Godly Hunter

Chapter 209: Cesi Hero's New Capabilities

Chen Mo fiddled with You Ji as yesterday, but after half an hour, although You Ji flushed with blush, she just kept silent. (Starting)

Chen Mo was surprised that this patience and will were not ordinary toughness.

"That's all for today, you go, let Dunis come to me and say I have a decision." Chen Mo said to You Ji.

He changed his mind. With You Ji's willpower, he can definitely become a very powerful man! Anyway, in a short time, he is unable to attack You Ji, it is better to put a long line to hang the big fish, take it slowly, while allowing You Ji to be loyal to him, also slowly attack You Ji.

You Ji was a little surprised, but she said nothing and left quickly.

"You have a decision?" Dunis quickly appeared, asking Chen Mo outside the cell.

"Yes, I can promise you to participate in the city of sin on behalf of the exile, but I have some requirements." Chen Mo nodded and answered.

"Are you asking? You don't have that power!" Dunis sneered.

"Don't rush to refuse, the requests I made are simple things for you, and these requirements can also improve my strength, which is a good thing for you." Chen Mo did not care about Dunis, his fiancee It's all his slaves. It doesn't make sense to care about these trivial matters.

"Let's hear it." After listening to Chen Mo's words, Dunis was relieved.

"Sisi Hero." Chen Mo moved her hand and called Cesi Hero to come out, and then said to Dunis, "My pet needs some scarlet crystals to improve his strength. Scarlet crystals are available outside the hunting ground, and it is not difficult to get them. Her strength has improved, and she will have more control over the game against Sin City immediately. "

"Cessie Hero?" Dunis couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Cessie Hero. Previously, he knew that the adventurer had a powerful pet, but he did not expect it to be Cessie Hero.

Of course, Ceci Hero's name, he knew it, naturally knew that Chen Mo was right.

"Yes, but the production of scarlet crystals is very low, almost all of them have to be turned in. I can only provide as much as possible to make Cesi Helo as strong as possible." Dunis nodded, agreeing to Chen Mo's request .

Chen Mo intends to ask for more, but thinks that he pitted Dunis so many things, it is good that others are willing to take out to improve Ceci Hero's strength. It is almost impossible to pack and take away, and he did not waste his tongue. .

As long as there is a little more, it is not very useful. Try to get Dunis to get more out of it, and let Ceci Hero's level rise to 35. He is satisfied.

"What else is required?" Dunis asked, and he felt better when he saw Ceci Hero.

"There are a few of my friends in the exile. I think you let them go." Chen Mo said.

The friends he said naturally refer to sharp knives and others. They are of great strength. If they spend more than half a month in the exile, and the level of the players outside, they will pull down too much. If possible, Chen Mo would like to take them out by the way, so that he can have more friends.

I do n’t expect them to give him anything, but if there is one more friend, there will be another way. It will be much easier to do something in the future.

Especially like him, he can't enter the city from time to time, making more reliable friends is very necessary.

"How many people to leave? Yes, if you succeed and return to the exile, you will take them with you when you escape!" Dunis said coldly.

The meaning of his words is very obvious. If you want him to let go, Chen Mo has to be in the top five, otherwise don't think about him letting go.

This requirement is just a hand for Dunis, and with this requirement, the adventurer who wants to come to this will also work harder to enter the top five, and naturally Dunis will not refuse.

"Okay, that's it. You'll have someone send the Scarlet Crystal over quickly. I want to improve Ceci Hero's strength and get familiar with it."

Chen Mo knew that it was absolutely impossible for Dunis to let people go first. For now, let's improve Cesi Hero's ability first.

Raise Ceci Hero's level to level 35, even if Dunis doesn't give him any reward, this mission is earned.

Dunis didn't make nonsense either, he brought a small bag of scarlet crystals in a while.

It seems that what he said is not true. Scarlet crystals are rare, and he cannot use them too much.

Dunes first gave two pieces of scarlet crystal Cecihelo, and Cecihelo's eyes were so bright that he couldn't wait to swallow them.

System Tip: Your pet Ceci Heroo's ability is improved!

The two scarlet crystals went down, and Cesi Hero's level suddenly rose to level 30!

As soon as Chen Mo's eyes lighted up, this blood-colored crystal was really not comparable to ordinary crystals. It took 10 pieces of ordinary crystals for Cesi Hero to upgrade by 1 level.

"Continue!" Chen Mo urged Dunis.

Dunis didn't speak, and handed two more to Ceci Hero.

However, Ceci Heroo swallowed these two pieces, but she did not upgrade. Obviously, when she reached level 30, the number of crystals she needed to upgrade increased.

After waiting for Chen Mo's urging, Dunis handed two more scarlet crystals to Ceci Hero, and after Cesi Hero swallowed it, he was finally promoted to another level.

