Godly Hunter

Chapter 3: Change occupation

默 Chen Mo issued suicide instructions.

System prompt: Are you sure to commit suicide? After suicide, a series of data such as character level, skills, experience, reputation will be cleared!


There are two ways to clear character information in Genesis games. One is to delete the character and the other is to commit suicide.

Delete the character. Players who create a new character can only inherit the tradable equipment and coins of the original character, which is almost completely from scratch.

The degree of suicide is much lighter. Most of the binding equipment and even achievement titles that players have previously obtained can be inherited. Only the character's level skills and other information are deleted. Re-upgrading the role will save a lot of effort.

However, there are also shortcomings in suicide. For example, in the process of re-leveling, the task that has been previously equipped will not receive the corresponding equipment and achievements. If the new role after suicide chooses a different occupation from the original, the original Some of the equipment items of limited professions cannot be used. The inherited achievement title cannot be used until it reaches the level of the achievement title obtained before.

Back to the character creation interface, Chen Mo did not make any adjustments to the existing characters, or chose the assassin profession to enter the game directly.

The light shone, and Chen Mo found that he still appeared in the previous valley, and it seemed that he wanted to leave here by suicide.

Maybe it is possible to completely delete the role, but Chen Mo did not do so.

After the character is completely deleted, the light-speed death title he gained will disappear. Although the attribute of Light Speed ​​Death is not very good, if you increase the level by a few more levels, the attributes above will become dispensable, but for that 1 lucky value, Chen Mo is not very simple. He intuitively told him that it is best to keep it. Maybe what's the use.

Chen Mo intends to change career, hunter career to break the blockade of Goblin in the valley.

He didn't choose the hunter profession at first, because the hunter profession can only arrange traps at the beginning to wait for the enemy to be hooked, which is too restrictive for him. Chen Mo originally intended to enter the game, and tried to assassinate various important npcs in Xinshou Village to see if it worked. If it can, with so many players now, the game will definitely generate large-scale chaos. By then, the holographic virtual network will be very difficult. What anomalies might occur.

Of course, hunters can't do this. Only assassins can do it.

But if Chen Mo can now open the skill book and other things from the treasure chest in the valley cave, so that the hunter has more attack methods, assassination of npc, the hunter can do it, and there is a trap cooperation, also Can do better.

Chen Mo is not sure what is in the treasure box, but in the current situation, if you want to leave here, the contents of the treasure box are likely to be skill books, otherwise they are powerful equipment, otherwise the player will try to kill the cave The six white Goblin, who got the props in the treasure chest, couldn't leave the valley alive.

Either a skill book or powerful equipment, no matter which one is good for Chen Mo.


Chen Mo committed suicide again and returned to the character creation interface. This time he chose the hunter profession.

回到 Back to the game again, still in that valley.

There is a "Basic Trap" in the backpack, a worn hand crossbow with basic physical attacks 1-2, and a barrel of one hundred crossbow with basic physical attack power 1.

"It's actually a crossbow weapon. It's much easier to kill Bai Ge Bulin now!"

When Chen Mo saw it, he couldn't help but be happy.

The crossbow attack range in his hand is ten meters away, which is three meters farther than throwing stones. It is not easy to escape from the cave!

Puppet and have long-range weapons in hand, he can also fly kites to kill monsters.

However, Chen Mo was too happy. When he entered the cave again, he discovered that although it seemed to be the same valley, it was obvious that the cave he entered this time was twenty deeper than the one he had entered during the assassin career. A few meters!

Chen Mo was startled, he could understand a few meters deep, but what was more than twenty meters deep? Isn't this place going to let people go out at all?

I won't!

默 Chen Mo's eyes fell on his only skill, the basic trap technique.

Basic Trap (Entry Level): Place a trap on the ground. When the enemy steps on the trap, the trap will explode, causing 130% damage to the enemy, and a 10% chance to put the enemy into a disabled state. The disabled state effect For 3 seconds, the enemy's movement speed is reduced by 30% when disabled. The skill cooldown is 10 seconds, and each trap lasts 60 seconds. The maximum number of traps can be 3 at the same time.

"A maximum of three traps can exist at the same time. It seems that the problem lies here."

