Godly Hunter

Chapter 599: Legendary Mount Power

In the sigh of the living players, the angels saw that their attacks were not effective for the two teams. More than 150 angels immediately moved into shape, divided into two teams, and swooped down from the sky toward the two teams.

"The Angel is about to melee!"

In addition, those who are still alive, seeing this are all retreating, for fear that the puppet angels will find them.

Although it is not yet known how the puppet angel's melee ability is, the quantity alone is scary.

Seventy or eighty puppet angels rushed over, not even hiding.

"Do your best to get started, or you can't resist it!"

Chen Mo stared at the swarms of puppet angels screaming at him.

Even if the blood paladin is one of the most powerful shield knights in the game, he can't stop the attack of the seventy or eighty sting angels. Puppet Angels have faster wings than players. It is impossible to escape. Now the only way is to kill Puppet Angels.

With the strength of several people, it is almost impossible to fight against dozens of magpie angels.

Chen Mo knew that he couldn't deal with so many puppet angels by himself. He followed his thoughts and the black phoenix was summoned.

"Second form!"

The summoned black phoenix entered the second form again.

Not only Chen Mo's black phoenix, the wild leopard's ice phoenix, the little warrior's blood butterfly were also summoned at almost the same time, and their legendary mounts also entered the second form one after another.

Plus the blood giant Paladin's mutant giant tortoise. Four legendary mounts appeared instantly beside the four Chen Mo!

The four legendary mounts, the Black Phoenix, the Ice Phoenix, and the mutant giant tortoise are all extremely huge. The length of each one is thirty to forty, and the blood butterfly of the little soldier is seven or eight meters tall.

Originally a menacing group of puppet angels, in front of the four legendary mounts, one of them suddenly became dark!

"My God, four legendary mounts!"

Many people haven't seen the legendary mount, but they know the existence of the legendary mount, and know some of the characteristics of the legendary mount.

If Chen Mo's legendary mount appears in ordinary form. Other players are not sure, but the second form unique to the legendary mount. These players recognized them at a glance.

"There are also three legendary mounts over there!"

Then, players who looked at Florence and others were also screaming.

In Florence, except for the Scarlet Knight's Rock Giant. At this time, there was also a huge unicorn emitting a faint light, and a huge flame leopard burning in his body.

Whether it's a unicorn or a flame leopard, it's very huge, and it's the second form of a legendary mount.

In front of the two teams, there are actually seven legendary mounts!

There are more than a dozen players living around, usually not even see a legendary mount once, but now here I saw seven legendary mounts at a time, one by one can not help but be shocked.

Seven legendary mounts appeared together, between these legendary mounts. Like the black phoenix, ice phoenix, blood butterfly, and mutant giant tortoise, they had known each other. They had fought each other many times before, and met again at this time. They confessed to each other that they could not help yelling at each other's demonstrations.

But then they were all puppet angels who looked down and leaped forward.

Their owners are now teammates, and they can't fight each other to see who is more powerful, but it is no problem to kill the angels.

As for the unicorns, flame leopards, and rock giants, these legendary mounts from different World of Warcraft parks, when they saw the appearance of the black phoenix mounts, they all refused to show weakness.


傀儡 Angel rushed over. The legendary mounts on both sides were suddenly moved. The huge body flew fiercely at the angel.

boom! !! !!

Puppet angels have no emotions at all. Even in the face of powerful legendary mounts, they do not mean to flinch at the slightest. Raising the grey giant swords in their hands one by one, they hacked at several legendary mounts.

Of course, the seven legendary mounts will not allow the Angels to attack, one by one, they each use their own attacks to blast at the Angels, and the sound of a loud and loud sound spreads around.

The mutant giant torch first rushed into the puppet angel like a wild cow. Although the puppet angel flew in the air, the mutant giant tortoise was huge. The puppet angel could not escape for a while, and dozens of puppet angels were hit by the mutant giant torch like shell Fly upside down.

The Black Phoenix was unwilling to show its weakness. It was brewing for a moment, and a huge black fireball that was several times larger than usual blasted into the puppet angel. After the explosion, it bombarded twenty or thirty puppet angels.

The ice phoenix is ​​a piece of ice-blue wings, an ice arrow suddenly emerges from the air, and it shoots at the puppet angels in front of it, causing huge damage to large puppet puppet angels.

