Godly Hunter

Chapter 223: The strongest 10 people!

Spitfire dragon's health is dropping rapidly. Baidu: +

When its health dropped to 10%, the Spitfire Dragon spewed a huge tongue of fire.

The tongue of fire raged, and wherever it went, the moisture instantly turned into white mist.

Chen Mo was startled, knowing that he was sprayed and died half life, but Ceci Hero in the form of mermaid was very fast. Chen Mo embraced Ce Si Hero and escaped quickly under water.

Despite this, it is still not possible to avoid the flame tongue attack of the Spitfire Dragon, but the attack of the Spitfire Dragon is greatly weakened by the water, and when it falls on Chen Mo and Ceci Hero, the blood loss is not many.

After the fire-breathing dragon broke out and failed to cause powerful damage to Chen Mo, Chen Mo and Ceci Heilo returned to fight back.

The fire-breathing dragon has been flying. Ten minutes have passed. It was not until the thirteenth minute that Chen Mo and Cesi Heilo hit the fire-breathing dragon's health below 5%.

In the game, whether it ’s catching a pet or sealing a monster, naturally it is better to lower the monster ’s health as much as possible. There are still two minutes to go. Chen Mo is not in a hurry to use the monster to seal the card.

After slowly grinding for more than a minute, the 15-minute limit time was less than 20 seconds left.

Spitfire dragon's health has fallen to 1%!

"Strong throw!"

Change to someone else, at this time I'm afraid I can't help it, I need to use a monster seal card, but Chen Mo looks at the blood of the fire-breathing dragon, and then uses the phantom sea spear fiercely to stab the fire-breathing dragon One shot, then knocked out the Spitfire Dragon nearly 4,000 damage!

He knows that this blow will not kill the Spitfire Dragon, it will only make the Spitfire Dragon's health infinitely close to zero!

If you are out of luck and have critical strike damage, the Spitfire Dragon will die!

However, Chen Mo, who caught two pets, knew that monsters like Spitfire Dragon were included in all the monsters in the grid. It must be one of the most powerful monsters, and the evidence is that if he did not happen to have a water world, he would not have killed the Spitfire Dragon.

The Spitfire Dragon is so powerful, and the monster seal card has only a 50% success rate. Instead of hitting the Spitfire Dragon's health to the limit, trying to catch the Spitfire Dragon is just a waste of cards.

Staring at the fire-breathing dragon's health, Chen Mo replaced his crossbow and fired an arrow at the fire-breathing dragon when the fire-breathing dragon struck again.

When this arrow goes down, the blood dragon of the Spitfire Dragon can no longer see the blood at all. Once again, the Spitfire Dragon will surely die!


There are less than five seconds left. Chen Mo no longer hesitated, took out the monster seal card, and aimed at the Spitfire Dragon.

Several dark rays flew from the monster seal card, like strips of tentacles, entangled fiercely around the fire-breathing dragon's red wings and its huge body.

The Spitfire Dragon is struggling. But those dark lights were like chains, firmly trapping its body.


The Spitfire Dragon roared unwillingly and was caught by the black light into the card.

A black light lingered on the monster seal card, Chen Mo grabbed the card back into his hand, and saw the flame-spitting dragon pattern on the blank card.

The system prompts: You get "Spitfire Dragon Card"!

Spitfire Dragon Card: Rare card. It can be recycled in the card store to get 50,000 points, and you can also use the transfiguration card, and consume this card and transfiguration card at the same time, allowing users to become a fire breathing dragon in five minutes.

It's done!

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but be excited.

Grandma's bear. The Spitfire Dragon is so abnormal. He now has the Devil Girl Card, the Copy Card, and the Spitfire Dragon Card. The three cards are in his hands.

At this time, the fifteen minutes was just over, and Chen Mo left the battlefield scene. Go back to the outside game map.

The vision became clear, but Chen Mo saw it. Players within dozens of steps were looking at him.

Before he understood what was going on, he received a system prompt.

System Tip: The number one player triggers a special event! The first to tenth players will compete in a ring game, and the eighth to tenth players will be eliminated! You are currently ranked 10th, please be prepared!

No wonder these people are looking at him, and before the emotions break out of the fight, special events have not begun, and nine people are waiting for him.

After Chen Mo understood it, he was drawn into the battle scene again.

Five huge grey and white stone ring stands appeared in the eyes of ten people, but before they fell, they all stood above the ring stand, and a dice appeared in front of them.

System Tip: Please roll the dice in order according to the current ranking. Players with numbers from 1 to 5 can choose an opponent! A total of five battles, the first three defeated, will be eliminated. The remaining two defeated players will lose * the first half of points and achievements stars!

