Godly Hunter

Chapter 611: Mutual calculation

Ai Qinen is also unambiguous, directly explaining that the thing to find Chen Mo for his help is to help the royal family take treasure.

"I really want to help, but Ms. Ai Qinen, I am not strong, even weaker than the royal guards. Even if I want to help, I can't help it."

In the face of such a good thing as helping with the treasure, Chen Mo did not agree to it in the first place, but did not want to go.

"Huh! Your strength is not strong, but don't think we don't know. In your territory, there are a lot of strong defensive puppets. You bring a large number of those puppets to help resist the attack. Naturally, taking treasure is no problem. "

Ai Qinen heard the words and said with great dissatisfaction.

Sure enough, Aegean knew what was going on!

"Miss Ai Qinen, let me think for a long time, I don't know if it's okay, I just stay in the palace and won't go."

Nevertheless, Chen Mo did not agree to it in the first place.

Ai Qin'en heard that she was extremely dissatisfied with Chen Mo's hesitation, but she knew that forcing Chen Mo now could not reach her desired result, she waved her hand and said, "Okay, I will give you half a day. If you think about it, give me a reply! "

When Ai Qinen waved, a guard came and took Chen Mo to a room in the palace to settle down.

In the palace room, after Chen Mo smiled, he locked the room, and another gold coin flashing skills left the room and sneaked back to the palace hall that had just left.

Ai Qinen just came out of the hall at this time, and Chen Mo immediately followed.

Ai Qinen finally entered a small attic, and Chen Mo turned around and found that there were no guards around, and he sneaked in.

"Sister Qin En, you're back. How is it, did the adventurer agree?"

In the attic, there was a younger blonde, who was somewhat similar to Ai Qinen, but she was eighteen years old at most, and she knew that she was Ai Qin's sister Ai Qin'er.

"Not yet, I gave him half a day to decide, and he would not refuse to refuse if he wanted to. Even though he was an adventurer, no matter what, he was also in the territory of the Kingdom of Aegean, under our jurisdiction. "Ai Qinen replied a little dissatisfied.

She thought Chen Mo would agree happily, but the result was different from what she expected.

"Sister, will the adventurer realize that we want to be bad for him, while he took the puppet and helped us, lead the soldiers to occupy his territory?" Ai Qiner asked worriedly.

"Rest assured, he won't know. This kind of thing, who will know unless we say it?" Ai Qin En Ai Wei Ai Qin Er said.

"Sister, it's better to just let things go. We lied to him to help us, while he took away his troops to occupy his territory, it is really shameful." Hesitated, Ai Qiner still persuaded.

"Sister, don't think too much about it. Our royal family's money is almost completely used up. This time to go for the treasure, the guardian beast we faced is too powerful. Even if we can take out some treasures, the royal family can't support it for long. The territory of the adventurer must have a lot of wealth, and we can occupy it before we can temporarily solve the royal property problem. "

Ai Qinen patted Ai Qin'er's shoulder so she didn't have to think much.

Girl! Sure enough, it was uneasy!

Chen Mo sneaked in and hid overhearing, listening to the conversation between the two, could not help but sneer.

If Chen Mo had Kent as a slave and knew the strength of Ai Qin's kingdom, not as bad as Ai Qin's said, he had already agreed to Ai Qin's mission request.

But Ai Qin'en's words did not match Kent's news. Chen Mo was puzzled and felt that things were not so simple, so she used an excuse to think, and it took half a day.

Then he took the opportunity to return and watch Ai Qinen's reaction secretly.

Ai Qinen is still young and the level is only level 60. With Chen Mo's stealth ability, be careful that Ai Qinen cannot be found.

As a result, Chen Mo found that Ai Qin'en's mission was not simple. He planned to take him away from Catlin's territory, and then sent troops to occupy Catlin's territory.

After knowing Ai Qinen's plan, Chen Mo returned to the guest room.

What to do, reject Ai Qinen, and take Katerin to leave the Ai Qin kingdom before the Ai Qin royal family reacts?

He had to go first, why the Aegean Kingdom couldn't help him.

