Godly Hunter

Chapter 53: 1 enemy

Slim Plain.

There are so many people, the unprecedented liveliness of Slime Plain, a large circle is surrounded by the BOSS refresh point.

中间 In the middle of the circle, a huge amethyst variant Slime King is killing players frantically. Players around are constantly running away, but where they can run Mutant Slime King, Mutant Slime King often kills a group with one stroke.

Although there are many people, there are not many players who can cause damage to the mutant Slime King. Although those players who are chased by the mutant Slime King don't forget to fight back before they die, but they hurt the mutant Slime King. It's pitifully low.

Apart from the previous siege by a group of powerfully equipped players, the mutant King Slime is completely invincible.

"Brother, this boss is hard to do."

In the crowd, Wang Xu said solemnly to a young man beside him.

If Chen Mo is here, Chen Mo can recognize this young man. Although I have only met once or twice, this young man left a good impression on Chen Mo.

He is the eldest brother in Wang Xu's reality. Wang Wen is different from Wang Xu. A 26-year-old or seven-year-old web post gives a deep and stable feeling.

"Well, it's not surprising. It's a mutant BOSS. It's impossible for a team to take it down. Brother Xiaolou, what's your plan?" Wang Wen didn't express his opinion, but asked a young mage of Swen who was beside him. The game ID was small. Lou wind and rain.

Xiao Lou Yuxi smiled lightly: "Of course it was killed, but this sale was a big loss. Since there is a mutant BOSS, how can I kill it. Rest assured, I have contacted all the Glacier Game Clubs who have not left Xinshou Village. Members, plus those hired masters, it ’s not a problem to kill BOSS. I was caught off guard the other time, and this time I was ready, as long as I did n’t let the BOSS split up, it would be easy to kill. ”

Mutated Slime King's avatar, although not powerful, is not something players can resist.

There was a team of knights and priests. The knights resisted, and the priests added blood. They could barely resist the BOSS attack, but if there was an extra clone, they would be defeated.

"Limit BOSS not to be separated? How to limit it?" Wang Xu frowned, asking unknown.

"Isn't Leng Xiaoliu there right now? Their equipment has the ability to silence." Xiao Lou looked at the other team and happened to see Leng Xiaoliu also looked at them.

Leng Xiaoliu came over with a smile on his face: "Brother Xiaolou, long-awaited name, I heard you joined the Glacier Game Club, congratulations!"

Xiaolou Fengyu was a well-known competitive game master in Huaxia District, and it worked well. Originally, there was no intersection with Leng Xiaoliu's studio, but when Leng Xiaoliu's studio was not busy, he would also receive some training. The order is still an expensive high-end order. In the qualifying of some orders, I have encountered several storms of Xiaolou, and have been abused several times by Xiaolou. The order has to be postponed to complete, and this guy called "Small building", his name is "liu Liu", a word difference, it is difficult to remember.

Xiao Xiaolou heard the words of Leng Xiaoliu and sneered. Although Leng Xiaoliu is congratulating him, everyone can see that the Glacier Game Club has not started well and has a big tumble. It is a question of whether it can continue to run. Even if it continues to run, I am afraid it will be difficult to have a big one. Support, Leng Xiaoliu must have blossomed.

However, BOSS is in front of him, Xiaolou wind and rain are too lazy to do more with this narrow-minded and treacherous guy. Nodded his head, Xiaolou went straight to the theme: "Boss Xiaoliu, I know you have a piece of equipment to silence BOSS skills. No matter you or us alone, this BOSS can't eat it. How about cooperation once?"

Xiao Leng Xiaoliu is also a professional. When talking about business, he put down his thoughts. He came over with this idea, and after a little groaning, Leng Xiaoliu asked: "Cooperation is fine, how should the BOSS drop things be distributed?"

"If we want to kill the BOSS, our two teams will definitely not work. I also called the remaining members of the Glacier Game Club and some other expert players. There are not many people who divide things, but I can promise you that the things that BOSS drops, You can pick one of the three most valuable things. "

"Yes, but who will pick first?" Leng Xiaoliu agreed without thinking.

Even if it is a mutant BOSS, it is only a dozen or so things that can be divided into the most valuable one.

However, there are three most valuable things, and there are high and low things. Who chooses first is still a problem.

"The three most valuable items are chosen by everyone. If there is no contention, they can be taken directly. If there is any contention, they will be drawn by lot."

Feng Xiaolou thought of the distribution method long ago, Leng Xiaoliu listened, and felt that this was fair, so he nodded in agreement.

A few people then began to mobilize to prepare.

In the distance, the Slime King is still watching the lively players in the mad slaughter. Many players know that they can't kill the BOSS, but they still want to confuse the fish.

With so many people, there are still many master players who have failed to kill the three wolves. BOSS will be killed sooner or later. If they can pick up a piece of equipment while in disorder, then it will be developed.

"Those masters, get started!"

Finally, these players waited for the moment when Leng Xiaoliu and Xiaolou Fengyu waited.

A total of about eight teams, less than fifty, but after they all started to attack, the blood of King Slime mutated and began to fall wildly.

"Knight pays attention to defense, priest adds blood!" Xiao Lou yelled.

The first wave of attacks killed a lot of BOSS blood, but if it is unable to resist the next attack of the BOSS, it is the result of an instant mass destruction.

Almost all the shots are masters, so there is no need to talk about them. They are fully able to resist BOSS attacks.

But other attacks are just fine. Variation King Slime releases the purple ball. The range of attack is not a few knights to resist, and the remaining players are likely to be hit and killed.

For this trick, they certainly have a solution.

As they battle, they move towards the players around them, and when the purple ball bounces out of the mutant Slime King, they will instantly hide in the crowd.

With their technology, they can easily use the surrounding players to resist the attack of these small balls. The small **** have disappeared, and they quickly form a team to continue the attack output.

"Fuck, these guys are so awful!"

下来 Come down twice ~ www.readwn.com ~ Player around knows their intentions, but they don't care.

Just kidding, these look busy, and rarely say that 70% want to grab the BOSS! If it wasn't for the novice village who couldn't attack the players, they were sure that Xiaoloufengfeng would kill the treasure directly when the boss was about to die! Let these players be shields, and they are not relentless.

"It's okay, it's too late."

At this time, Chen Mo finally rushed over.

Looking at the BOSS who lost nearly half his blood, Chen Mo knew he had time.

"Wang Xu, Wang Wen?" Looking at the team playing BOSS, Chen Mo recognized Wang Xu and Wang Wen's brothers at a glance.

两 The two brothers have changed their appearance slightly, but among a group of strangers, two people they know are still easy to recognize.

"This Wang Wen is as stable and powerful as reality!" Chen Mo just met Wang Wen twice and did not know what Wang Wen did, but Wang Wen's performance in the game was quite eye-catching.

"This guy is also here, the world is really small." Then, Chen Mo recognized Leng Xiaoliu and Leng Xiaoqian again.

"Binghe Group and the Wang family brothers, exported dirty and hot women, this boss is so sorry for not robbing yourself!"

There is no rule in the game that you ca n’t grab a boss, but if there is no reason to grab a group of strangers ’bosses, Chen Mo might be guilty and condemn yourself. Very cool!

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