Godly Hunter

Chapter 610: Invitation from the Royal Court of Aegean

It didn't take long for Chen Mo to return to Katrin.

He left the Catlin Territory within four days, and four days passed. From the appearance of the Catlin Territory, it was hard to see that it was a city that had just been established here for a few days.

But Catlin's territory was still empty.

It is not that Catlin has no funds to develop. In fact, if Chen Mo intends to rebuild Catlin, it is not a problem at all.

But now everything is unstable, and I do n’t know how long I can stay in the Kingdom of Aiqin. If I have to leave again, I just have to demolish the newly rebuilt building.

But as long as you wait more than a month, this worry does not exist.

At that time, the sky tree had been able to grow to a sufficient degree. Even if there was a building in Catlin, the sky tree could already bear it.

Not long after Chen Mo returned, the chief patrolman of Kent hurriedly came to the door.

"Hurry, what's the matter?" Kent is fine and won't come to Catlin. He must be so anxious that something must have happened.

"The master's territory has been known by the royal family of the Aiqin Kingdom. The royal family has sent someone down to confirm the existence of the master's territory and intends to contact the master."

When Kent came, he said bad news.

"How did the Aegean royal family know?"

Chen Mo frowned, doing so much work before, just trying to conceal Catlin's existence. As a result, he went out for a few days. Catelyn's existence was already known to King Aiqin's family.

According to the previous statement, it was quite troublesome for him after he was informed by the royal family of Ai Qin.

"I don't know the specifics, but I think most of them are related to the hunters who informed us before. Before we came to the owner's territory, the hunters probably told the news again. Then the news of the powerful monsters made them feel strange. Secretly sneak in, and then discover the existence of the territory. "

Kent said awkwardly.

"Forget it, the discovery was discovered, what's the reaction of the Aiqin royal family?"

Chen Mo waved his hands without tangling too much in this matter. Right now the reaction from the King Aychen's family is most important.

Catlin is a matter of great importance. For the time being, it is difficult for him to find a better hiding place than the Kingdom of Ai Qin. It just happened that he obtained 30,000 gold coins in the Kingdom of Grey Feather. Mind to use gold coins for trouble.

After the monster siege event, the price of gold coins in the game has dropped a lot, and the ratio to the real currency is only half of what it was before, and it seems that there is a downward trend. Chen Mo does not intend to exchange real currency, and these gold coins are not distressing to spend.

"Well, this is the thing. Although the previous king was young, he seemed to be overly drunk. He was bedridden these days. Now the two daughters of the kingdom are dealing with the kingdom. Although the two daughters of the king I do n’t know, they Still young. The means are not as rude as the king, the people they sent. After confirming the existence of the territory, it seems to want to ask the owner to discuss with you, let you do something for the royal family, and then allow the existence of the owner's territory. "

Kent said quickly.


Chen Mo was a little surprised. She was going to be blackmailed by the Ai Qin royal family.

"Okay. When their people come in contact with me, I will go to the Aiqin royal family." Chen Mo turned to a decision.

He doesn't have much to do right now, it's not bad to go to the Aiqin royal family, anyway, sooner or later.

Kent left, and Chen Mo received a letter from Kent the next day. It was sent by Ai Qin's royal family.

The sender was Ai Qinen, and Chen Mo asked Kent, knowing that Ai Qinen was the eldest daughter of King Ai Qin, in his early twenties, and the other daughter of King Ai Qin was Ai Qin Er, Kent had only heard Name, never seen a real person.

In the letter, Ai Qinen stated that it was illegal for Chen Mo to establish a territory city in the Ai Qin kingdom without the permission of the royal family. If Chen Mo did not want the territory to be attacked and confiscated, he must rush to the Ai Qin capital within three days to complete the Ai Qin kingdom. one thing.

The preparation was ready yesterday. After receiving the letter, Chen Mo explained to Fatila and Enoch that they should be careful, and he immediately rushed to the King of Aiqin.

The kingdom of Ai Qin is not big. It only takes half a day for Chen Mo to reach the King of Ai Qin. However, Chen Mo didn't rush into the King of Ai Qin. Instead, he slowly made a circle and learned about the Ai Qin Kingdom. King Aiqin.

King Ai Qin is an ancient city, old and a bit shabby. Except that the palace of the royal family is a bit of a royal capital, the king capital is similar to the original Chisha City.

"You are the owner of that territorial city you built without permission, an adventurer from a different continent?"

Chen Mo came to the palace, took out the letter, and was taken into the palace. In a magnificent hall, she saw a young woman with blond hair and long hair.

"Yes, Miss Ai Qinen."

Chen Mo nodded with a smile, and looked at Ai Qinen quietly.

Ai Qinen is young and beautiful, and has the aristocratic flavor of a superior person that ordinary beauty does not have. Every move is majestic.

However, Chen Mo, who is accustomed to the big scenes, will not be intimidated by Ai Qinen's momentum.

In fact, entering the palace from the outside, Chen Mo observed all the way and found that the weakness of the Aiqin Kingdom is not unreasonable. The Aiqin Kingdom's level is only 60, and the highest level is probably 65.

I am afraid that this level can only scare the player, but for Chen Mo, even if it is 65, Chen Mo is not afraid, so Ai Qinen no matter how majestic it looks, it can not put pressure on Chen Mo.

Ai Qinen's blond hair and blue eyes are beautiful and attractive, but the beauty is certainly not the most beautiful in the contact with Chen Mo, but her strong twin peaks make Chen Mo can't help looking at two more eyes.

If he is not wrong, Ai Qinen's big breast on his chest is the biggest he has ever seen in the game.

"What are your eyes looking at, shameless people!"

Ai Qinen knew that her twin peaks were very attractive, and she always cared about it. Although Chen Mo's glance was hidden, she was captured by her.

Seeing this, Ai Qinen was furious.

"Miss Ai Qinen is angry, this is the etiquette of our adventurers. On our side, we all remember a woman like this. After coming to this world, this habit can't be changed."

Peeking out, but Chen Mo didn't panic, and opened his mouth nonsense.

"Huh! What an impolite race! Forget it, getting into the subject, the territory you and you established has violated many laws of the Aegean Kingdom. According to the law, your territory and your property must be punished. Forfeiture, you will also be imprisoned. But I have one thing right now, and I just need your help. If you can help me complete it, our Aegean Kingdom will not only confiscate your territory and property, and even recognize your territory Legal status, protected by the Aegean Kingdom. "

Ai Qinen snorted quickly.

"Of course it's not a problem to ask me for help. I don't know what Miss Ai Qinen wants me to do? I can't postpone if I can help!"

Chen Mo nodded and patted his chest to promise.

"Our Kingdom of Aegean is in poverty and decline ~ www.readwn.com ~ You also know that you want to come. The kingdom is now living beyond its means. The kingdom's guarding power is getting weaker and weaker. You are afraid that you will not see many guards. If this continues, the kingdom will not last long.

However, the ancestors of our kingdom left us a treasure trove in which a large amount of property was hidden. Over the years, we have taken out some easy-to-remove belongings from the inside, but the more common possessions are guarded by extremely powerful guardian beasts. The strength of our royal family is low. Many previous casualties have caused many casualties. In recent times, due to the special nature of the treasure trove, despite the deaths and injuries of many people, the treasures could not be obtained. .

Treasure ground is special. After several breaks, the kingdom has not had enough power to take treasure, let those with insufficient strength to go, just send to death, so I want you to enter the treasure land with us To help us remove the treasure. "


Second more. (To be continued ...)


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