Godly Hunter

Chapter 4: 1 more title

What is the most needed thing to become a hacker?


of course not.

Almost all Chen Mo's colleagues will answer: Imagination!

Technology is only the foundation. Without technology, becoming a horror is just a joke, but with technology, there is not enough imagination. On the road of hackers, it is not far.

As a fairly famous hacker, Chen Mo has always dared to think of people but not to think of them.

Knowing that this setting was deliberately designed by the game designer, Chen Mo immediately thought that the game designer might want the player to use the skills without the assistance of the system.

Yes and no, just try it.

When using a skill to set a trap, Chen Mo's game character will automatically bend down, and the fingers and palms with a faint light continue to swipe on the ground. It only takes a second and a trap will appear out of thin air.

Silently remembered the action of setting the trap, and after the skills were cooled down, Chen Mo didn't give instructions to use the skills this time, but instead imitated the system movements, and his fingers and palms quickly moved on the ground.

When Chen Mo's hand touched the ground, his palm was still the same, but when Chen Mo's hand crossed the ground with the same action as setting a trap, his palm gave a faint light.

This is the light that comes out when the trap is laid out!

Gently glowing palms, swept across the ground quickly, one after another.

System prompt: Skill use failed!

But all the actions were completed and there were no traps on the ground. Chen Mo just received a system prompt.

"it is as expected!"

But Chen Mo was not only disappointed, but excited.

知道 He knows that he may have guessed right. The skill use failed. It was only his action of setting traps, which was deviated from the system action, which led to the failure of skill use.

The skills he is going to use now are basic trapping skills, the lowest level of skills, not complicated, but the first time did not succeed, indicating that the system's requirements for action are still quite strict. So for the second time, Chen Mo deliberately slowed down the speed of the paddling movement and focused on the accuracy of the movement.

System prompt: Skill use failed!

I still failed the second time, but Chen Mo knew that he was not far from success.

Although the speed is slowing down, the palm is still exuding a faint light, indicating that even if the speed is slower, but the movement is accurate, it can also release skills.

为何 Why the second time failed, and where the action was not standardized. After summing up slightly, Chen Mo started the third attempt.

The glowing palm of the hand swipes on the ground. This time, Chen Mo took more than three seconds to complete the last action, but for each action, he tried his best to be the most accurate!

When his palm left the ground, a palm-sized trap suddenly appeared on the ground, right in the middle of the cave passage!

Basic Trap! success!

提示 System prompt: Free skill system is on!

System Tip: You are the first player to turn on the free skill system and get the achievement "Free Leader"!

System Tip: You get the achievement title "Free Leader"!

Free skill system!

Sure enough, the game designer wanted the player to discover the existence of this system, so in the layout of the trap, there will be a setting similar to the traditional game.

开启 While opening the free skill system, he also received an achievement title, which was unexpected by Chen Mo.

The title of freedom leader is undoubtedly harder to obtain than the speed of light death title. I know that the attribute should be much stronger than the speed of light death. If there are more attributes, he has a better grasp of leaving here.

Chen Morao looked at the backpack with interest.

Title: Free Leader

Description: Only the first player in the game to open the free skill system can obtain it. It is a symbol of honor. This title is passive and does not need to be worn.


Lucky value +3

5NPC favorability for all people +5

Special effect: When using the free skill system to cast skills, the skill cooldown is reduced by 10%.

Xu and Chen Mo expected something different. The title of free leader did not increase the five basic attributes of Chen Mo, but Chen Mo knew that he was making a lot of money.

This title has a passive effect, that is, as long as he does not discard and delete the free leader title, the attributes of the free leader title can have effects at the same time as other titles!

属性 And the attribute of the Free Leader title is actually not bad at all.

Fortunately, there is no clear use of Chen Mo, but npc favorability is available in many games. Increasing npc favorability is not a bad thing, and the special effects added at the end are more obvious.

He now has a basic trap cooldown of 10 seconds. If he uses a basic skill to cast a basic trap, the cooldown will be reduced to 9 seconds.

For a skill, the effect may not be obvious, but in the future, if there are more skills, each skill will reduce the cooling time by 10%. When accumulated, the reduced skill cooling time will be considerable. Compared with other players, his advantage is Will be significantly stronger.

默 Chen Mo opens the properties panel, and at the skill bar, a free skill system column is opened. Chen Mo clicked in and saw that there was nothing too special, similar to the ordinary skill bar, but the ordinary skill bar mainly indicated the skill level and skill proficiency of the learned skills, while the free skills , But it shows the number of times the skill is used by using the free skill system, and the highest level of completion of the skill.

默 The only skill Chen Mo currently possesses is basic trap technology. Of course, the number of uses is one, and the highest degree of completion, Chen Mo glanced, and found that it was only 42%.

默 What is the use of these two data, Chen Mo is not clear, but knowing that it will never be meaningless, especially the degree of completion, this data should be very important.

默 Chen Mo is not in such a hurry, what's the use, he will sooner or later find out, the most important thing right now is to improve the proficiency of movement first, arrange traps in the position he wants, and let himself leave the valley first.

The basic trap operation is not complicated. Chen Mo's memory, learning and reaction ability are first-rate. After practicing 20 or 30 times, Chen Mo's concentration is focused, and it only takes a little more than a second to set it up. There is a trap, and the highest degree of completion can reach 78%.

What's the use of completeness, Chen Mo gradually got the idea.

The traps arranged using the system can all last 60 seconds on the ground, but Chen Mo found that the traps arranged using the free skill system are not the same. The traps with low completion degree have the shortest duration of less than 20 seconds and high completion degree. The duration of the trap is much longer, especially the one with 78% completion and the duration of 55 seconds.

Chen Mo estimates that if the skill completion can reach 80%, the traps he arranges will be the same time as the traps arranged by the system.

If it exceeds 80%, the survival time may exceed the trap of system layout!

In addition, Chen's default is that the skill completion degree is also likely to affect the lethality of the trap.

会 He would think so, the reason is very simple. When a low completion trap explodes, the sound effect is not as good as a high completion trap.

Although the difference is not too obvious, Chen Mo can distinguish it.

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This is very important. After all, if the degree of completion really affects the power of the trap, the disability effect of the trap will undoubtedly also be affected. The probability of the disability effect of the trap with a low degree of completion is probably lower. With a high probability, Bai Ge Bulin's hatred ran out of the cave, and he had to set a trap with higher skill completion.

At the cost of life, Chen Mo deliberately arranged two traps with a large gap in completion, and then led two black brothers Brin outside the valley to step on the traps.

The result is just as Chen Mo thought. The traps with different completion degrees have obvious differences in lethality. Two traps. The trap with more than 70% completion has hit Black Goblin's health by nearly 30 points, while the one with about 40% completion has only hit more than 10 points of damage. The gap is obvious. If the traps using the system are arranged With Chen Mo's current attributes, the damage gap between the two traps will never exceed ten points.

Then it becomes necessary to improve the proficiency of skill movements.

The action of basic traps is not complicated, and Chen Mo is not in a hurry. Instead, he decides to take more time to practice and improve his proficiency.

The honing knife did not accidentally cut the woodworker, as long as he died a few times next, he could make up for this time.

Suddenly, Chen Mo suddenly flashed as he continued to practice his skills.

This imitates the system movements and bends down to arrange traps. It's really not how much freedom. The true freedom should be what you want, such as ... standing in the air to arrange traps!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but throb!

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