Godly Hunter

Chapter 521: Rich harvest

"Abominable people, you cannot escape!"

The wolverine beastmaster saw the sacrifice of the sacrifice on the ground, and he could not help but growled in anger.

Om ~~~~

The Beastmaster took out an old bamboo piece and blew it at his mouth, and a deep whistling sounded.

This low voice spread far and wide in an instant, and when the voice passed into the ears of the beasts around it, the beasts all glowed with fierce light.

For a moment, the beasts in the whole forest started to riot!

Not only the beasts on the ground, but also the birds in the forest, were also affected by this sound, and they flew together from the quiet woods into the air.

"No, you have to leave now, or you're in trouble!"

Chen Mo clearly saw the riots in the woods below. Looking at the countless beasts that appeared on the ground, and the large flock of birds and beasts that flew out in the rear sky, Chen Mo couldn't bear a scalp.

The strength of these beasts may not be too strong, but if so many beasts attack together, it is not something he can resist.

Fortunately, the speed of the black phoenix is ​​very fast. Under the order of Chen Mo, the black phoenix is ​​also moving at full speed with Chen Mo and You Ji, leaving the birds and beasts behind in the distance.

However, in the previous battles, due to the use of the second form and the use of big moves, the physical strength of the black phoenix dropped drastically, but only after flying for more than ten minutes, the black phoenix gradually became a bit unsupported.

Chen Mo knew that the black phoenix could not support the area beyond the orc area, and while flying, he searched for a possible hiding place.

Chen Mo did not dare to fly in the direction of the steppe. The direction of the steppe was too obvious to hide. If the black phoenix landed, he would soon be overtaken by the orcs.

So now the black phoenix is ​​flying in the direction of the forest with Chen Mo and You Ji.

After more than ten minutes, when Black Phoenix was about to be unable to support him, Chen Mo finally found a cave where people could hide.

However, he did not land directly at the cave, but let the black phoenix fly over the cave, and then let the black phoenix land, and then took You Ji back on the ground and walked back to the mountain half-waist in the back , Found a cave without human trace.

The cave was covered with vines. Chen Mo knew that this was not enough, otherwise he would not be able to find the cave in mid-air.

After he and You Ji entered the cave, Chen Mo quickly made some of the same plants around and spread it on the cave, completely hiding the cave.

"Here, we hide until dark, and then find another opportunity to leave." Chen Mo said to You Ji.

"OK." You Ji nodded, knowing that it was difficult to leave now.

If Chen Mo himself wanted to escape the hunt of the orcs, it would be a simple matter, as long as he went offline to hide for a long time, the beastmaster would have to give up.

But with You Ji, Chen Mo couldn't do that.

The cave they found temporarily seemed a little deep, and it was dark inside. Chen Mo didn't know what was inside, so he didn't take You Ji to go deep.

If there are any monsters hiding inside, he and You Ji disturb the monsters and have to fight against the monsters. If they are not careful, they will start to chase the orcs outside.

Temporarily settled down, Chen Mo had time to look at the two props dropped by the sacrifice.

Those two props are an ancient scroll and a necklace.

God-level skill test scroll: Use this scroll to allow players to participate in a special assessment. After passing the assessment, the player's specified skills can be upgraded to **** level! Use of this skill requires that the player's specified skill has been upgraded to Grand Master level and the player has successfully completed a third transfer.

God-level skills assessment scroll!

When Chen Mo saw the name of the scroll, he couldn't help blinking his eyes.

The high sacrifice has god-level skills. He also wondered if he could blast down the high-level sacrifice's god-level skills.

However, even if the god-level skills of the sacrifice exploded, he could not use them. As a result, the sacrifice was a roll that could upgrade the skills to god-level.

For Chen Mo, there is nothing better than this, but after glancing at the requirements for using the scroll, Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

The master-level skills will stop here. He still has master-level skills. Even with combat skills, he can find ways to upgrade to the master-level as soon as possible.

But after three successful transfers, Chen Mo had no choice.

For the third transfer, if there is no accident, it is necessary for the player to be at level 80.

He's only 52 now, which is a long way off from 80. If he wants to upgrade to 80, it won't be a year and a half, so don't even think about it.

Of course, if you can enter a place with ten times the experience of a historical site, the situation will have to be different.

And the second thing is a necklace, a great sacrificial necklace!

High Ritual Necklace

Description: The orc sacrifices all the necklaces, engraved with the ancient magic of lost rituals, which is unique in this world.

