Godly Hunter

Chapter 699: Unexpected results

The devil's roar has already appeared, and the demons will show up at the next moment.

But when Chen Mo turned back and wanted to check the situation of the demon when he appeared, he couldn't help looking at the rear.

As he expected, on the ground below Marshall, a huge black ghost suddenly appeared. After this black ghost appeared, the huge mouth was a Marshall biting into the sky.

Of course, Marshall would not allow the demon to attack. In fact, he was at a height above mid-air, where the devil could not bite, but he still fought, and flew to higher altitude.

But what happened to Chen Mo and Marshall was unexpected.

The demon on the ground did not bite Marshall, it just bit a piece of air, but the lower half of Marshall in the sky disappeared in an instant, leaving only half of the upper Marshall floating in the air.

The bite of the demon directly bit off half of Marshall's body!

"Are you a demon ... a shadow? Aren't you wiped out?"

Marshall looked unbelievably at the half-body he had been bitten, and at the huge black demon below. When he saw the devil in the sun, even without shadow, he immediately thought of a demon with special abilities.

The demon swallows the shadow. This demon's attack is very special. Attacking the shadow is the same as attacking the body, but its own shadow is swallowed by itself. This demon has caused huge casualties in history, which is very difficult to deal with, but as far as Marshall knows, the demon swallowing shadow should have been eliminated long ago, otherwise he would not underestimate the enemy if he knew that the devil was swallowing the shadow. Suddenly he was bitten off half of his body.

But it was too late to say, half of the body was devoured and bitten by the devil. Even if he was an angel with ten wings, there was no possibility of life. Unless he is now applied by the Holy Rev.

But the holy priest is scarce. The great restoration of God level does not even exist in the holy angel family. In short, he is dead.

About to die. But Marshall stared blankly at the demons below.

The shadow of the demon swallowing shadow has no shadow, but in fact, the shadow of the demon swallowing shadow is like a black shadow. You can't see the entity. You can see it at a glance, but you can see a pair of ferocious and violent giants in the black gas. eye.


The demon swallowed a shadow underneath, bursting with pride. With a big mouth, he was going to swallow the remaining half of Marshall's body.


But Marshall was in the sky, watching the demon swallow the shadow, but it was a cold drink.

With that, Marshall's body banged loudly and exploded, turning into a holy white light.

White light in the air. Quickly divided into three parts, forming three dazzling large crosses.


Three rays cross. Suddenly falling from the air, like three thunders, in the blink of an eye, it was inserted into the demon swallowing shadow below.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Suddenly, the demon swallowed a cry of pain.

"The devil was nailed to the ground?"

Chen Mo hurriedly looked over and saw the demon swallowing shadow nailed to the ground by three light crosses. No matter how the demon swallowed his twisted body, he could not break free from the three light crosses.

The devil devours the pain from the beginning and slowly turns into anger.

It managed to escape from the long seal, and it was immediately sealed again.

Although this time the seal is only a temporary seal. It can't last long, but it makes it extremely angry.

Chen Mo also did not expect that he just wanted to come and watch Marshall fight with the Virgin Moon Cicada, but as a result he saw the death of the ten-winged angel with his own eyes, and the demon broke the seal and was sealed again.

The ten-winged angel died, and the demon swallowed the shadow. Chen Mo knew that the angel would not be long before, and he would send someone to clean up the demon without the ability to fight back.

Right now it is a rare chance to approach the devil without a dangerous opportunity. Chen Mo quickly weighed the pros and cons and wondered whether he could move forward and what benefits he could get.

However, Chen Mo only had this idea, but Chen Mo found that there was suddenly a black figure in front of him, flying towards the demon.

In addition to him, is anyone watching?

Chen Mo was startled and hurriedly looked over.

He was a long way from the demon swallowing the shadow. The figure burst out on the other side, and he wanted to stop it too late.

The figure flew before the demon swallowed the shadow and stood suddenly.

"Is she? Elf Isika?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but look at the figure.

A pair of black elf wings on the back of the figure, Chen Mo recognized at a glance, it was Isika who had a lot of relationship with him.

"This woman, finally managed to get rid of the dark forces, and wanted to get in touch with the devil. Is it going crazy?"

Chen Mo also didn't expect that Isika would be so crazy.

She was troubled by the dark power before, but it was because he used eternal power so that she could be relieved.

Now this woman didn't have a long lesson. When she saw an opportunity, she wanted to get in touch with the devil.

It has something to do with the devil. If anything goes wrong, even Chen Mo can't help her.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo planned to come out and stop Isika.

If the woman had an accident, he had previously helped in vain. The woman promised to do three things for him, but none of them had been done yet.

But Isika was clearly prepared. She stood still, and a magic scroll appeared in her hand. The magic scroll flashed, and then she flew in shape and left quickly.

Chen Mo looked at the back of Isika, knowing that it was useless to call her, so she could only stop and stop.

Isika departed, and there was no other movement around, Chen Mo shook her head, stepped forward, and walked in front of the demon swallowing shadow.

Ishka can safely appear in front of Demon Eater, and take something away from Demon Eater. He approaches the demon without any security issues.

Chen Mo will not miss this opportunity to approach the devil.

When he came to the demon, Chen Mo found that there was a great difference between the demon Tu Ying and the demon black mud he released last time.

The demon black mud is like a black mud on the ground, and the demon swallows the shadow, like a black mist with two big eyes on the mist.


Seeing Chen Mo approaching, Demon Ghost Shadow roared.

However, Chen Mo ignored it and just tried to attack the demon swallowing shadow.

But its attack hit the demon swallowing shadow, like hitting on a void, without causing a trace of damage to the demon swallowing shadow.

Chen Mo shook his head, knowing that his attack power was too low, and even the defense of the devouring shadow could not be broken.

Chen Mo looked again at the three shining crosses inserted in the demon devouring shadow.

Looking from a distance, I only saw three dazzling huge crosses, and when I took a close look, I found that there were a golden magic rune on the three crosses, and the black mist on the demon swallowing the shadow kept flowing over. I want to invade the three crosses, but the black gas is only a little closer to the golden magic runes, and it will fall apart.

Chen Moben was also thinking of trying to touch the three crosses. Seeing this, he was afraid to act lightly. The light cross obviously has the ability to automatically defend the enemy. If he is not careful, he will be attacked by these golden magic runes.

The golden magic rune that even the demon swallowed the shadow could not help but hit him, which would undoubtedly kill him instantly.

Chen Mo then used the methods that she can think of, and the result was nothing, except using a series of question mark attributes on the demon swallowing shadow when using the reconnaissance skills.

Chen Mo sighed slightly, knowing that she was still too far away from the devil. Before three turns, she could not even touch the devil.

At the beginning, Enoch was able to scare away the demonic black mud with the breath of the witch family, which was really a fortune.

If the devil's black mud doesn't leave ~ www.readwn.com ~ Katlin that time, there is absolutely no chance of being spared.

Chen Mo gave up testing the demon to swallow the shadow, and he came to the maiden moon cicada.

Marshall did not have time to attack the maiden moon cicada, and the maiden moon cicada was still alive.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo carried the maiden moon cicada on her back and walked towards the city of Grey Feather not too far away.

Halfway through, Chen Mo encountered the celestial people who came in a hurry.

"Thank you, dear adventurer friend, you should leave here as soon as possible, this place is very unsafe."

A celestial being, Chen Yue, thanked Chen Mo for being fainted.


Second more. (To be continued ...)


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