Godly Hunter

Chapter 211: Powerful Ceci Hero

Last time Chen Mo was in a pit, the Lightning Peter Pan was a female player, and his hatred for Chen Mo was not lower than the **** battle.

How boring life in the exile land, more than ten days later, the Lightning Peter Pan has a deep feeling, and now has the opportunity to revenge, she certainly will not miss it.

It's almost six o'clock now, when the monsters are refreshed, the people of the two guilds are almost there. After receiving the news, the two guilds gathered most of the people in an instant and killed them vigorously.

"You four, this matter has nothing to do with you, you go, I promise that in the future exile, no one will bother you again!"

Lightning Peter Pan and the **** battle, with the two guilds, came over and stopped 30 meters away from Chen Mo.

Looking at the four people around Chen Mo, Lightning Peter Pan thought loudly and yelled.

Four people who came here for three or four days, she heard reports from her staff, and saw that they knew Chen Mo, she immediately got an idea.

She wasn't afraid that the four would help Chen Mo. In her eyes, it didn't matter whether or not the four were there. She did it just to isolate the disgusting Chen Mo.

If the alienation is successful, it is definitely more resentful than killing this guy once!

"Haha, bitch, don't talk nonsense! My sharp knife has never given up the habit of escaping from my brother!" The sharp knife smiled coldly, and raised a huge sword just now, although there were fifty or sixty people across from him But it is not afraid at all.

The hands of the shadows and the teasing tea cups are the kind of bad-spoken people. The two didn't speak, but just stared at the Lightning Peter Pan and others. Without moving their feet, they knew their intentions.

"I spend a hundred nights is not a good person. But you have clear grudges and you have forced me to go. You still want me to betray my friends so that you can give me a way of life?" He looked at the Lightning Peter Pan mockingly.

This woman's mind is very clear.

"Huh! Give your face a shame, then don't blame us for being polite, kill!"

Intent on frustration, the Lightning Peter Pan couldn't help getting angry and shouting.


In the end, the blood battle knew that it was useless to say more, but it was also a drink.

Chen Mo had long called out Ceci Hero. The moment before Lightning Peter Pan issued an attack order. Under the order of Chen Mo, Ceci Heroo added the speed skills to instantly increase the maximum speed of 10 points, at an astonishing speed. Killed two major guilds.

"Stop her!"

Lightning Peter Pan and **** battle to the end. All frowned.

See the speed of Ceci Hero. Both knew that their estimates were wrong.

This pet is more than when they met. It's too fast!

However, the prison passage is not wide and can only accommodate five people. They have already let five fighters stand in front. No matter how fast this pet is, it will not pass!

The pet wanted to get rid of the five soldiers, and only had to let go of her big move. Once her big move came out, the pet was not afraid. They could come forward and kill the hunter.

The five soldiers quickly used the charge skills to block Cesi Hero.


In the face of the five soldiers, Ceci Hero looked at them lightly, and used the afterimage skills just learned.

After rising to level 35, Ceci Hero was obviously more mature and there were some changes in her eyes, but Chen Mo had not had time to notice.

"Two figures? Are they two or something?"

Lightning Peter Pan and the **** battle are a little disturbed.

"Long range attack, hurry up!"

Both yelled on their respective guild channels.

For long-range attacks, there are nearly 20 remote players among the 60 people. These 20 people are in the last few rows. However, Ceci Hero is near, and they can already attack Cesi Hero.

More than a dozen attacks flew down to Sisi Hailuo. Sisi Hailuo didn't care about it at all, but the shadow of the figure moved and a dagger stabbed at a soldier player.

This warrior player, of course, in order to block Cesi Hero's way, of course cannot hide, but can only resist.


An injury floated, and the soldier was shocked.

But at the same time, Ceci Hero is also a shadow strike, killing him!

Bloody triple combo!

After Xingying's attack, the soldier's health has been reduced by more than half, but the blood three hits in a row, this soldier player, instantly died!

At this time, the attack of the remote player was also killed. Cesi Hero did not allow any of those attacks to fall on her. She ignored it, but just from the gap in the wall to the two guilds at an alarming speed. The team is close!

"Stop her!"

Lightning Peter Pan and the **** battle can't be calm, they move together, they will step forward to intercept Cesi Hero.

But Ceci Hero, who blessed the speed skills, is where they can compare. Unless it is like a wall of people a while ago, don't try to block her pace.

For the human wall, the two guilds just prepared a block. I thought that a human wall was enough, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

Ceci Hero's body twisted, and he quickly passed through between the two, and immediately came to the two guild groups.


