Godly Hunter

Chapter 220: Predatory ability

The dark light flashed past, and Chen Mo felt dark before his eyes!

7 seconds of blindness!


At the first sight, Chen Mo was blind, let Cesi Hero use hurricane skills!

A black hurricane appeared instantly, and all four pets including Cynthia were caught in the hurricane.

Hurricane skills lasted 5 seconds, and during these five seconds, Chen Mo was safe.

However, in the state of blindness, Chen Mo could only retreat temporarily and did not dare to approach the shepherd again.

Although he remembered the position of the shepherd, when he was blind, the shepherd only had to move down a bit, and he would be emptied. He didn't think that the shepherd would stand idly and wait for him to attack.

The shepherd also has a movable pet, who is also a hunter and can use trap skills. Although the Trap Skills of the Pet Flow Hunter Society are very limited, it is not surprising that the Shepherd can drive five pets and learn one or two strange hunter trap skills.

Chen Mo's blindness is an excellent opportunity for attacking the shepherd. Other enemies have basically no chance of living under his blindness attack, but when the shepherd sees the hurricane of Ceciero, his four pets enter. He knew that he had no chance to take advantage of this opportunity to win the match.

Chen Mo's speed was faster than that of him and the remaining white jade giant elephant. He couldn't help Chen Mo.

In the blink of an eye, five seconds elapsed, the hurricane skill stopped, and four pets, including Cynthia, also recovered their freedom.

However, Chen Mo also distanced herself from several pets of Cynthia. It was impossible to attack Chen Mo in the remaining two seconds.

In the ring-shaped hall, Dunis stared at the scene where Chen Mo and the shepherds fought, seeing that Chen Mo had not been killed by the shepherds after being blind, and could not help exhaling.

"The battle between these two hunters is fierce."

"One is a popular shepherd and who is the hunter? It doesn't look bad."

"Isn't that Ceci Hero when he was young?"

The scene where the shepherd and Chen Mo battled quickly caught the attention of the rest of the hall. When she saw one of the popular candidates, she won't be able to win the opponent at one and a half. Many people were surprised and soon recognized Ceci Hero came and was startled.

"Cessie Hero? When you say it, it really looks alike!"

"It looks like it, but maybe it's just a more powerful water creature, right?"

Many of the people who know Ceci Hero's presence are aware of it, but Ce Si Hero currently is still very different from when she became famous. Now she looks more like an ordinary water elemental creature. Ceci Hero is a step-by-step evolution of water elemental creatures. These people saw Chen Mo call Ceci Hero and did not react very much. It is also because the current Cesi Hero is not much different from those water elements.

But if they, like Dunis, saw Ceci Hero in their own eyes, they would recognize it immediately.

"Cessie Hero?" Auguras looked at Dunis in suspicion. If the adventurer's pet was Cesis Hero, it would not be easy for his people to win.

"But even if it is Ceci Hero, as long as he uses that trick, he will lose with Cesi Hero!"

Augustus laughed. Dunis just changed his face slightly. He knew that Augustus was right.

This adventurer called the shepherd has several methods, blindness is only one of his methods!

"Come! See where your people are running!"

At this moment, Augustus exclaimed excitedly, and Dunis tightened his expression.

In the battlefield scene, Chen Mo has restored her vision and rushed to the shepherd again with Ceci Hero.

A black Cynthia rushed to the front of Chen Mo and Ceci Hero, and her black eyes shot a dark red light again!

Chen Mo and Ceci Heilo immediately walked over like Cynthia.

"It's control skills again! Or group!"

Chen Mo's face changed.

The other four pets around him hurled at him fiercely and were besieged by these four pets. Before the end of Cynthia's charm, he was afraid to die!

Moreover, look at Cynthia's appearance, this charm skill will not end at half past one!

Do you want to use a disperse card?

Chen Mo's face was a bit ugly. The scattering card bought by 8000 points was originally intended to deal with weak cards. I did not expect to be forced to use it now.

But if you don't use it, you will die. The loss is far greater than a scatter card!

Chen Mo wanted to use a dispersal card, but at this moment, he looked at Ceci Hero in front of him in surprise!

Fascinated by Cynthia, Cesi Heilo struggled a little, but her eyes burst into a black fierce light. Cynthia's charm seemed to have failed her instantly!

Not only that, Ceci Hero also hurled fiercely towards Cynthia. Cynthia had no idea that Ceci Hero would have such a reaction. She was too late to evade and was thrown straight by Ce Si Hero.

