Godly Hunter

Chapter 222: Last stage

"What do you say?"

Chen Mo asked back, using a teleport card directly behind him, and then using a dice card to draw the white mage into the battle scene.

"Don't force me!"

The battle began, and the white mage hurried angrily across the distance.

Chen Mo was speechless. How could this guy become a black name and come to the city of evil? He picked this guy over, I'm afraid he regretted it to death?

The battle has begun, and one person must be dead. What is the point of saying this guy now?

"Weak card!"

Seeing Chen Mo's fierce forced over, the white mage gnawed his teeth and used a big killer card directly.

"Sure enough, only weak players will have a high chance of getting this thing!"

Chen Mo was not surprised when the white mage shot a weak card.

"Hahaha, Dongfang boy, you have been told not to force me, you still have to come over! Now you are good, obediently to me to die!"

The white mage laughed when he saw Chen Mo's weak card.

Chen Mo glanced at this silly guy and called Ceci Hellow out.

"What is this!" The white mage stared vigilantly at Ceci Hero, who silently leaned over to the white mage and hurried past.

The white mage was wary, but Ceci Hero's speed was too fast. Although the white mage tried his best to stop Ceci Hero, he couldn't do anything about it.

Approaching the white mage, Ceci Hero was not polite at all. Using the hurricane skills directly, the white mage was killed.

System prompt: you get 11000 points!

System prompt: You get 1 achievement star!

System prompt: You get a dice card!

Killed the white mage, Chen Mo has 94,000 points and 15 achievements stars!

"For the time being, we can only move on."

Coming out of the battle scene, Chen Mo found that for the time being, no one around him could kill him directly. He could only move on and talk about it.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Mo felt that the grid beneath her feet suddenly changed significantly.

There are more points grids, at least 100 points. The most is a thousand points!

Suddenly the monster grid became extremely rare. At a glance, only a few can be seen.

However, the pattern of monsters on the grid has become abnormally rampant. Know at a glance. Step into the monster grid. There must be a battle.

Then there is the shop grid. There are more store grids than before. And it exudes a faint light, which makes people feel different from before.

In addition, the "?" Grid has begun to increase.

However, the question mark grid is also slightly different from the previous one, and the color has become black, giving people an unknown feeling.

Chen Mo glanced around and found that there were fewer than fifteen people in the field of vision, and he entered this way.

"They are finally in the final stages!"

"In the final stage, they can win or lose at any time!"

"Several hotspots are here, but unfortunately the shepherd is now entering the final stage, I am afraid there is no hope!"

In the rotunda of Sin City, there was much discussion.

Augustus' face was ugly.

He originally thought that the shepherd could catch up with his strength. Even if he had few points and was a little bit lost in the final stage, as long as he won one or two adventurers, he could immediately regain the advantage.

But he couldn't think of anything. The shepherd's powerful pet, Cynthia, could not be summoned afterwards, and the shepherd lost the most powerful fighting method.

Although there is no Cynthia and the shepherd's combat effectiveness is not low, it is no longer the opponent of those in front. Unless the person in front is eliminated, the shepherd cannot enter even the top fifteen.

Dunis had a smile on his face and was embarrassed to say it, but he still praised Chen Mo for his good work.

Shaking out a number "3", Chen Mo walked to a shop grid and entered the shop.

"The cards sold are different, and there are several more cards I haven't seen!"

Chen Mo just glanced, and immediately saw many cards that had not been before.

Monster Seal Card: Hit the monster's health below 5%. Use this card to have a 50% chance to seal the monster into the card. The card that seals the monster cannot be used directly, but the store collects it for more than 15,000. This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 10,000 points

Transformation card: When a player has a card with a monster sealed on it, using this card can transform into a corresponding monster. This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 30,000 points

Strength Card: Can be used in battle mode, increase player's strength by 200 points within five minutes! This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 10,000 points

Intelligence Card: It can be used in a combat state. In five minutes, increase the player's intelligence by 200 points! This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 10,000 points

Movement speed card: It can be used in a combat state. In five minutes, increase the player's movement speed by 50%! This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 10,000 points

Attack Speed ​​Card: Can be used in a combat state. In five minutes, increase the player's attack and release speed by 50%! This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 10,000 points

Life Card: It can be used in the battle state. In five minutes, increase the player's life limit by 10,000 points. This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 20000 points

Invincible Card: Can be used in combat mode, immune to all damage for 3 seconds! This card can only have one at a time.