The little warrior's blood butterfly is more like a melee mount, it opens a **** aura, grabs two **** daggers, turns it into a **** light, swept into the puppet angel group, and attacked the puppet angel with a sneak attack. The puppet angel in the attack was mad with blood.

The four of Chen Mo were not idle, and did not rely on the legendary mount to attack the puppet angel.

As the owners of their respective legendary mounts, they are very clear that the second form cannot last for too long in the crazy output state, but only with the legendary mounts cannot all kill so many puppet angels.

The legendary mount is very transformed, but the puppet angel is not weak, and the number of puppet angels is far more than the legendary mount.

Taking advantage of the legendary mount, the cricket angel was panic-stricken. All four took advantage of the opportunity to focus on attacking the cricket angel in a bad state, trying to kill as many crickets as possible before the energy of the legendary mount was used up. Angels, so that they can win.

Chen Mo's legendary mount took the shot, and it was pressed against the puppet angel. The situation on Florence was almost the same.

There were only three legendary mounts over Florence, but their three legendary mounts attacked, but the power was only slightly weaker than Chen Mo's side.

The gap is so small. The reason is very simple. In Florence's team, there is a young beauty priest who has never shot before, but when he shot, he added three legendary mounts to each. This kind of amazing gain effect greatly increases the strength of the three legendary mounts.

The wild leopard woman on Chen Mo's side is also a priest. She has numerous powerful buff skills, but she is a combat priest. In addition to the effect of the buff, it is obvious to her and not great to others.

Thanks to the powerful priests in the team, Florence did not appear to be falling behind against the puppet angels, and the puppet angels dived towards them were also attacked by the legendary mount of the three men, and attacked by the three men. It's going to fall.

Among them, the Scarlet Knight's Rock Giant holds a huge black stick weapon. The Rock Giant not only has a strong defense force, but also has a very strong attack power. When a stick is knocked down, the ground can be blown out of a large pit. The smashed puppet angels were all mad, and after being hit by the rock giant's stick, they entered a short dizzy state.

The flame leopard of Charles III burned all over, and after rushing into the group of puppet angels, the endless flame burst out from its body, and the surrounding area became a sea of ​​fire. The puppet angels around it were all burned. It's scorched.

As for Florence's unicorn, it is a flying legend mount. When its elegant body passes by each puppet angel, the puppet angel's movement will be stagnant, as if being charmed.

The overwhelming numbers of two puppet angels attacked the two player teams aggressively, but they were overwhelmed by the appearance of several legendary mounts. Those players who hid far away saw this scene and couldn't help it. stunned.

"too strong!"

"Looking at it like this, the Angels can't beat them a few!"

"Yes, I'm afraid they can kill all the puppet angels and complete the mission! As long as we don't die, we can also complete the mission!"

After a group of people sighed, they were excited.

The task does not require them to do anything. As long as Chen Mo and others destroy the seal circle and liberate the sealed wings of the Celestial Terran, they will do nothing and complete the task.

The reward given by the task is already very high. The skinny old man promised to increase the reward of the task. More than 10,000 people came in. If only they were to complete the task, the reward would be amazing!

"You have angels killed!"

Faced with the fierce attack of the legendary mount, the Angel of Angels also fully counterattacked.

However, in the second form of the legendary mount, the attributes are too changed. The angel's counterattack strength is not much for the legendary mount.

Under the powerful attack of several legendary mounts, Chen Mo and Florence started to concentrate on their output. Soon Angel was killed.

When there is the first one, there are the second ones, one by one, each of them is attacked by two teams, one dead and falls to the ground, and one becomes a puppet that does not move on the ground.

After falling to the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ the angel feathers on these crickets dropped one by one, and the feathers scattered.

"Hurry up!"

The number of puppets is getting smaller and smaller, but both Chen Mo and Florence are in full swing.

The legendary mount attacks in full force in the second form, causing a horrible attack while consuming power is terrifying. Several people only felt that the power of the legendary mount had begun to decline, and it would be troublesome to click and kill a little more angels.

However, the seven legendary mounts do not know if they want to compare each other and exert more power than they expected. When the power of several legendary mounts is about to be exhausted, the puppet angels facing the two teams The number is running out.

When the legendary mounts disappeared one by one, there were more than ten puppet angels in front of the two teams.


First more. (To be continued) r655

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