Chen Mo looked towards the dice and found that the dice was a ten-sided dice, but there were only the numbers 1 to 5, and the rest of the faces were blank and no numbers.

Chen Mo came in tenth, thinking of the dice, and the last shot, he looked at the man who ranked first.

The first is a mage. Under normal circumstances, players will not bear names on their heads, but in this special scene, their names appear on the heads of ten people.

First in line is a black-robed mage with an expression of Mune called Endless Arcane. The endless Austrian method picked up the dice and threw it lightly. As a result, it lost a face without numbers.

After he threw out this face without numbers, everyone saw it. The ten sides of the dice were suddenly missing one side and turned into a dice with only nine sides.

Obviously, as long as one round comes down, you can decide who to fight with.

The first one is a mage. Chen Mo is not very strange. The white fire method he encountered before was a fairly good master. It was just that he was unlucky and met him. Otherwise, the white fire method is now afraid. Within the top ten.

But the second place, Chen Mo looking over, was taken aback.

The second place was actually a very strong shield knight named Blood Paladin.

Can the Knights of the Shield enter the top ten?

The Shield Knight is a well-known profession with high defense and low attack and movement speed. It is very difficult to kill someone. It is quite powerful to play the Shield Knight and the black name. This Shield Knight is not only the black name. Now, it is incredible that there are still so many black-named players in the second place.

You know, of the more than a hundred black-named players in Sin City, most of them are definitely master players, except for a few.

In a group of expert players, this shield knight can be so outstanding, Chen Mo suddenly felt that this person was not simple.

The blood paladin also cast the dice with no expression, and the result was a white board, and the dice became eight faces.

The dice fell to the third person.

Looking at this man, Chen Mo was speechless again.

This is a wheat-skinned female priest. Like the Shield Knight, this is the first priest Chen Mo saw when she came to Sin City.

What's wrong with this world? The shield knights and priests are the least likely to be black names, and they have entered the top ten among black name players!

The female pastor with wheat-colored skin is called a wild leopard woman, with dark yellow wild hair, wearing a leopard leather-like outfit, and is very suitable for her game name.

The wild leopard woman picked up the dice and cast a number "5" with a single shot. After the number 5 was cast, this side disappeared and the dice became a seven-sided dice.

The fourth place is a Sven white blond archer named Wind of Fire.

Chen Mo felt relieved when she saw the wind of fire.

Grandma, finally came a normal person.

The wind of the fiery wind is not very lucky, a dice, or a white board.

Fifth place is a masked female mage named "Mummy". This female mage is enchanting. The black scarf on her face makes her look mysterious and more seductive. Chen Mo guesses that this person may be from the Middle East, otherwise Will dress like this.

With a wave of her hand, the mummy shook the dice, but she was out of luck and shook out the whiteboard.

The dice fell to the sixth person.

At first glance, Chen Mo froze slightly, but he was Caesar the Great who had been killed once.

When Chen Mo looked at Caesar, Emperor Caesar looked at Chen Mo and shook the dice in his hand.

The dice rolled and stopped quickly, with everyone watching.

Number 1"!

The person who can choose the opponent first is out!

The remaining people behind were all a little disappointed. After all, if you can shake the number 1, you can avoid encountering the strongest enemy you think.

As long as you don't meet the strongest enemy, you have one more chance to win. Before the end of the game, they still have a chance to win, and if they are selected by the strongest person, there is a danger of elimination.

The ten strongest players among all the black players were present, and everyone was confident in themselves, but there were also various magic cards in the game, not that they could win if they were strong, bad luck, and weakened by the enemy Without relieving means, they can only be left to slaughter.

Shaking out the number 1, the Emperor Caesar immediately looked at Chen Mo, with a warlike expression in his eyes.

This guy wants him to take revenge?

That couldn't be better!

Chen Mo secretly confided in joy that Emperor Caesar was preconceived by him. I don't know if he still has many powerful means to come out. As long as he succeeds, Emperor Caesar has no power to fight back!

The dice fell to the seventh person. The seventh place was a white assassin named caffeine ~ www.readwn.com ~ There were only four sides of the dice. When the caffeine was shaken, it reached the number 2.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on caffeine's face.

The eighth place is an Asian female player named Long Ying, who is also an assassin.

As soon as she moved her hand, she shook out a number 4.

There are only two people left, and there is a number 3 in the number. The ninth is a white mage. At a glance, Chen Mo even knew him.

It was the white mage who had fought him once, called the Cruel Language.

The dice stopped, the cruel word shook out the last number 3, Chen Mo was the tenth person, and without him shaking the dice, ten people had already decided who could choose.


First more.

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