——Price: 70,000 points

Chen Mo originally thought he had more than 90,000 points, which is already a lot. But after seeing these cards, he knew that he had more than 90,000 points, which was not much!

Each of these cards is very obvious. Chen Mo wants to buy all the cards, but unfortunately, his points are still too bad.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo bought a monster seal card, a transfiguration card, a power card, a moving speed card, and a life card respectively, which cost a total of 80,000 points. More than 10,000 points left. Chen Mo could buy an attack speed card, but Chen Mo did not do so.

A monster seal card has a 50% seal success rate. Buying a monster seal card may not seal the monster. He must leave 10,000 points in case!

Glancing around the grid. Chen Mo can just use the red dice. He specified the direction of movement on the left, moved twice, and obtained 500 points. He then used the dice card to throw three points into a monster grid.

"This guy, don't you look at the patterns on the grid? The dragons in this grid!"

In the ring-shaped hall, Dunis looked at Chen Mo's movements, and his heart was agitated.

Chen Mo didn't know that he was involved in the battle scene.

"My grass! Spitfire dragon!"

The battle began, and a huge black shadow passed by the sky. Chen Mo looked up and was a little speechless.

Dunis's worry is not unreasonable. The monsters in this grid are not comparable to the monsters before!

The fire-breathing dragon flying in front of Chen Mo was a real dragon!


The fire-breathing dragon spit out a long fire dragon towards Chen Mo.

"Burning the ground!"

Chen Mo quickly evaded, but then he discovered that the fire-spitting dragon's attack was not okay to escape.

Under the attack of the fire-breathing dragon, the surrounding ground became a flame ground, and Chen Mo passed by from above, and was immediately exposed to a considerable amount of burning damage.


After the blow, the fire-breathing dragon circled around and came back to attack Chen Mo. It had no intention of landing and fighting Chen Mo.

The fighting time with the monster became fifteen minutes, which was three times as much as before, but Chen Mo knew that if he continued in this way, he would not be able to cause much damage to the fire-breathing dragon, even if he was not killed by it The only thing to rely on was the attack from sea spears.

But just relying on the sea spear to attack, definitely can't win the Spitfire Dragon.

The single damage of the sea spear is very high, but the interval is too long to cause continuous damage. Calculating the total damage is better than the crossbow that has been constantly attacking.

Chen Mo thought it was impossible to win the fire-breathing dragon by relying only on the sea spear.

However, this is not to say that Chen Mo is completely helpless.

"Terrain Environment Card! Water World!"

Chen Mo didn't hesitate and took out the terrain environment card he obtained before. After using the card, he chose the water world environment.

Although it is a water world, it only allows one meter of water to appear on the ground, which will not drown people.

However, one meter of water is enough to deal with the fire-breathing dragon.

Mermaid form!

Cecihero immediately changed form. In the form of mermaid, Cesihero had a long-range attack ability.

Originally, Chen Mo was an undead Spitfire Dragon, but now that he has the attack power of Water World and Ceci Hero, he will have a little more control to win the Spitfire Dragon!

In the water world environment, the fire-spitting dragon's attack can scarcely hit two people, one after another, and like Chen Mo, he only needs to dive under the water to avoid it.

The flames on the ground no longer existed, and Chen Mo could pursue as he pleased.

Chen Mo and Cesi Heilo immediately chased after the Spitfire Dragon, and the Spitfire Dragon's blood began to decrease rapidly.


The fire-breathing dragon soon became angry, with a big mouth and flames flying down the sky!

"Okay!" But ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Mo not only didn't fear, but he shouted.

The more powerful the Spitfire Dragon is, the more powerful it becomes when he uses the transfiguration card after catching it!

The flames scattered throughout the sky, and Chen Mo dived into the water to avoid it as before.

However, this attack was not simple at all, even though Chen Mo was hiding in the water, he still suffered considerable damage.

Chen Mo's eyes are even brighter!

This fire-breathing dragon is more powerful than he imagined! If he can get it, his strength will skyrocket!

In the subsequent battles, the Spitfire Dragon used various extremely powerful skills one after another. Chen Mo found that if he did not just get a terrain environment card and wanted to win the Spitfire Dragon, it would be almost impossible Or maybe killed by the Spitfire Dragon!


Third, please recommend! (To be continued ...) ()

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