Godly Hunter

Chapter 219: Battle Shepherd

Chen Mo found this time, not others, but the shepherd who just finished fighting!

Dunis knows that Chen Mo is powerful, but shepherd feels even more powerful. Chen Mo is now very unwise to find a shepherd. The chance of winning is not more than 40%!

"Dunis, your people are really powerful, so bold. [Starter] This is good, we don't have to argue, who is more powerful, and we will see immediately."

Auguras smiled and said that Chen Mo's power was beyond his expectation, but Dunis felt that the shepherd's odds were a bit bigger, let alone Auguras, he was very confident in the shepherd .

Although he had doubted the shepherd's strength for a time, in the course of continuous fighting, the shepherd became more and more powerful, and Augustus' confidence in the shepherd became more and more sufficient.

And why did Chen Mo find the shepherd?

The reason is very simple. At the feet of the shepherd, it just happens to be the shop lattice.

The mage that Chen Mo just killed, although very weak, actually has a big killer such as a weak card. Generally, when players see him, they may have to kneel.

However, Chen Mo didn't even need to disperse the card, so he just let Cesi Heilo come out, killed the mage two or three times, and got a teleport card and dice card.

There are many types of cards in the game, but the players can get most of them are very ordinary cards. Every time Chen Mo plunders a person, he can get most of these common cards.

Because each type of card can only have one on the player, so Chen Mo killed a player and got almost all the cards he just used.

When killing this mage, Chen Mo also vaguely felt that the weak card can only be obtained by the weaker one. The stronger one has a lower chance of getting the weak card. A rare card like his copy card is a complete savings. Luck, the result of a sudden outbreak.

However, there are a lot of great cards to buy in the store. Powerful players can't get powerful cards through the treasure chest, so buy them directly from the store!

So when she saw the shop under the shepherd's feet, Chen Mo couldn't help but teleport it.

As for the shepherd, Chen Mo didn't know how powerful he was. His original intention was to kill the black-named player at the same time when he entered the store, to get more points and props, and to buy something good in the store.

"I didn't expect to see a second hunter here."

The shepherd did not expect that as soon as the battle had ended, someone came to his door and was still a hunter.

Looking at Chen Mo, the shepherd smiled grimly, that pale complexion made people shudder.

However, shepherds' words are not bad. More than a hundred black-named players and black-named hunters who came to Sin City were just two of them.

Chen Mo realized that shepherds were also hunter professions, and could not help but be a little surprised.

Hunter professional players, who want to kill to kill the black name, it is quite difficult, the difficulty is only lower than the priests and shield knights and the like.

The black-named hunter wants to participate in the Sin City, which shows that the Ming hunter's gold content is much higher than other occupations!

The two were drawn into the battle scene, and the five-second countdown was over, and the two could start moving.

Chen Mo didn't dare to underestimate the shepherd, and when the battle started, he called Ceci Hero to come out.

"I rub! Five pets! And, that black humanoid pet ..."

Across the distance, Chen Mo couldn't help spitting out when she saw the shepherd calling out pets one after another.

Although knowing that this hunter may be extraordinary, it's too changeable and a bit disgusting!

Five pets! Ordinary pet stream hunters can only call out two pets at the same time!

It seems that he is the legendary orc pet stream hunter!

In the hunter profession, the sea spear stream hunter of the sea clan and the pet stream hunter of the orcs are very popular. Among these two genres, the orc pet stream hunter is more mysterious than the sea spear stream hunter. And seductive.

Legend has it that the orc pet stream hunter, who is extremely deformed, can call seven pets at the same time!

The news came out, which once made many pet flow hunters extremely inspiring.

This news has never been confirmed, as if it were an urban legend, but a large number of pet stream hunters are thinking with an eye to mind, can one day emigrate to the orcs and become a pet stream hunter of the orcs.

The orc hunters now do not have seven pets at the same time, as legend says, but five pets have never been seen by Chen Mo.

"Pet flow players have the 'tamer trainer' skill, which can directly increase the level of pets. Orc pet flow players, it is said that with the blessing of the" natural heart "talent skills, the 'tamer trainer' skills The effect is even more powerful. Normal human stream pet players can increase the skills of pets by 3, and they can increase the pets by 5! I am afraid these pets are very high! The most important thing is that black female pet, It's a little bit like Ceci Hero, and it gives a very bad feeling! "

Chen Mo thought about it, the more she thought, the more this guy was not easy to deal with.

