Godly Hunter

Chapter 600: Join forces temporarily

"Unfortunately, it is almost!"

Before seeing the two teams, there were still more than a dozen cricket angels who were not dead. Players who watched the game from a distance were extremely sorry.

If Chen Mo can kill all the puppet angels in one fell swoop, this task will be completed properly.

"But the remaining puppet angels are all residual blood. They are so powerful that killing them is definitely not a problem!"


The puppet angels in front of the two teams, although not dead, were also attacked by the range of the legendary mount, playing in a half-blood state.


Chen Mo and Florence's two teams, of course, will not allow the time to return to the puppet angels. Although the two teams have no legendary mounts, but killing the residual blood and using most of the skills of the puppet angels, it is not a problem.

The two teams used powerful skills to quickly kill a few puppet angels with the least amount of blood, reducing the number of puppet angels in each team to less than ten.

The puppet angels facing the two teams arrived at the current situation, and then moved in shape, no longer paying attention to the two teams, but flew to the other team to join together to jointly confront the two teams of Chen Mo and Florence.

However, the more than thirty puppet angels guarding the seal formation farther away seemed to have a death order. Although their puppet angel companions were almost dead, they did not come to help.

"Don't let them gather!"

Chen Mo and Florence, two teams with rich combat experience, knew that if two teams of puppet angels assembled at this time, maybe there would be any accidents, so both teams tried their best to stop the puppet angels.

The two puppet angels teams did not fight back or dodge in the face of the attacks of the two teams. As a result, the two teams had been killed by each of the two teams before they successfully merged. The remaining puppet angels of the two teams totaled. The number is less than ten.

Two teams, Chen Mo and Florence, attacked together to destroy the remaining ten puppet angels, and then they only needed to deal with more than thirty puppet angels under the seal circle.

But at this time, Chen Mo's face was slightly changed, and Florence and others stopped and stopped chasing the remaining puppet angels, waiting for the confluence of puppet angels.

I don't know what trajectory they have, Chen Mo's four can only stop.

Otherwise, they will come forward to fight the puppet angels, and Florence and others will launch a sneak attack. They will suffer a great deal.

"Scarred knight, what are you thinking of?" The Blood Paladin drew in a deep voice.

"Do you really do n’t understand or do n’t understand? Together with you, you can kill these puppet angels, but after the mission is completed, which team's credit is really hard to say," said the Scarlet Knight.

What he meant was very obvious. Their team was determined to win this mission, not only to complete the task, but also to complete the task with the main task person, and obtain hidden mysterious rewards.

For them, a simple one-hundred-gold coin and a 50-level purple outfit are not at all in their eyes. They do not only care about the person who completes the task, even if the task fails.

"The mission is still far away from completion, now thinking of the mission reward?" The Blood Paladin sneered coldly.

As the two spoke, the remaining puppet angels finally came together.

These puppet angels, when they converge, their bodies suddenly emit a gray light. Under this gray light, those puppet angels who are already dead around them are floating from the ground. , Also emits the same gray light.

Then, all the dying angels flew in a grey light and flew to the place where several angels gathered.

A dazzling gray light burst out, and in the gray light, a huge figure appeared.

傀儡 Angel, merge together!

"Hahaha! A group of arrogant guys, see what you have done!"

Seeing this, the Blood Paladin knew that it was too late to do anything, and he couldn't help laughing and laughing.

Scarlet knight and Florence, and others saw their faces sinking.

They thought they had killed less than ten angels, and even if there were any changes to them, they wouldn't have to be afraid.

However, I did not expect that the last resort of the puppet angel was to fuse the living and the dead puppet angels together into a super huge puppet angel!

The gray light quickly dissipated, and a giant giant angel of twenty to thirty meters appeared.

This giant puppet angel is not much different from ordinary puppet angels, but it is much larger.


In the face of the two teams, the fused angel sword slammed down, and a gray sword light broke through the sky.


The people in both teams were well prepared and hurried to avoid the attack of the giant puppet angel.

The giant Jianguang fell to the ground and did not stop there. The giant Jianguang slashed away from several people.

