Godly Hunter

Chapter 54: Capturing BOSS

"It's almost 50% of your health. When the BOSS splits, use silence. Don't miss the chance!" Xiao Lou reminded Leng Xiaoliu of the storm.

When the Slime King ’s blood volume drops to 50%, it will split into a clone. When splitting, its body will be blurred for a moment. At this time, using the silence skill can forcibly interrupt the skill.

知道 "Know, without your reminder, I don't want to die yet!" Leng Xiaoliu Lengheng.

There is only one chance. If BOSS is released, everyone will be destroyed!

"Toothpick, look at it, don't miss it." Leng Xiaoliu told, the silence skill was on the priest's staff in the team.

"Leng Boss, rest assured, you will not miss." The toothpick is a calm male priest, Leng Xiaoliu this team, only Leng Xiaoqian is a female player.


Between words, the blood of the mutant King Slime dropped to 50%, and when he saw that his body was suddenly blurred, he was divided into two.

沉默 "Silent!" With a swipe of the toothpick wand, a black light shot out of the wand, just as the mutant Slime was about to split into two, the black light hit it.

Variation of King Slime's figure was condensed, and the fuzzy figure condensed again.

"Success! Seize the opportunity, attack fiercely, don't let it have a second chance to use skills!" Xiao Lou Yi Xi, yelling.

A group of experts attacked with all their strength, and the blood of the mutant Slime went crazy.

Seeing that the BOSS's blood volume is getting less and less, the players around are eager to move, and when BOSS dies, there is a tendency to grab things.

Although they have no priority in picking things, there are so many people. As long as they occupy the place in the past, the team of masters who killed the BOSS cannot pick things. Once the protection time passes, the things are theirs.

Don't look at the nearly 50 master players who killed BOSS, but in Novice Village, no one can turn on the team battle system. In the end, only one team will have the authority to pick up BOSS props. There are so many of them and they occupy the position. The odds of things are not small.

BOSS blood volume quickly dropped from 50% to 20%.

This length of blood, naturally, players who want to grab things will not move, then ran over, it was pure death.

But at this moment, a figure emerged from the player group, very prominent.

"A masked player again!"

The players around looked around and found that this player was covering his face.

"Is it the same person who was in the Wild Wolf Valley more than an hour ago?" Everyone here knew that when they saw the masked people in the Wild Wolf Valley at night, they couldn't help thinking.

"It really looks like it looks like!"

I can't see his face, but seeing the figure of this person, many players have a familiar feeling, and they are likely to be the same person.

"It's a good show!"

A lot of players suddenly refreshed, this person appears here, is it necessary to grab the boss?

并不是 This man is so mysterious, it's not impossible!

"It's this guy again!" The players around him all recognized the same person. Not to mention the masters of Xiaolou Fengyu, not to mention, they have seen people with masked Chen Mu recently.

A group of masters were furious. They wanted to kill BOSS with great fanfare. However, the boss was taken away by this man without knowing what to do. The faces of a group of masters had a lot of light, and the money they could earn was also less than half.

If they can PK here, their group of people will definitely not even fight the boss, and direct all attacks to this masked person.

默 Chen Mo ignored the Xiaolou Fengfeng and others, and ran directly to the mutant King Slime, raising his hand was an arrow.

For the capture skills, there have been many tests on the forum. Hunters must catch monsters if they want to catch monsters. Under the premise of not causing damage, the monsters cannot be captured 100%.

And the range of entry-level capture skills is only five meters, beyond five meters, the skills can not be applied to monsters.

"This guy is a hunter or assassin!" As soon as Chen Mo attacked with a crossbow, the players around him determined his profession.

"Boy, my boss is going to ask you if you want to report the game ID!"

玩家 A player drank coldly and found that Chen Mo appeared here, and he contacted Wanzhang Glacier for the first time.

"You're stupid! I masked just don't want you to recognize it, otherwise it will not be good to do bad things in the future, hehehehehe!" Chen Mo grinned, hehehe laughed.