"The hunter over there, I will give you a shot. If I do, you will not have any shots!" The shepherd looked at Ceci Hero called by Chen Mo, a little surprised, but he It seems to want to know what the only black-named hunter besides him is capable of.

"I'm welcome!"

Chen Moke didn't think as much as the shepherds. Although he was curious about the skills of the shepherds, he would not talk nonsense with the enemy, even if he was extremely confident in himself.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Mo rushed towards the shepherd with Ceci Hero.

"Fast speed! Especially that beauty pet is faster than my Cynthia!"

"Like Cynthia, she is a pet!"

The shepherd's face also changed when she saw the amazing speed of Ceci Helona.

He could see that the hunter on the opposite side was different from him. He was not a pet stream hunter, not a pet stream hunter. He actually had pets, which completely subverted his perception.

Sure enough, there is absolutely no easy way for a hunter to appear here!

The shepherd put away the slightest contempt and faced Chen Mo rushing towards him solemnly.

However, he did not intend to regret what he said. Although he felt that Chen Mo was stronger than he thought, he would let Chen Mo take the lead first.

Phantom Sea Spear!

Thirty meters away from the shepherd, Chen Mo quietly changed into a phantom sea spear with a palm of her hand!

Then, with the movement of his palm, the phantom blasted out suddenly!

"No!" The shepherd's face changed greatly!

He saw a phantom stabbing at him, but he wanted to use any skills, it was too late, and he wanted to avoid it, even more impossible!


From the beginning, Chen Mo wanted to use the phantom sea spear to directly kill the shepherd. Although the shepherd is now prepared, he can't avoid the phantom strike!



Phantom strikes, facing the crispy professions of hunters, archers, assassins, and mages, it is definitely a one-shot spike, no discussion! As long as it is hit, the injury of about six thousand can't run.

However, after killing so many people with one phantom strike, Chen Mo was the first time that he saw phantom strike skills and hit less than four thousand.

Is the phantom hit Chen Mo's lowest damage?


Chen Mo knew it was not. When the phantom struck the shepherd, he clearly saw the red light flash on the shepherd.

The shepherd's face is ugly. If it weren't for a dark gold armor on him, there was a special defense effect that would be launched when the player was injured by more than half of his own health. He is now dead!

This defense effect is very hanged, after the launch, the damage taken will be forcibly reduced by half.

The compulsory reduction was reduced by half, and he was still injured in his early three thousand, which means that if he did not have the dark gold armor, he would die in the hands of this trick.

Still thinking about looking at the talents of others, it seems that he is just too arrogant!


After the shepherd's quick introspection, with a deep drink, five pets killed Chen Mo.

"Stop them!"

The strongest attack method failed, Chen Mo said that it was not accidental to be false, but he had expected this day, but he did not expect it to appear on hunter opponents.

Ceci Hero approached five pets, and Chen Mo rushed towards the shepherd.

Pet stream hunters, which are convenient in melee, are real wastewood. As long as pets are not around and entangled by people, that is almost a dead end.

Shepherds have as many as five pets, and of course it is impossible to keep pets by their side and wait for the enemy to approach. Attack is the best defense. Letting pets take the initiative to attack the enemy is the king.

Shepherds have always done this, and this time is no exception.

Five senior pets intercept one person, and under normal circumstances, it is definitely enough.

But his opponents were Chen Mo and Ceci Hero, and the speed of the two men, the shepherd just glanced, and frowned!

His experience made him feel that it was almost impossible for Ceci Hero to block his three pets, and two pets wanted to stop Chen Mo!


The shepherd found that he was right. After the five pets contacted Chen Mo and Ceci Hero, the situation was as he expected.

Ceci Helo stopped three pets, and only two could follow Chen Mo. With Chen Mo's ability, in less than a minute, he would get rid of the entanglement of those two pets.

Once there was no pet entanglement, Chen Mo rushed to him, it was only a matter of time ~ www.readwn.com ~ He could not run Chen Mo.

And how powerful Chen Mo's offensive power was, shepherd had a deep experience after eating Chen Mo's sea spear, and was approached by Chen Mo within ten meters of him, that was when he defeated death.

Can't get him closer!


Thinking of this, the shepherd immediately drank towards the black humanoid pet Cynthia.

Light of darkness!

Hearing the shepherd's shout, Cynthia shot a black light from her black eyes as before!


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