Godly Hunter

Chapter 520: Scary My Neighbor Totoro

"I sacrifice to the Lord, I told you earlier, for some elite people, it's not worth the risk, you don't listen." The Beastmaster's huge blue axe pillar was on the ground, and he grinned at the ceremony, his eyes turned towards Chen Mo and You Ji, seeing that Chen Mo and You Ji both stopped and did not attack the big sacrifice, he did not rush to do so.

Chen Mo and You Ji knew that they would kill the immortal sacrifice at one and a half. After the Beastmaster came out, they continued to shoot, and the Beastmaster would definitely come up to attack them as soon as possible, and they both stopped and returned to the Black Phoenix.

"Unexpectedly, the human race did not expect such a powerful human adventurer who could drive the legendary mount Black Phoenix, otherwise, I would not need to ask for help from you," said the sacrifice slightly.

"This black phoenix is ​​good. I am worried that there is no suitable mount. It is just right for me to mount it."

The Beastmaster glanced at the huge black phoenix and admired.

After the black phoenix used a big move, although he still maintained the second form, he was unable to attack. Chen Mo wanted to make it stand by here. After killing the big sacrifice, he fled on it.

Things went smoothly, but neither Chen Mo nor You Ji expected that the great sacrifice could call the beastmaster over thousands of miles.

When the Beastmaster was there, let alone kill the sacrifice, even the black phoenix fled, Chen Mo didn't know if it would work.

"Human kid, did you listen to me? Leave your black phoenix and let you go." The Beastmaster grinned at Chen Mo.


Chen Mo glanced at the Beastmaster and flatly refused.

Just leaving him alone is completely meaningless!

"Then both of you will die!"

Knowing that it would be useless to say anything, the Beastmaster smiled, and a huge axe waved, like a tank, banging at Chen Mo and You Ji!

The fighting power of the Beastmaster is by no means comparable to the great sacrifice. Chen Mo and You Ji will never be able to catch several attacks from the Beastmaster.

In particular, Chen Mo, almost all of his skills were greeted by the great sacrifice, as long as he was hit once by the beastmaster's attack, he would be spiked.

The blood volume of more than 30,000, in the millions and tens of millions, is not enough to look at. People only need a small slap to kill him in seconds.

The big sacrifice is a sacrifice, and it has no output ability, but the beastmaster's attack is absolutely the highest level in the entire beast family. You Ji also has to protect himself from the beastmaster's attack!

"Big guy, I'm counting on you, come out soon!"

However, in the face of the Beastmaster's attack, Chen Mo's voice sank and shouted.

The black phoenix in its heyday will undoubtedly be able to fight against the Beastmaster, and Chen Mo has a stronger presence than the black phoenix!

Chen Mo stole the black phoenix and called My Neighbor Totoro!

A few days ago, when the monster attacked the city, My Neighbor Totoro woke up, but Chen Mo called it several times in a row, and it all responded that it was too troublesome to say it, and wanted Chen Mo to do nothing.

But at the moment, facing the danger of being killed by the Beastmaster, Chen Mo ignored the feelings of Totoro and gave Totoro a death order.

Under Chen Mo's order, a huge and lazy figure appeared in front of Chen Mo.

The giant axe of the Beastmaster had just been split, and the summoned totoro glanced at the huge ax that had split at it, completely unmoved, but letting the huge ax split on it.


The axe of the Beastmaster can break mountains and rocks, but it hits My Neighbor Totoro with a little thunder and heavy rain. His axe only hit 1 point of health against My Neighbor Totoro.

That's right! It's 1 o'clock!

"What kind of monster is this!"

Seeing the Beastmaster was horrified.

This axe, if hit on the black phoenix, can at least hit 200,000 damage, but when it falls on the totoro, it only hits 1 point of damage.

This gap really made him unacceptable.

He was a dignified beast emperor, hit this point of harm, and said that he would laugh to death!

"Be careful, it may be the legendary beast!" Seeing the sacrifice, he couldn't help shouting in horror.

"The legendary beast?" The Beastmaster froze, and then remembered a legend that had been in the beast for a long time.

According to legend, on this earth, there are three beasts.

These three divine beasts are invincible in all the beasts, and no one can pose a threat to them, except for the same kind of beasts.

As the beast king, the beast king knows that the legend is a bit untrue. Even if the beast is even more powerful, it cannot be invincible. As long as the enemy reaches a certain level, the beast king believes that even the beast will be killed.

But now, seeing the horror defense of Chinchillas with his own eyes, he couldn't help wondering whether the beast was really invincible.

With his attack power, he can only deal 1 point of damage, so no matter how many people do something to the beast, it is meaningless.

The blood of the **** beast is no less than ten million, and the recovery is amazing. The blood of 1 point is not as good as the tickle for the **** beast.

You Ji saw Chen Mo take back the black phoenix, called the My Neighbor Totoro, and faced the attack of the Beastmaster, but was only hit with 1 point of damage, and could not help but widen her eyes.

The appearance of the black phoenix had surprised her enough, but I did not expect that what made her even more shocked was behind.