Only those skilled players who have been hired are here. The people at the Glacier Game Club can't help but be furious.

Because of this guy, they have a bright future, and they are extremely bleak for a moment, but after listening to this guy's words, it seems that they have to fight against them in the future!

"Boy, don't let us know who you are, or the Glacier Group will kill you with money!" Another shouted.

"Hahaha, I'm so scared!" Chen Moha laughed, but there was no fear in the words.

With a move of his hand, Chen Mo changed into the best equipment all over his body, hitting more than two hundred injuries with a single arrow.

"So high attack!"

Seeing this injury, a group of masters were shocked.

This is a normal attack, no skills used! With them, it is good to be able to deal more than a hundred injuries!

They are already a green outfit, wouldn't it mean that the masked man is a purple outfit?

I think of this, a group of experts can not calm down.

I was wearing a purple outfit, but it was a legend on the forum. No one has seen it before. I did not expect that they encountered one here.

I can get a purple outfit now, who is it?

"Everyone is focused on attacking, beware that the boss is robbed!" Xiao Lou yelled.

The output of this person is too high. I'm afraid they came to grab the BOSS. Although they played the BOSS first, if the team that played the first BOSS was killed by the BOSS, if the output of this person prevailed, the BOSS would still be He snatched it.

A group of masters stunned in their hearts, and the three wolves fighting the flames returned empty-handed. If even the mutant Slime king, the BOSS with only a little blood left, were taken away, they would really be planted at home.

Chen silently looked at the eye variant King Slime, whose blood volume was less than 15%.


默 Chen Mo moved, approached Mutant Slime King, and threw a capture skill on it.

On the test on the forum, when the monster's blood volume drops below 10%, the capture is the most successful.

However, Chen Mo ca n’t wait. The BOSS ’s blood volume drops too fast. If the capture skill is below 10%, the skill must be used continuously.

There is no cool-down time for the catching skills, but if you use it continuously, the chance of successfully catching monsters is very small.

Because every time the capture is unsuccessful, the monster will have a little resistance. If the resistance is not dissipated, it will continue to capture, and the chance of catching will only become lower and lower.

System prompt: Capture failed!

默 The system prompt that failed to capture appeared, and Chen Mo was not surprised.

This is a mutant BOSS. If the blood volume is 15%, it will be captured once.

Chen Mo moved, Chen Mo stepped back.

"What does that guy want to do?"

Xiao Leng Xiaoliu watched Chen Mo approach the BOSS and then immediately backed away. It is unknown, but he always had a bad feeling.

"Full output!" Not only him, Xiaolou also felt this way, he decided to let everyone step up in advance.

BOSS 'blood volume quickly dropped to 10%, Chen Mo estimates that he can capture again, but lost a capture skill before running to ~ www.readwn.com ~ System prompt: Capture failed!

However, the capture failed again.

I failed again, but there is still a chance!

Chen Chen was in no hurry and returned calmly.

Xu Xiaolou's wind and rain and Leng Xiaoliu were both watching Chen Mo. Seeing that Chen Mo was doing the same thing, knowing that there was definitely a ghost inside, he couldn't help but get nervous.

They didn't forget that this guy had let the flame three wolves evolve and fly away more than an hour ago, and then it was not surprising to do something they couldn't understand.

Variation King Slime's HP, 5%!

Chen Mo stepped forward again!


System prompt: Capture failed!

"No! Mutating BOSS, it really is not so easy to catch, there is another chance, the possibility of failure is very high!"

默 Chen Mo had a hunch that the third capture failed, and if he went on like this, he would fail the fourth time!

Using the capture skills, the player will have a strange feeling. Chen Mo feels like he has lost a rope sleeve to the mutant Slime King, but this rope sleeve was only broken away by the mutant Slime king. No feeling stuck.

This feeling is the same for the third time. Even though the blood volume of the BOSS has almost dropped to zero in the fourth time, Chen Mo feels that it will not change. As for the fifth time, the BOSS died long ago.

How to do?

BOSS still has a little blood, Chen Mo's mind turns sharply.

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