默 Chen Mo understood that the hunter's skill characteristics are completely different from those of the assassin. If it is only a few meters deep, it is easy to escape from the cave with these three traps.

It was more than ten meters deep. If you want to escape successfully, not only depends on luck, but more importantly, you need to choose the location of the trap.

Level 1 player's moving speed is 5-10, 5 is the speed when walking, 10 is the maximum speed that can be achieved when running and moving, which is similar to the speed when a person is jogging, about 3 meters per second, and Chen Mo estimates slightly Goblin's speed when chasing is about 14, which is more than 4 meters per second.

When White Goblin steps into the trap and enters a disabled state, the speed will be about the same as the player. So within three seconds of the disabled state, the player is safe, and here he can safely escape a distance of about ten meters.

In this way, there are three traps, each of which is ten meters apart. As long as two traps are disabled, he can basically escape the cave safely.

It seems like a matter of luck.

Want to understand how to do it, Chen Mo immediately chose three positions, arranged traps at each position, and then waited for the opportunity to shoot Baige Bulin with his crossbow.

After two white brothers Bulin chased after, Chen Mo quickly retreated.


The first trap was trampled, and more than thirty injuries floated from Goblin's head. Goblin's speed remained the same.

的 The disability effect of the trap does not appear!

似乎 The two remaining traps seem to have a chance!

But Chen Mo's footsteps stopped abruptly. He knew that even if the remaining traps had disability effects, he could not escape.

He missed a very important thing.

两个 The cave is two people in size, but the trap is hurt by a single person. It can only block a white Goblin. Not to mention that two traps have a disability effect. Even if all three traps have a disability effect, he cannot escape!

How to do?

Chen revived in the valley, Chen Mu pondered.

Arrange the trap in the middle of the cave passage?

If you want to pull Baige Bolin out of the cave, the trap must be effective for two Baige Brin at the same time. To do this, the only way is to arrange the trap in the middle of the road, so that the trap explodes, and the two Baige Brin will be affected and then hurt.

"It seems ... not working."

Chen Mo immediately tried it, but he found that although he wanted to place the trap in the middle of the cave passage, when he used the skill, the system would automatically determine the position. For two wide cave passages, the trap was not Falling on the left is falling on the right.

Chen Mo is not unfamiliar with the game and is no stranger to this phenomenon. In traditional games, the map of the game is divided by coordinates, and the surrounding scenes are subtracted. The map exists as a grid, and a grid is a coordinate. No matter how the player moves, they will appear on a grid, never Stand at the middle of the two grids.

创 The epoch-making holographic game of "Genesis" does not seem to depart from the category of traditional games. The map setting is almost the same as that of traditional games.

如果 And if that is the case, it seems that the hunter profession is even less likely to leave the valley alive.

But Chen Mo squeezed his arm and closed his eyes to feel the surrounding.

He was very skeptical.

A holographic virtual network like black technology, the game is almost the same as reality. Everything that is revolutionary, even simple things like map design, can't escape the scope of traditional games?

If it is him who has made the game to this point, it is impossible to allow the map design to copy the settings of the traditional game and use it!

要 If this setting is exposed ~ www.readwn.com ~ the look and feel of the entire holographic virtual network will be reduced to a level.

Oh no!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo felt wrong!

Traditional games, the player's character will always appear in a grid every time he moves, not at the junction of two grids. The current cave, according to the traditional game settings, is divided into two vertical rows of lattices. Chen Mo walks in it. It should only go to the left or to the right.

But in fact, Chen Mo can stand in the middle of the cave, which is the junction of the left and right lattices!

When Chen was a professional assassin before, Chen Mo didn't feel it at all. The game map settings are similar to traditional games, but he only found out after changing the hunter profession.

Since people can stand at the junction of two grids, there is no reason why a trap cannot be put!

on purpose!

Chen Mo sure, this is the intention of the game designer!

She stood in the middle of the cave passage, and Chen Mo bent down again to put down a trap.

But just like before, the trap is still on the left.

Obviously, in the game settings, the traps are arranged in this way, the traps cannot be arranged in the middle of the channel anyway.

But ... if you don't use system instructions to arrange traps?

Chen Mo suddenly thought.


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