you have cut corners, and this agreement is annulled. Also, when there is no one in the future, you must call me master! "

"Yes, master, master." You Ji gritted her teeth and replied.

She really wanted Chen Mo to stop her clutches, but she knew it was impossible and could only hold back and say otherwise, or she might anger him.

"Good, I have some questions now, you have to answer me honestly."

"Yes, master, master." You Ji replied, still unnatural when calling the master.

"Why didn't you immediately inform Dunis when I attacked your chest when I was on the ground floor?"

Chen Mo asked his question.

After knowing it was a trap, Chen Mo was surprised. Dunis, they ambush outside, apparently broke in after receiving notice from You Ji, but when he first attacked You Ji ’s giants and breasts, You Ji did not immediately inform Dunis until he reached out to You Ji's thigh, You Ji only informed Dunis, Dunis then broke into the door.

"Dunis is my fiance, but I know he has other women outside. I don't know about it. Since I know, I can't just keep silent like this! This time framed you, I intentionally planned to eat A little loss, let Dunis see and experience my feelings! "You Ji regained her usual pride, sneer.

"Dunis is your fiance? Hahahaha! That's good!" Chen Mo heard it and couldn't help laughing.

Alas, this is a living loss of his wife and a troop!

You Ji fell into his hands, Dunis, you'll still be honest with the baton!

"Well, to be serious, can you help me escape from prison? Can't lie and tell everything you know, otherwise don't blame me!" Chen Mo entered the topic.

He didn't agree to Dunis's task for the first time, he wanted to start with You Ji, and see if you could let him escape from prison.

"Jailbreak? Impossible! There are two ways to escape. The first is to break out of the top level of the prison. This method is completely impossible for you now. Even if I help you, I still ca n’t break out, and It will also expose my relationship with you. The second is to escape from the hunting land, but on the teleportation side, I can't start, Dunis will not let you teleport, you will never reach the hunting land. "You Ji Lianlian shook her head.

"Is there really no way out?" Chen Mo frowned.

"But, there may be another way." You Ji hesitated and said, "Dunis is the warden. He has a warden badge. The warden badge has great authority. If you can get the warden badge, You can start a teleportation array and teleport directly to the hunting ground. "

"How can I get the Warden badge?" Chen Mo's eyes brightened.

"I don't know. Dunis hid it and I don't know where he put it. Even if I knew it, I couldn't steal it for you, otherwise I would definitely be suspicious. Once you find out, you and I are finished." You Ji shook her head again.

Grandma's bear, so to speak, he still has to promise Dunis's task?

After asking You Ji some more questions, Chen Mo began to concentrate on playing with You Ji.

Now You Ji is dying, he ca n’t be arrogant, but Chen Mo knows how to cook frogs in warm water. This is the first day. You Ji must resist all kinds, but as long as she adjusts slowly, let her become familiar with the habits, regardless Everything is simple.

"Well, that's all for today, and you'll find time tomorrow." Chen Mo said with satisfaction, patting You Ji's buttocks that barely covered her body.

You Jixiang sweat dripped softly on the ground. In the past hour, the extreme pleasure hit her head again and again, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"Yes, master, master." You Ji finally recovered, and walked out of the cell in frustration.

Although this adventurer promised not to move her body, I don't know when this life will last.

Do not!

May not take long!

As long as he leaves the exile, she will never meet him again!

Thinking of this, You Ji finally found a hint of hope and motivation.

After tidying up her clothes, You Ji took a deep breath and returned to her usual appearance.

At noon the next day, Dunis came to the cell again and asked, "How about, is it up to you?"

"I'll give you the answer tomorrow," Chen Mo said lazily.

He wasn't in a hurry to go out, anyway, now he can't do anything. He promised tomorrow, and there are two days to prepare, which is enough.

While there is still time today, you have to play with You Ji more is the business. When you are out of here, it is difficult to touch You Ji.

"I hope you don't make the wrong choice!" Dunis said coldly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The threat in the discourse is self-evident.

rub! Dare to threaten brother! Do you know that your fiancee is already a brother's slave!

Really looking for death!

Dunis quickly left, and You Ji appeared after a while.

"I am here." Compared with yesterday, You Ji has changed a lot today, but instead of becoming weak and fearful, her eyes have become unusually firm and her voice is cold.

"As long as you don't break the agreement and do whatever you like, I will never give in to you as I did yesterday!"

It seems that when she went back yesterday, she thought about a lot of things and confirmed her thoughts.

"Hey, interesting!" After Chen Mo froze, he suddenly became interested.


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