Godly Hunter

Chapter 212: Magic eye mystery

To be honest, before going to the city of sin, Chen Mo was full of expectations for the city of sin. After all, it was the joint management center of the prison without knowing how many. Before going, Chen Mo also made various conjectures about the competitive games in the Sin City.

The one-on-one knockout tournament, a number of people and even a dozen people's scuffles, points rounds, killing the treasure hunt and so on.

However, from the teleportation in the exile, Chen Mo found that he seemed to be back in the exile, and was still teleported from the teleportation in a prison cell. It was almost exactly the same as the exile. The only difference was the evil The city's architecture is even more ancient and gloomy. It is estimated that the place of exile is to imitate the city of sin.

Chen Mo was then taken to a huge open hall.

There is plenty of light in the hall, which makes people feel like bathing in the sun. In the center of the hall, there is a huge wooden box. There are pieces of wooden jigsaw pieces in the wooden box, and Chen Mo was told that the first part of the game is to play the jigsaw. If the player can use the jigsaw pieces in the wooden box to form a complete picture within one day, he can play in the game. At the end, get extra points and rewards.

Chen Mo listened for a while, but he couldn't think of anything, but he couldn't think of it. Qian Liyu came to the city of sin, making Ceci Hero so so bullish, he wanted to stretch out his hand, and severely abuse other black name players. In the end, Sin City left him in the room to play puzzles.

Isn't this a daddy?

But what makes Chen Mo strange is that this first part of the game, regardless of the result of the puzzle, will not be eliminated.

Chen Mo is also too lazy to think. Anyway, in a day, he has to stay in this room and can't do anything else. Playing with the puzzle is passing the time. In case of luck, he can complete the puzzle and get a reward. Not happy.

Chen Mo knew that Sin City would let them black-named adventurers complete the puzzle. The puzzle is definitely not easy, but the scary wooden box knew that the number of pieces of the puzzle would not be small. It would be difficult to find suitable pieces of the puzzle. .

However, Chen Mo exhausted his efforts to push down the wooden box and pour out all the jigsaw pieces. Chen Mo felt that the first part of the game was not an ordinary daddy.

Rao is mentally prepared, but he still can't think of it, all the jigsaw pieces in the wooden box are almost exactly a weird semi-closed black eyeball!

This weird black eyeball, with the eyes half closed, seems to be staring at people, but does not seem to know where to look. If you look closely, you will feel a chill.

Chen Mo flipped through the piles of jigsaw puzzle pieces and found that all the jigsaw pieces are really a pattern. With his powerful observation ability, he can't see the difference, it is completely printed in a mold. thing.

What's even worse is that the puzzle originally had an original image contrasted, but this big box of jigsaw pieces didn't exist like that.

"Mother, what do you mean?"

Chen Mo also can't figure out what the evil city plans to do. No wonder that even if the puzzle is not completed, it will not be eliminated. If it is not completed, it will be eliminated. It is estimated that all the black name players who come will have few left. Yes, it is estimated that it is possible to decide the top five in this jigsaw phase without having to play the subsequent games, and it is not impossible to decide the championship.

Of course, it is also possible that all troops will be destroyed.

Chen Mo is still very confident in her own observation ability, knowing what special meaning may be contained in the puzzle, unless you know the secrets in the puzzle, otherwise it is impossible to complete the puzzle.

However, Chen Mo didn't give up so easily, he still worked hard to make various speculations, and constantly put together pieces of the puzzle in various ways.

But for more than half an hour, Chen Mo knew nothing, and knew that unless he could figure out the key to complete the puzzle, it would not be possible to complete the puzzle in one day.

Chen Mo thought for a while, and called Ceci Hero to come out and let her play with the jigsaw.

He hasn't given up yet, maybe this flash of light will have an answer. Ceci Hero will only play jigsaw puzzles randomly, which may bring him a hint of light.

Sin City is far bigger than Chen Mo's imagination. In addition to Chen Mo, in a huge room in Sin City, there are black-named players playing the same puzzles as Chen Mo.

These black name players have different skin colors and hair, black, wheat, white skin, gold, blue, red, silver, and so on.

The black-named players in Sin City are obviously not only from Huaxia District, but from different countries and regions of the world!

Obviously, each country has its own server, but the city of sin is connecting the servers of all countries together.