Quality: secondary artifact

Restrictions: Level 60 and above


Base Physical Attack +220

Base Magic Attack +220

Strength +60

Dexterity +60

Intelligence +100

Spirit +100

HP max + 15000

Additional Ritual: Follower Contract

Follow-up contract: A contract ritual can be performed with one or a monster beast, and the contract ritual can only be performed on the basis of voluntary consent of both parties. The contract is successful. After the two parties have established a relationship, players can summon their followers in another place at any time, anywhere except in some prohibited special places. This contract ritual can only be held once, and once the follower dies, the contract relationship will disappear, because the magic blessing of the contract ritual will be lost, and the attributes of the equipment will be greatly weakened.

Secondary artifact necklace!

After the second artifact ring and second artifact bracelet, Chen Mo finally got the second artifact level necklace!

It is indeed the only piece of equipment that has fallen from the great sacrifice, and what has fallen is really superb!

The Great Sacrifice Necklace, a 60-time artifact necklace, seems to be the only equipment in the game. The attributes are not ordinary, and it is much better than the eternal bracelet.

Basic physics and magical attack power are the existence of bunkers. The four attributes added below are average strength and agility, but intelligence and spirit are simply outrageous.

If a mage sees this necklace, he has to fight hard with him. This intellectual and spiritual attribute fell on Chen Mo's hands, and it was just a flower inserted into cow dung.

However, Chen Mo can ignore it. He doesn't use much intelligence and spiritual attributes, but the basic physical attack power is enough. Not to mention, the high sacrifice necklace also has an additional 15,000 HP!

The Eternal Bracelet only has an additional 5,000 points of health limit. The High Ceremony Necklace is three times the Eternal Bracelet!

When seeing the Great Sacrifice Necklace as a secondary artifact, Chen Mo felt a little strange.

However, if he carefully looks at the only incidental skill, Chen Mo knows that he is making a lot of money.

Follow the contract!

Unlike pets, etc., this follow-up contract can and can be carried out!

Unlike pets that provide pet space and followers who contract with him, they do not need to follow him. When he needs them, he can call the followers directly to him!

If someone else gets a great sacrificial necklace, and a contract is a follower, there may be an extra pet.

But Chen Mo has a lot of choices!

He can choose to contract with You Ji, or choose to contract with the fat man!

You Ji and the big fat man, no matter who they are, after contracting with him, his combat power will soon rise a lot!

However, Chen Mo is not in a hurry to contract with anyone, after all, the high sacrifice necklace requires him to reach level 60 before being equipped, and now he can't contract if he wants a contract.

But anyway, killing the big sacrifice, in addition to solving the trouble of the big sacrifice mark on his body, he made a lot of money this time.

A total of more than 11,000 feats, a god-level skill test scroll, and a second artifact necklace from the bunker!

Of course, you also saved You Ji. If he didn't come, You Ji would be dead this time. After all, even the heavyweights such as the Beastmaster can call.

Chen Mo couldn't help both of the two things that came out of the big sacrifice, but when he looked at You Ji, he saw that You Ji was in the cave, his body trembling slightly.

You Ji was wearing a silver knight's armor. There was an air-conditioning in the cave. It is estimated that there is a pool of water at the bottom of the cave.

You Ji's clothes like this, of course, the temperature here is falling very fast.

Chen Mo also felt a little chill, but the temperature was not a problem for the player, and she felt cold. Turning down the touch can solve the problem.

But You Ji is an aboriginal and cannot be cold and hot like a player, just like a human in the real world.

"Did you feel cold?" Chen Mo looked at You Ji and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes." You Ji nodded, there was nothing to be shy in front of Chen Mo.

"Come here, let me warm up with you!" Chen Mo said with a grin.

"What the hell!" You Ji glanced at Chen Mo ~ www.readwn.com ~ 啧, there is no outsider, what's so shy, it's not good to be cold! "

Of course, there is an excuse for heating something. You haven't been with You Ji for a long time. Rarely, they are alone in the same room.

After walking to You Ji, Chen Mo's palm touched it skillfully. You Ji resisted symbolically for a few times and stopped moving, like a lamb slaughtered by others, staying in Chen Mo's arms.

The temperature in the flash was low. You Ji's body was indeed cold, but under the effort of Chen Mo, You Ji's body became hot, and her face was also charming, very seductive.

Counting it, Chen Mo hadn't really touched a woman for a long time. When she saw You Ji's seductive look, she was immediately enthusiastic. But You Ji was in the past, but rejected him again and again, Chen Mo didn't dare to be too anxious this time, but stripped her clothes when You Ji didn't realize it.


Fourth more. R1152

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