Then, Ceci Hero used the hurricane skills without hesitation.

The radius of the hurricane skill is 15 meters. Although the two major guilds have nearly sixty people, the passage can be a five-person party. The two major guilds' teams have only maintained a sixteen-seven meter appearance.

Sisi Hero rushed in, a hurricane skill, almost everyone in the two major guilds was involved!

More than two thousand damages kept floating from the players in the two major guilds. These players were originally low-level and poorly equipped. Under this horrible damage, after a while, they all turned into one after another. Made white light death.

Including Lightning Panther and Bloody Fighting, the two guilds were close to sixty people, and only a few players who were lucky enough not to be involved in Hurricane skills survived.

Ding Ding Ding ...

There was a sound of the sound of Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

"It's so different, so bad!"

"Run away!"

Fortunately, a few people who were alive at the two guilds were frightened. They heard the sound of the equipment falling to the ground before they reacted.

The big team was cleaned up by others' pets. Some of them were not enough to plug their teeth. Where did they dare to stay in place? After the reaction, they all fled backwards.

In the state of soul, the Lightning Peter Pan and the **** battle to the end, looked at Ceci Hellow unbelievably.

They knew that Ceci Hero might be stronger, but did not expect it to be so strong!

The number of people they take pride in cannot afford a blow from others!

Thinking of the **** guild is such an enemy, in the end the **** fight can not help but be a little bit empty.

The elites of the **** guilds outside may not be as miserable as they are now, but they will be immortal when they are struck by this move. At that time, as long as they make up the knife, they will have the same killing effect.

"My grass! Silent brother, your pet, too changeable, a little bit, right?"

The sharp knives and others were ready to fight the two major guilds. As a result, they failed to release a single move. Dozens of people in the two major guilds were killed by Chen Mo's pets. Clean.

They have seen this trick before, but the effect turned out to be so much worse, and several people were stunned.

Where is this pet?

Whether it's speed or lethality, that's definitely level!

The last time I saw this strange beauty pet, a few people were still skeptical, and now I am convinced.

"Hahaha, it's not bad!" Chen Mo couldn't help laughing when she saw Ceci Hero's lethality.

Previously, the hurricane skills of Ceci Hero had been unable to kill people, and now dozens of people were instantly killed in an instant. The feeling was really uncomfortable!

Chen Mo is extremely satisfied with Cesi Hero, who has risen to level 35. There is Cesi Hero, a bull fork pet, and other players in Sin City. What is terrible!

"Aren't you guys without armor and jewellery? There are so many drops out there. See what's right!"

Chen Mo said generously, under Cesi Hero's feet, he dropped dozens of pieces of equipment.

"Okay! Give it back to your brother after you go out!"

The sharp knife and others were poor and white on the body. When Chen Mo changed and became like this, knowing that he probably didn't look down on those equipment, a few of them went rudely to find the right equipment in a pile .

After a while, the four of them picked out most of their equipment.

However, it is impossible to pick up the whole body equipment. Although the two guilds lost dozens of pieces of equipment, there are many repeated parts.

But the four were very satisfied. After putting on these equipments, their strength finally recovered to a small half. When they hit the knife, they could definitely kill him and restore the living point.

Five people waited in place, but the two guilds did not dare to come.

Lightning Peter Pan and the **** battle to the end, although I really wanted to die with Chen Mo, but the two also know, and then go to Chen Mo, that is to death.

With a large number of people, a hurricane skill can make them all wiped out, and a small number of people will send sheep into the tiger's mouth. That hurricane skill has completely defeated the psychological defense of the members of the two guilds. Even if they want to go, they may not be able to call many people ~ www.readwn.com ~ The two guilds will not come, sharp Four people with a small knife, after six o'clock, quickly killed many monsters.

These days they have not had any beast nuclear income, and now they have killed enough copies in one pass.

In the next two days, Chen Mo was working with them, killing this guy with two swords, and running away when they saw a few people in the distance, for fear of being troubled.

The sharp knife man and others were oppressed too much before using the knife and the sword. Of course, he wanted to get revenge on him, but the knife and the sword were assassins. This guy fled when he saw from a distance. Several people really had no choice what to do with him.

"Come with me, it's time!"

In the afternoon of the fourth day, Dunes found Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded, followed Dunis to the bottom of the prison's teleportation array, and found that You Ji was going to follow the city of evil.


Fourth more! Please subscribe! Please recommend! (To be continued ...)

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