Godly Hunter

Chapter 55: BOSS brother!

Is there any way?


The success rate of capturing skills is related to the strength and spirit of the player. Even if other players know that they can only be helpless at the moment, but Chen Mo is different. He also has a title against the sky, which is extremely sinful!

Wearing the title of great evil, the strength and spirit are increased by 100 points at the same time. How much the success rate is increased is not clear, but his attributes are definitely multiplied!

The problem is that after wearing the title of great evil, it will take three days to take off. Within three days, he will become black, unable to return to Ayr town, and naturally cannot leave Xinshou Village.

After the player is at level 10, he must go to the town of Ayr to find the teleport npc, choose to participate in the talent trial or directly transfer to one of the three main cities. After wearing the title of evil, Chen Mo must wait for three days.

即使 Even if he wears the title of "Great Crime", it just changes the chance to catch the boss as a younger brother.

Bet or not?


Chen Mo is not an indecisive person. For three days, unsuccessful will only delay one or two levels. He is not like other players who need to upgrade hard. It does n’t matter if you upgrade slowly. If you succeed, you can catch a mutant BOSS. Be my brother!

Capture the mutant BOSS to do the younger brother's thing, I am afraid that except this time, I will never find a better opportunity!

"Come on, BOSS is dying, all skills are thrown at it!"

Variation King Slime's blood volume, only 2% left, a group of master players such as Xiaolou Fengyu and Leng Xiaoliu are all excited.

This is a mutant BOSS, and in their eyes, it is the first to kill a mutant BOSS. The BOSS explosion is a matter of course. Go to the forum to publicize it, it can be said that it is both fame and fortune!

"Ready, grab a piece to develop!" The players around are also eager to get ready for the 100-meter sprint.

"What's going on, why is that guy so scary!"

At this moment, Xiaolou Fengyu still did not forget to stare at Chen Mo, then, his pupils could not help but suddenly shrink.

This is a masked player who is no different from ordinary players. When he rushes to the front of the boss, the whole body emits a strong dark atmosphere!

"Kill! Kill the BOSS!" A vision never seen before, a strong, strong premonition swarmed into Xiaolou's heart.

BOSS HP is still 1%!

大 A large group of players rushed out, and master players such as Xiaolou Fengyu and Leng Xiaoliu were also desperate output.

Mutant King Slime roared unwillingly, lamenting the imminent death.

A large number of attacks slammed into the mutant King Slime, and as long as these attacks fell on it, it would die.

But at this moment, everyone only felt that the flowers in front of them were suddenly attacked by dozens and hundreds of people!

BOSS ... At the last minute, it disappeared!

what happened?

A large group of ordinary players who are ready to grab things, stop and look around blankly, looking for BOSS!

"It was his ghost who attacked the masked man!"

With a look at Swen's small building, wind and rain gave a roar!

He is him again!

Only he saw it clearly. The masked man rushed under the boss and waved his hand, then the mutant King Slime disappeared!

"Black name player! This guy is a black name player!"

"kill him!"

BOSS disappeared, under the roar of wind and rain in the small building, a large group of players finally noticed a dark-skinned Chen Mo, and then someone yelled.

They don't know why this masked person becomes a black-named player, and they don't know why there are black-named players in the novice village that cannot be PK.

But when you see a black-named player and know that there is a good chance that there is a lot of superb things on these black-named players, these players can't help but attack.

Suddenly, a large number of attacks were like hitting BOSS and smashed at Chen Mo.

Uh ...

Success! Do not hesitate to wear the title of great sin!

Chen Mo was ecstatic.

"Hahaha, you want to kill me, it's still early!"

Too late to look at the attributes of BOSS's younger brother, Chen Mo looked at the attack flying all over the sky and laughed.

Dodge the wind!

王 Roar of King Slime!

In the next moment, Chen Mo ’s body shone, wind speed dodge and King Slime ’s roar can be used to increase the movement speed of the two skills, coupled with the speed of the windrunner's shoes and the wicked evil title, Chen Mo's maximum speed of movement reached With an amazing 24 points, more than double the average player!

Although there were many attacks on Chen Mo, they were all the most basic long-range attacks, without tracking and locking capabilities.

Under the sky attack, Chen Mo, like a phantom, turned into a dark light. From the sky attack, he rushed into the crowd instantly.

"Stop him, don't let him run away. He has the best equipment and is better than playing boss!"

速度 This speed surprised everyone, but it was also more certain that there were too many good things on this masked man. And just now, there was still an attack on the masked man, and it hurt! In other words, even in Xinshou Village, they can attack this black-named masked man!

But the surrounding players are mainly ordinary players, without tracking and locking skills, and without a large range of skills. It is simply impossible to intercept Chen Meng's amazing speed.

Like a loach, Chen Mo hid in the crowd, and after a while, she got out of the crowd with amazing speed.

BOSS was robbed again, of course Xiaolou Fengyu and others will not stop there. They believe that the speed of this masked person is so fast. Certain special skills or magic scrolls must be used. As long as time passes, they still have a chance to catch up.

But did not chase far, Xiaolou Fengyu and Leng Xiaoliu and others found each other face to face, masked people tens of meters away suddenly disappeared from their eyes.

"Camouflage or stealth skills! Is this guy coming back from the outside city? Otherwise, how are the equipment and skills like this!" Leng Xiaoliu gritted his teeth and cut his teeth.

最后 The last bit of blood left in the BOSS is robbed, which makes individuals angry, not to mention the cold and cramped heart.

"Hum! No matter who he is, I remember Xiaolou! If I let you know who did it, I will never die with him!"

In less than two hours, I even suffered two big losses, and the face of Xiaolou's wind and rain was gloomy.

"Add me, if brother Xiaolou finds this guy, please ask me for help!"

The masters have the dignity and temper of the masters. The anger of this group of people is not worse than the wind and cold of the small building.

Uh ...

In the distance, Chen Mo quickly escaped to a place without people, using camouflage skills and familiarity with Slime Plain.

Then he looked at the mutant King Slime he had captured.

Variation King Slime

Description: The king of Slime has mutated due to his anger, and his attributes have greatly increased.

Level: 10


HP: 100,000

MP: 1000

Physical attack power 100-500

Magic attack power 100-400

Physical Defense 50

Magic Defense 50

Movement speed 5——17


Impact: Hit the enemy with your body ~ www.readwn.com ~, causing 150% damage to the enemy, with a cooling time of 5 seconds.

Angry Roar: Inspire your own power, increase physical and magical attack power by 30%, increase the maximum speed of 5 points, increase the jumping height by 3 meters, the effect lasts 15 seconds, and the skill cooldown is 120 seconds.

Jump attack: In the roaring rage state, you can use this ability to jump over and attack the enemy from high altitude, causing 250% damage, and the skill cooldown is 10 seconds.

Mini Bomb Slime: Summon a group of Mini Bomb Slime to attack the enemy. Each Mini Bomb Slime lasts 10 seconds, and can cause 200% damage to the enemy during the explosion. Skill cool down time is 5 minutes.

Split: King Slime's HP can be used when the HP is below 50%, splitting an avatar with only 70% of the ontology's stats, and the avatar has all the ontological abilities except split, and the damage of all skills is only 70% of the ontology's abilities. Duration is 5 minutes and skill cooldown is 60 minutes.

Nyima, that's great!

Looking at the attributes of the BOSS brother, Chen Mo's eyes were straight.

With such a boss, it's hard to think of it!

Uh ...

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