Chen Mo saw it. After level 30, Ceci Hero was promoted to level 1 and needed to consume as many as 5 blood crystals!

"One time for five!" Chen Mo said to Dunis.

Dunis didn't hesitate, he handed five pieces to Cesi Hero, and Cesi Hero swallowed happily, and the level really improved to another level.

Dunes later gave fifteen pieces of scarlet crystals in succession, and Ceci Hero's level rose sharply, and in a blink of an eye he rose to level 34!

Chen Mo is now at level 30, and Ceci Hero can rise to level 35!

But when Dunis touched the bag, it turned out to be empty.

"Going to get five more, Cesi Hero's strength can be improved once more, and this time will be improved a lot!" Chen Mo quickly said to Dunis, for fear that Dunis would not give it.

Dunis gritted his teeth, and before leaving, he returned with five blood crystals.

Ceci Heroo swallowed up excitedly, and the level finally rose to level 35!

"Boy, I paid so much for this game. If you can't get the top five again, don't say I didn't remind you! Even if you can come back alive from the city of sin, you can't leave the exile! "Dunis threatened coldly.

Chen Mo didn't care about Dunis, he just looked at the properties of Ceci Hero.

Ceci hero

Attribute: Physical attack power 1400-1800

Magical attack power 1400-1800

hp: 160000

mp: 18000

Movement speed 8-20

Raising to level 35 in one breath, the property of Ceci Heroo has really grown crazy!

With a high attack power of 1800 points, as long as her ordinary attack is a hit, she can almost kill an ordinary player. If you use a skill to hit a hit, except for those high-level players with high health, no Several people can resist!

Not only has there been a substantial increase in attributes, but after upgrading to level 35, Ceci Hero's skills have also increased by two, namely the triple blood strike and the afterimage.

——Blood triple combo: Use a dagger to instantly attack the enemy three times, each attack causes 110 damage, and the skill cooldown is three minutes. In combat, the skill cooldown is reduced by 1 minute for each enemy killed.

——Afterglow: Leave a shadow of itself on the spot, the shadow can only move a distance of no more than ten meters, and can make a normal attack on the enemy within this range. Afterimages have no blood and can last up to 30 seconds. Two attacks within 30 seconds will definitely disappear.

The two skills, afterimage skills, are not very useful in Chen Mo's eyes, but the other skill, the blood-three triple combo, is too useful!

With Cesi Hero's attack power, when facing an enemy that is not too powerful, he can smash three blood in a row, maybe he can always use it without cooling!

"Well, you prepare after you come out, and set off in the afternoon the next day! After you come out, be good at yourself, don't mess around in the prison, or don't blame me! As for running away, don't even think about it, I have ordered the prison Everyone here, as long as you are out of the normal range of activities, you will be attacked! "

Dunis opened the cell door, threatened a few words, and let a jailer come over and take Chen Mo back to the bottom of the prison.

Chen Mo wants to try how powerful Ceci Hero is now, but unfortunately it's not time for the monster to refresh, so he can only give up.

After taking a break from the offline line, at about six o'clock in the evening, Chen Mo went online on time and walked to the fourth floor of the prison.

Players in the Exiles now have even more than 30 levels, and the second, third and fourth floors of the prison are all open.

Among them, the monsters on the second floor are about 15th level, the third floor is about 25th level, and the fourth floor is about 35th level. The player's level is higher than the monster by more than five level. Killing the monster will not get the beast. nuclear.

So low-level players, when they come to the exile, are not a dead end.

Ceci Hero is already a 35th-level pet, and it is a mess for Niucha. Of course, Chen Mo has to wait until the fourth floor to know how powerful she is.

"Hey, see you again! Don't even try to grab a monster today!"

Going up to the third floor, Chen Mo walked towards the fourth floor, halfway through, he heard a somewhat familiar voice.

Hey, isn't that just two-pronged?

This guy is a bit capable, and can still help out in the exile, just two or three days, there are already seven or eight people by his side ~ www.readwn.com ~, and the opposite is a sharp knife. And slutty tea cup for four.

These four people are a bit capable, and they are revenge with out-of-print guilds. Since they came to the exile, they naturally want to completely attack these four people and cut off the possibility of revenge against out-of-print guilds.

"One strike and two breaks, don't bully people too much!" The sharp knife drank coldly.

Beside him, the slutty tea cup, the shadowy hand, and the flowers blooming for a hundred nights were all gloomy.

Originally, with the equipment and strength of the four of them, they were absolutely not afraid of a team of seven or eight people, but when they died, they were all black names, their equipment was completely clean, and their level was also down by one level.

Although the skills are still there, but without equipment, it is impossible to be an opponent with a knife and a knife.


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