In another huge circular hall in Sin City, there are people sitting around the hall. In the center of the hall, there are more than a hundred magic screens, each screen has a serial number, and the image displayed in each serial number They are all different, all of them are images of black name players in the puzzle.

However, there are not many people staring at the magic screen below. Most of them are communicating in a low voice, and Dunis is also among them.

"August, how did the elders come up with these puzzles this time? I remember the sessions ten years ago, the elders were very interested in these magic eye puzzles and wanted to figure out what they did. Every time the prisoner races, the prisoner is manipulated, and the result is no result for years. "

Dunis said underneath the hall to an equally young silver-haired man.

This silver-haired man is a bit like Dunis, and he looks like a gentleman. He listened to Dunis and smiled slightly: "These adventurers have unlimited possibilities, and the elders would like to try on them, anyway? Even if it fails, there is no loss to the Presbyterian Church, but if it succeeds, maybe the magic eye mystery can be solved. "

Dunis nodded, thinking about it too.

These adventurers come from different perspectives of other worlds, and they have different thinking and insights, understanding, and maybe someone can really solve the mystery of the magic eye.

Eleven years ago, the Presbyterian Church of the Sin City found an ancient ruin. The gate of the ruin is a huge puzzle. This jigsaw consists of countless pieces of small eyeball jigsaw pieces, but the elders of the Presbyterian Church of the Sin City have tried their best to open the door of the ruins without trying to figure out the correct pattern.

Without a solution, they could only print the pattern of the puzzle with magic and brought it back to see if anyone could solve the mystery.

However, more than ten years have passed, and the city of sin has not made any progress on that puzzle. Because the puzzles are all the same eyeballs, they have been named "the mystery of the magic eye".

"Dunis, the adventurer you brought, seems to have given up."

Auguste looked at the magic screen with serial number 78 and said to Dunis with a smile.

On the magic screen No. 78, Chen Mo and Ceci Hero are displayed. Chen Mo sits on the ground and fiddles with jigsaw pieces. Instead, Ceci Hero makes a jigsaw puzzle.

"Anyway, it is optional. It is better to give up early, so as not to waste energy and save some energy to get a better ranking, this is what he should do."

Dunis didn't mind seeing Chen Mo give up early.

"So it seems that you are very confident in the adventurer you brought? Oh, Dunis, when tomorrow's game starts, you better ask your adventurer not to meet the person I brought!" Gust chuckled.

Dunis frowned at the magic screen with serial number 65. The man on the screen was also a hunter, but he couldn't see what the hunter was doing. But he knew Auguste, and if Auguste dared to say that, it would mean that this hunter must be very powerful.

"Walk and see, I brought this man, and I can never lose to you!"

But Dunis naturally won't lose. He didn't know the hunter brought by August, but the guy he brought caused him annoyance and would not be easily eliminated!

In the room.

Half an hour has passed, and Chen Mo has almost given up.

It was almost impossible to get that near-miracle light, he simply lay on his side and watched Ceci Hero play by himself.

I do n’t know, Chen Mo took a look and found out that after the Cixi hero level rose to 35, the IQ has improved significantly.

She was really jigsaw, not messy!

Chen Mo always thought that she was juggling jumbled pieces, because her jigsaw pieces were not put together one by one, but were placed in a mess, and were not connected at all. At first glance, where was the jigsaw, it was totally a mess.

But Chen Mo looked at the focused Ceci Hero, but he knew that Cesi Hero was jigsaw.

Does Ceci Hero know the secret of this puzzle?

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking.

Thinking about it that way, Chen Mo didn't go to trouble, and looked at Ceci Hellow quietly.

Three hours later ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sisihailuo spelled a mess, Chen Mo observed it, it was not a pattern at all, nor was it any regular text.

It seems that he still guessed wrong. I am afraid that the people in this sin city are puzzles that cannot be completed. How did Ceci Hero know?

But at this moment, Chen Mo saw that when Ceci Hero put a puzzle on the ground, the puzzle gave out a dark light and shot on Ce Si Hero's forehead instantly.

The light flickered, and Chen Mo almost wondered if he was dazzled.

But he was shocked to see that this black light formed a weird black eyeball on Ceci Hero's head.

But before he could watch it carefully, Ceci Hero called out and was forced to return to his pet pen.


First more. RS


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