Players watching the game from a distance did not expect that the puppet angels that were about to be destroyed would have such a change. The huge sword light fell, and several of them could not escape for a while and were slashed by the huge sword light.

These players are full of blood, but under this sword, they were suddenly hit with tens of thousands of injuries, and they were killed in seconds.

Obviously, it is a step away from completing the task. They were killed at this time. The dead player could not help remorse at the moment of death.


The rest of the players who were almost affected could not help but retreat in shock.

Their eyes flickered at the giant puppet angel.

The giant puppet angel is too powerful. If there is a legendary mount before, but there is no legend mount now, how can I kill a monster of this level?

"If you want to complete the task, let's kill this guy together!"

Chen Mo glanced at Florence and the others, and yelled.

The attack of the giant puppet angel is too changeable. In addition to the two shield knights in the presence, others were hit, and they were killed in seconds.

But just relying on the blood paladin alone, how long can not stop the attack of the giant puppet angel.

However, if coupled with the Scarlet Knight, the two teamed up to pull hatred in turn, plus the powerful beauty priest in Florence's team, it would be much more secure to kill the giant puppet angel.

"Okay, let's join forces for now!"

Florence and others did not expect that a giant puppet angel would come out. At the moment, they want to kill the giant puppet angel. It is safest to join forces with Chen Mo and others.

The two sides do not join hands, and it is not easy for either party to deal with the giant puppet angel alone. If there is an enemy standing by, there is no one who dares to do it.

And since it is said that they are working together to deal with giant puppet angels, Florence and others have no intention to cope with them. Several people have begun to attack the giant puppet angels.

The giant puppet angel's attack power is very powerful. If they attack together, they can kill most players in a second.

But I do n’t know if there are too many puppet angels who died. When they finally merged, there were less than ten puppet angels, which caused the fusion of giant puppet angels to appear a bit sluggish.

Although its attack is severe and abnormal, it is difficult to fall on Chen Mo and others.

The Scarlet Knight and the Blood Paladin took turns to pull the hatred of the giant puppet angels, so that the attacks of the giant puppet angels hit the two as much as possible. The two teams, Chen Mo and Florence, could try their best to output.

The fused giant puppet angel is huge, but the blood volume is not particularly long. It is estimated that the blood value is related to the number of fused puppet angels. At the end of the fusion, there are less than ten puppet angels. Not much.

The giant puppet angel's attack was shocking, and the giant sword smashed large pits on the ground, but it was impossible for two teams.

With the full output of the two teams, the health of the giant puppet angel plummeted.

"It's amazing, except for the Knights of the Shield, everyone is intact!"

Those players who hid farther away thought that the emergence of the fused giant puppet angel would put the two teams without legendary horses in crisis.

But it turned out that the two teams didn't seem to be able to deal with the giant puppet angel.

Seeing that the giant puppet angel's blood was about to bottom out, he was killed and killed. These players are all refreshed.

Even the giant puppet angels could not stop these two teams. In the end, the dozens of puppet angels didn't want to come.

The final hurdle is to see if the giant puppet angel will use a big move to reverse the battle situation when the blood volume is 10.

If there is no big move, the giant puppet angel will definitely die.

"That's the trick again!"

The health of the giant puppet angel dropped below 10, the huge wings of the giant puppet angel flew, and a lot of angel feathers fell.

This move is the same as that of the first attack by the angel!

However, players with sharp eyes can also find that the trick of the giant puppet angel cannot be compared with the initial attack.

After the death of the puppet angels, their feathers will drop a lot, so the amount of feathers on the giant puppet angels is far from the beginning ~ www.readwn.com ~ but for most players, this is still a must Few people can evade the trick.

But in the team of Chen Mo and Florence, there is a metamorphosis shield knight.

The last feather attack of the puppet angel was resisted by most of the two shield knights. The rest of the people relied on the position to escape, and no one was injured.

After using this trick, Puppet Angel can no longer support it, and was killed by the two teams.

"Here it is!"

She was killed, Chen Mo looked at Florence and others who had killed them, sneer.

At the moment of killing the giant puppet angel, Florence and others turned around and killed four of Chen Mo!


Second more. r1152

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