Godly Hunter

Chapter 700: Michelle

"The cross of the Holy Light of the Ten Winged Angels only seals the demon's body, making it unable to use its own power, but the power of the devil is not sealed. Under the influence of the demon's power, monsters in a large area of ​​the mainland will appear Mutation. These mutant monsters are difficult to deal with. You will also be in danger if you are an adventurer. It is better to leave early. And angels will appear soon. You will be troubled when you help us. "

Another day, Terran, quickly added.

Subsequently, they did not wait for Chen Mo to answer, and took the maiden moon cicada, and left quickly.

Chen Mo knew that the words of the Celestials were true. As soon as he turned around, he used the teleportation skills and returned to Catlin.

Back at Catlin, Chen Mo told Enoch and others about it and asked them to be more careful recently.

The ten-winged angel died, and the demon was temporarily sealed. The situation has become more complicated.

"What? Dead again? Even the demons have come out? After all, why am I so unlucky, I knew I wouldn't come here!"

Hohaman was stationed nearby. Chen Mo contacted Hohaman, and Hohaman listened. After a while, he howled again and again.

Even the ten-winged angels died, and the demon appeared, Hohaman naturally could not help feeling that he was in great trouble.

"Afraid of fear, nothing will make it your turn, and the angel will contact you, and remember to send me a message at that time!"

Chen Mo glanced at this guy, Hohaman could only dodge his head to promise.

And less than an hour after Chen Mo and Hohaman contacted, a huge holy light fell from the sky in the sky of the sacred continent.

This light can be seen over King Grey Feather, scattered into countless light spots in the sky. Scattered in the city of Grey Feather like raindrops.

Chen Mo leveling in the wild, can also see the emergence of this light.

Not only Chen Mo, but almost all players in the southern sacred continent saw this scene and probably judged it. The area where the light appears is in the Grey Feather Kingdom.

Think of the previous events, many people know what happened to the Grey Feather Kingdom.

Although many of the lively players were killed innocently by the maiden moon cicada, after this group of lights appeared, many players couldn't help running to the Grey Feather Kingdom again.

Naturally. The seal of the demon devouring shadow spread among the players.

When these players approached the demons, the monsters around the demons had collectively mutated.

Players who dare to go have certain strength, and it is not a problem to kill some mutant monsters.

These players found out. The mutated monster, although stronger, has a huge amount of experience.

In addition, not only the monsters affected by the demon's shadow swallowing power, but also some monsters affected by the death of the ten-winged angel.

These monsters have also mutated into monsters with divine power. The experience given after killing is not lower than that of demonic monsters.

more importantly. Monsters affected by divine power may drop purple equipment with divine attributes after death.

There are various sacred attributes, the most important of which is the effect of resisting negative states. It is especially effective in dealing with mutant monsters affected by the power of demons.

Equipment equipped with sacred attributes can effectively resist the attack of mutant monsters, and the damage is greatly increased during output.

If the equipment is properly matched, the monsters affected by the devil's power become one experience baby.

Many players have entered the Grey Feather Kingdom. The news spread ten and ten. It spread quickly among players.

In less than a day, there are a large number of players. Began to pour into the Grey Feather Kingdom, killing monsters and leveling.

And the influence of the power of demons and angels is still spreading, not only the Grey Feather Kingdom, but even the monsters in the Ai Qin Kingdom and the rest of the surrounding kingdoms have all mutated at the beginning.

This is the Aegean Kingdom where few people came. After a day, the number of players is increasing rapidly.

Chen Mo also did not expect that this would be the result. The power of demons and angels would be so intertwined that they would have such a big impact.

When the player kept pouring into the Kingdom of Grey Feather and the surrounding kingdoms from the rest, Chen Mo also got the news he wanted from Hohaman.

An hour after he returned from the Grey Feather Kingdom, the dazzling light that appeared in the sky was made by the angel. After Chen Mo returned, the angel should have personally walked to the place where the devil was sealed, and then one day later, in the Ai Qin Kingdom The border station found Hohaman.

Although the United Army is no longer present, Hohaman can only stay in the station now.

He doesn't want to leave here until the matter of the Grey Feather Kingdom is over.

There were many angels who came to Hohaman this time, but the highest-ranked one was a four-winged angel, and the rest were two-winged angels.

When the angel found Hohaman, he asked him to form an army, to help the demon, and to keep people away.

It is said that although Marshall sealed the demons with his own life, the demons are too powerful. The angels have not yet completely eliminated the demons, and can only guard the demons and do not let the demons devour them. Man is released again.

Marshall's seal can last for about a year. The angel family is now preparing to destroy the demons. After a few months, there will be a way to completely destroy the demons.

What Hohaman has to do is cooperate with the angels, form an army, and defend with the angels around the demon.

When he heard that he would form an army and guard the devil with the angels, Hohaman suddenly refreshed.

Although he had made excuses to acquit himself before, in the Titan Kingdom, his decline in status is inevitable. In the case of the Grey Feather Kingdom, if he does not get back a better result, he will be in the future for a period of time. , Will not be much better.

But if you can hold the devil with the angels and get in touch with the angels, even if the relationship is not good, those arrogant angels don't bird him, he will be regarded as an extra capital.

After all, it is difficult for others to see the angel, let alone to resist the devil with the angel.

As long as this matter is slightly modified, one year later, when the devil is gone, he will make a great contribution.

Destroy the devil, no greater credit!

With the angel's order, Hohaman hurried to form an army.

In just one day, an army with thousands of people has taken shape.

"This time, we're here. Besides guarding the demon, there is one more thing you need to help."

The angels were very efficient. As soon as the army took shape, they and Hohaman took the army around the demon and built a defensive base.

The only four-winged angel who came up found Hohaman and said to Hohaman.

"What is it, Lord Michelle? Whatever you can get in spite of the sound, I will certainly finish it as soon as possible!"

Hohaman heard that and patted his chest excitedly to ensure.

The angel has something to ask him for help. This is a great opportunity to get in touch with the angel!

Secretly glancing at the young beauty angel in front of her, Hohaman couldn't help thinking about it.

This beautiful angel named Michelle is very young and not as arrogant as those angels before. Although her appearance is still cold, it is easier to access by comparison.

If he finishes what Michelle wants him to do, maybe he can win Michelle's favor.

After at least half a year, he and Michelle will be here to guard the demon swallowing shadows. During this period, if he and Michelle add some more favors, maybe they can have a close relationship with Michelle.

What would it be like to do that with a beautiful angel ~ www.readwn.com ~

There are many women who Hohaman has been on, but the words of the angel have never even thought about it. Now thinking a little, she can't help being excited.

Not to mention, if he is really good with the angel, he will fly to Huang Tengda immediately, and it will be trivial to become the king of the Titan Kingdom. With the help of an angel, maybe he can dominate the Holy Land!

Therefore, Michelle's affairs, he must do everything possible to complete.

"Okay, that's it. The evil wings of the Grey Feather Kingdom were originally sealed by our angel tribe, but there was an adventurer who offended our angel tribe and lifted the seal of the wings, which led to Everything happened. "

Michelle nodded and said lightly.


Third more. (To be continued)


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