She couldn't figure out how, one or two months ago, Chen Mo, who was still very weak, suddenly became so powerful.

Only Chen Mo knew that My Neighbor Totoro had just become more powerful. Before it was in deep sleep, it would be in a different space to greatly reduce the damage it suffered.

Now it comes out of the mount space, it seems that it can be in that state within a few seconds, forcing the attack damage to be reduced to 1.

If the Beastmaster attacked My Neighbor Totoro later, the situation would be very different.

However, Chen Mo certainly wouldn't tell the Beastmaster about it. Looking at the horrified look of Beastmaster, Chen Mo knew that now was a great opportunity to kill the great sacrifice.

"Hurry up and kill the old man, and then you can go back to sleep in your sleep!"

Chen Mo quickly said to My Neighbor Totoro.

My Neighbor Totoro didn't know if he was being moved by Chen Mo's words. His huge palm waved at the beastmaster at an amazing speed.

The Beastmaster wants to hide, but the strength of the Chinchilla is afraid of all the legendary mounts in the black phoenix and even the core area, and its attack is naturally extraordinary.

The Beastmaster's body moved to avoid the attack of My Neighbor Totoro, but the palm of My Neighbor Totoro seemed to pass through the twisted space, and a strange palm was shot on the Beastmaster.


The giant and strong body of the Beastmaster was shot by a Chinchilla like a cannonball and flew to the cliff behind!

There was a loud noise, and the sturdy cliff was blasted out by a human-shaped hole, and the Beastmaster was shot directly inside by Totoro.

Girl, this guy is too powerful!

Seeing this, Chen Mo was also taken aback by the strength of My Neighbor Totoro.

Is the Beastmaster weak?

of course not!

Can only say that Totoro is too strong!

My Neighbor Totoro is different in the core area. Chen Mo has always been looking forward to the strength of My Neighbor Totoro. Now I finally see My Neighbor Totoro's shot. The strength it shows is far beyond Chen Mo's expectations. It makes Chen Mo feel that he was in the core. The choices made in the area are too correct.


The sacrifice saw such a terrible attack from My Neighbor Totoro, and then screamed in horror.

My Neighbor Totoro heard a word, glanced at the big sacrifice, walked to the big sacrifice in two or three steps, and shot the huge palm from top to bottom, and took the big sacrifice like a nail and shot it on the ground.

Under the slap of My Neighbor Totoro, the blood of the sacrifice was also instantly destroyed by millions, and the blood was once again in danger.

But the most terrible thing was that, under the slap of My Neighbor Totoro, the great sacrifice was in a state of dizziness and could not move.

He gave the beastmaster and the big sacrifice a slap, and Chinchilla yawned, ignoring Chen Mo's order to kill the big sacrifice, and swiped, disappearing directly in front of Chen Mo and You Ji.

rub! This cheating guy! Obviously so powerful, one more slap to the big sacrifice can be done, it just doesn't do it!

My Neighbor Totoro is so amazing, Chen Mo is naturally very excited. But the Chinchilla guy made him helpless again. This guy didn't listen to the command at all. It was something that could be done by hands. It just didn't do it.

"Hurry up! Kill the sacrifice!"

Looking at the state of the big sacrifice, Chen Mo knew that the Beastmaster was probably not much better, that is, he and You Ji could still kill the big sacrifice.


A series of things beyond our imagination appeared in front of you, but You Ji immediately reacted and rushed to the big ritual with Chen Mo, all skills greeted the big ritual.

The previous high sacrifice was difficult to kill because his recovery ability was amazing. Right now he can't move and only has a little blood left. The attack by Chen Mo and You Ji immediately caused great damage to the high sacrifice.

The blood of the high sacrifice flew away. Under the nervous gaze of the two, the blood of the high sacrifice fell to the bottom, and he still could not stand up to resist.


With the fall of Chen Mo's last dagger, the blood of the sacrifice was finally exhausted!

The system prompts: You kill the important sacrifices of aliens and get 5000 points of merit!

At the moment of killing the high sacrifice, a system prompt appeared.

Chen Mo's eyes lighted up ~ www.readwn.com ~ The great sacrifice was very valuable. He killed the sacrifice, and he received 5000 points of merit.

Chen Mo's goal was originally 10,000 meritorious deeds. After killing the great sacrifice, his merits finally broke through 10,000 meritorious deeds!

Originally, killing will not drop equipment props, but You Ji is Chen Mo's slave, and has a close relationship with Chen Mo. In the process of killing the sacrifice, the most effective is also Chen Mo's mount. As far as the result is, the system The killing of Chen Mo is still considered as the contribution of Chen Mo, and the big sacrifice is obviously different from the general. After the killing of the big sacrifice, Chen Mo dropped two things on the ground.


Chen Mo hurriedly picked up these two things, then called out Black Phoenix, pulled You Ji, and fled away.

He knew that the Beastmaster was afraid that he would recover. If he didn't leave, he would be too late.

Sure enough, the black phoenix just flew away from the valley with Chen Mo and You Ji, and the Beastmaster flew out of the human-shaped cave near the mountain.


Third more. r1152

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