However, Chen Mo rejected this approach only after a little thought.

In any way, the Aegean Kingdom is the most suitable place for Catlin to hide. Leaving the Aegean Kingdom, especially now that the news of the devil in the Grey Feather Kingdom is spreading out, Catlin can't move without being known As soon as he left the kingdom of Aiqin, he was discovered.

In that case, Katrin would be in endless trouble.

Conversely, if he can take the opportunity to resolve the Aegean royal family this time, Catlin will be at ease in the days to come.

If he is covered by Ai Qinen without knowing anything, Catlin is undoubtedly very dangerous, but now that he knows Ai Qinen's plan, he may not be able to use this opportunity to settle the Ai Qin Kingdom.

After planning for a while, Chen Mo felt more and more feasible.

Since the decision was made, Chen Mo didn't waste time, went out to find the guard, and said that he wanted to see Ai Qinen.

"Why, you have a decision?" Ai Qinen asked Chen Mo sublimely.

"Yes, Ms. Ai Qinen, I have decided to help the royal family to get the treasure, but I have to go back to the territory, prepare for it, and fetch it." Chen Mo said very respectfully.

"Very well, you know it's best to think like this. I'll give you two days. When you go back, bring as many puppets as possible to prevent me from losing the treasure. If things go well, the royal family will not treat you!" Ai Qin En was satisfied with Chen Mo's answer. She nodded, but did not give Chen Mo much time to prepare.

Once Chen Mo came back, it would take more than a day to say less. In fact, Chen Mo had at most one day to prepare.

Only giving Chen Mo one day's time to prepare, Ai Qinen was also worried that things would change and wanted to cheat Chen Mo into the treasure land as soon as possible.


Won't treat me wrong?

If it weren't for your wit, I would be fooled by your little son!

Chen Mo despised Ai Qinen deeply, and prepared to teach this woman some lessons to let her know the consequences of pitting him!

However, now is not the time to turn his face, Chen Mo thanked Ai Qinen, then left the Ai Qin capital, and returned to Catlin.

Back to Catlin, Chen Mo immediately approached Kent.

"How many soldiers are there in the kingdom of Aiqin?" Kent looked at Chen Mo in doubt, not knowing why Chen Mo asked this question.


"I don't know the specifics, but there are at most 1,500 people." Kent hesitated and replied.

"If the royal family is going to attack us Katlin, how many people can they call?" Chen Mo asked again.

"At most there are 500 people. Many of the defenders who resist can not be removed. Our Aiqin Kingdom is not like the Kingdom of Huaisha. It can mobilize thousands of people at any time. 500 people are already the upper limit of the force that the royal family can mobilize. So in The entire southern sacred continent, the Aegean Kingdom is the weakest. "Kent answered affirmatively this time.

There are only 500 people. It is no wonder that Ai Qinen has to find a way to reconcile him with his uncle to attack Catlin.

Want to come in the eyes of Ai Qinen, 500 people attacking Caterlin can certainly be taken down, but if the casualties are too large, it is worth the loss.

That's why she tried to fool Chen Mo away from her territory and take away as many puppets as possible.

Knowing the strength of Ai Qin Kingdom, Chen Mo immediately invited Enoch and Fatila to discuss the affairs of Ai Qin Kingdom.

The two knew that the territory was being followed by the Kingdom of Ai Qin, and both became nervous.

However, after a discussion with the three for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~, a plan to deal with the Kingdom of Ai Qin was soon available.

Chen Mo now has a large number of gold coins, and these gold coins are there, and it is not a problem to deal with the Aegean Kingdom.

Chen Mo gave all 30,000 gold coins to Enoch in one fell swoop, and after making some preparations in Catlin's territory, he left the territory with a group of puppets on the first day and came to King Aiqin again. All.

"Very well, wait a minute, let's prepare and leave tomorrow morning."

Chen Mo returned early, and Ai Qin'en was very satisfied and decided to go to the treasure land early tomorrow.

Chen Mo heard that he just sneered, Ai Qinen had to prepare, I'm afraid how to deal with Catlin's territory!


Third more. r1152


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