Chen Mo was overjoyed, thinking that Ceci Hero wanted to interrupt Cynthia's charm, but then he found that he was wrong.

Ceci Hero, who hurled at Cynthia, suddenly changed her body into a dark liquid in mid-air, covering her body all at once.

The whole portrait of Cynthia was swallowed by Cesi Hero, and she was wrapped in the black liquid formed by Cesi Hero. She was constantly struggling. Of course, her charmed eye skills were interrupted, and Chen Mo restored her freedom.

what happened?

While avoiding the four pets rushing at him, Chen Mo looked at Ceci Hero and Cynthia in surprise.

He never saw this kind of attack by Ceci Hero.

Vaguely, Chen Mo remembered the changes that happened to Ceci Hero when he put together the strange eyeball puzzle yesterday. He felt that Cesi Hero would make such a strange attack under the attack of Cynthia's enchanting eye, and what happened yesterday, Can't get away with it.

"Cynthia!" The shepherd found in horror, wrapped in black liquid, and struggling for a short time, Cynthia was beaten back to his pet bar, and then Cynthia was in a gray uncallable state!

After forcing Cynthia to return to the shepherd's pet space, the black liquid that Ceci Hero turned into a humanoid shape.

From the appearance, there is no change in Ceci Hero, but when Chen Mowang looked at the property panel of Cesi Hero, he couldn't help seeing that Cesi Hero had one more skill!

Eye of Charm: Charms enemies with a lower level than yourself, making the enemies unable to control their body movements. It can charm up to five enemies at the same time. The skill can last up to 7 seconds. It will be damaged by attacks and skills will be interrupted. Skill cooldown is 5 minutes.

Ceci Heroo actually snatched over Cynthia's Charm Eye skills!

Chen Mo was stunned, could not believe her eyes!

In the circular hall, Dunis, Auguste and others did not know what Ceci Hero had changed in this short period of time, but they were also stunned.

The shepherd has fought so many times, and the charmed eye has also used it several times. It can be said that this skill is once, and 70 enemies have only a dead end.

Dunis was not optimistic about Chen Mo, because the shepherd had the skills of blindness and charm. Especially the charm skills, there is no way to lift it, it must be just waiting to die.

Charm skills, not invincible skills, many players inside have solutions, a group in the lobby, also met several people, survived from the charm of the eye skills.

However, like Chen Mo, the pets rushed directly and forced Cynthia directly out of the battlefield in a strange form. They met for the first time.

Why is there such a change in Ceci Hero? No one knows, all those who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, Auguste, it seems that the situation has reversed, and my people have a better chance of winning!" Dunis reacted, and laughed.

Before, he thought that Chen Mo only had 40% of the winning face, but after Cynthia left the field, he thought that Chen Mo's winning face suddenly went to at least 60%!

"Huh! It's still early, my adventurer, and the killer!" Auguste also lost his grace, and when the shepherd's killing moves were cracked again and again, he hummed a little in anger.

Still killer?

Knowing that Auguste wouldn't talk nonsense, Dunis immediately looked at the magic screen.

The charm state was not only lifted, but the skill was also robbed by Cesi Hero, but Chen Mo did not let Cesi Hero use this skill directly.

He knew that as long as Ceci Hero used this skill, it was easy to win the shepherd next.

But he remembered the scene from yesterday and was worried that it would cause bad things. After all, this is the city of sin. Yesterday, Ceciello was more like stealing something precious from the city of sin. Now his crime value is so high. At first, it wouldn't be an ordinary trouble if you were being watched by the evil city.

The strongest pet of the shepherd is undoubtedly Cynthia. Now that Cynthia is a jealous pet, she has no worries. She and Ceci Hero once again charge the shepherd ~ www.readwn.com ~ beastization! "

The shepherd was unable to summon Cynthia, and his face was somber that he saw Chen Mo and Ceci Hero kill him, and without Cynthia, he had four pets and could only block at most one of them.

Being approached by these two men, he is definitely not an opponent.

However, being approached by the two was a matter of course. Four pets could not stop the two's pace.

Thinking of this, he no longer kept it, drank a little, and the golden lion not far from Chen Mo suddenly gave a roar, turned it into a golden light, and shot it back to the shepherd.

The next moment, a golden light flickered on the shepherd, Chen Mo looked at it, and was surprised to find that the shepherd became an orc!

The face is still the original face, but his body is like the golden lion just now!


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