Godly Hunter

Chapter 711: Wilderness Cathedral

On the endless dark blue sea, Chen Mo lay quietly on the sea. "",

When he entered the pirate ship, he had already thought of a retreat. He insisted on escaping, and the female pirates could not stop it.

As a matter of fact, it is no longer possible to escape from the Pink Skull Pirate Regiment by other people. The narrow space in the ship is too simple to block the road.

But Chen Mo was a man with wings. At the critical moment, he used the gray feather wings and flew directly over the heads of female pirates.

The female pirates saw a stun, and before the reaction came, Chen Mo had escaped the siege circle, and then used the skills such as Blood Shadow Teleportation, and finally jumped into the sea unharmed.

In addition to Hai Weila, there are other sea clan on the boat, but the level of these sea people is the highest level is only 60. Although several people caught up with Chen Mo, they were beaten by Chen Mo alone. .

The Pink Skull Pirates had no choice but to let Chen Mo leave.

Escaping from the Red Pink Skull Pirates, Chen Mo is already in the deep sea at this time, and it would be extremely painful to swim back to the land himself.

However, Chen Mo also thought of an idea. He had remembered the route coordinates of the ships from the Nishizawa Kingdom. As long as he swam back on the line, he could continue to the western sacred continent by boat.

Sure enough, Chen Moyou returned to the route, but after a half-hour wandering on the route, a ship came over.

Chen Mo waved for help, was caught up, and after some cross-examination, replenished the ticket, he continued to drive west to the sacred continent.


Country of Barrens.

There is no one on the western sacred continent who doesn't know the wasteland. On the western sacred continent, the wasteland is like a plague.

Chen Mo took a boat to the western sacred continent and asked a lot. Each one responded the same, so he almost did not consider him a wicked person. Several people in front refused to answer Chen Mo's question directly. It was not until Chen Mo said that he went to the country of waste to catch criminals. Then he answered Chen Mo's question and pointed out the fastest way to the country of waste ahead.

If not, Chen Mo would like to go to a country that has never been to the desert. It takes a lot of time.

Nevertheless, Chen Mo also stepped into the country of the desert only one day later.

"It really is a weird place."

Most of the western sacred continent is the same as the southern sacred continent. The kingdom is rich and poor, but after gradually entering the country of the desert, Chen Mo felt this place different.

The first country that Chen Mo gave to Chen Mo was desolation.

A piece of land like a desert. There was a withered tree above, and groups of black crows stood on the tree, looking at Chen Mo who had entered the country of waste.

When Chen Mo approached, the black crows yelled and flew away.

If the deserted country is just a desolation, Chen Mo will not have a very special feeling, but as he gradually penetrates into the deserted country, Chen Mo has a feeling of disharmony.

This country of wasteland. Someone deliberately made the desolation look now!

After walking in the country for more than an hour, Chen Mo felt this feeling in his heart.

Make a country look like a country of waste. What are the benefits, and who is going to do it?

According to the news he got on the road, there is no one in the country of desert, and it is completely chaotic.

Chen Mo was weird and couldn't help thinking, but he was not too tangled.

No matter what you want. He handed the ring to the Celestials and was about to leave.

Along the way, Chen Mo also realized how chaotic the country was.

After entering the country of wasteland, it was okay at first, as he gradually deepened. From time to time someone would come out and attack him.

Chen Mo of course responded politely.

He has been replaced with the Necromancer and the Spear of Judgment. His current strength should not change too much. In general, as long as he is not at level 75, he is abused casually.

Many of these robbers from the Country of Desolation came to rob Chen Mo, but were killed or run away by Chen Mo.

Chen Mo also took the opportunity to know the location of the Wilderness Cathedral from the mouth of some of the robbers.

The entire country is a country, but there are no formal cities. The cities of the original country have now become almost ruins, and no one wants to rebuild those cities.

And the only place where the whole country of the wilderness is safe is the Wilderness Cathedral.

The Wilderness Cathedral sounds like a sacred place, but it's not.

The Wilderness Cathedral, in the Land of the Wild, is a specialized trading bazaar.

People in the wild country want to sell and buy things. They can go to the Wilderness Cathedral, where there are regulations that they cannot fight inside, let alone buy and sell.

It is also strange to say that although the Wilderness Cathedral has such regulations, there are no law enforcement people there. There is actually no difference between them and other places. There is no guard.

However, people who violate the rules of the Wilderness Cathedral have never seen them since the day after the violation. When they reappear, they often appear as corpses.

Therefore, although no one is seeing law enforcement in the Wilderness Cathedral, few people dare to make trouble in the Wilderness Cathedral.

"Where is the Wilderness Cathedral?"

On a piece of ruined land, Chen Mo looked at the ruins, which also damaged the half-domed church building, and thought.

There are many people with different looks around. There are people fighting everywhere in the barren country outside, but here, although there is some distance from the Wilderness Cathedral, no one is fighting, one by one They followed the rules and went to the Wilderness Cathedral.

Chen Mo walked over and saw many stalls outside the Wilderness Cathedral.

Chen Mo glanced a little, seeing all the equipment and potions he was not very interested in, he shook his head and headed to the Wilderness Cathedral.

There are also some stalls scattered in the Wilderness Cathedral. Just like the news that Chen Mo got, there is no one here to maintain order, but no one dares to do it.

Chen Mo walked around, and after a while, came to one of the stalls.

"Are you Pulow?"

The owner of the booth was a middle-aged man who didn't pay much attention, but the figure of this middle-aged man was very thin, and although he was thin, Chen Mo was still able to connect him with the Celestials.

Quite early, I didn't see a fat man in Grey Feather City, but I was very impressed by Chen Mo.

"I am, guest, what do you want." The middle-aged man answered blankly.

"This, take a look." Chen Mo took out the token from Morus and threw it in front of Plow.

When Plow saw the wooden sign, his expression moved slightly, but he closed it without any trace.

"You heaven, let me bring you a ring."

If in reality, Chen Mo still has to confirm the authenticity of Pu Luo's identity, but now Chen Mu has already confirmed Pu Luo's identity with skills, he directly took out the ring and handed to Pu Luo.

When he saw the ring, Plow froze slightly, then looked sad for a moment.

Chen Mo estimates that when Plow sees the ring, he knows that the situation of the Celestials is not seconds. I am afraid that this ring, not the Celestials, will not appear in front of the eyes of the Celtics.

"I received something. Whatever you want, I will satisfy you if I can."

Plow said.

"You have joined the Dark Church now. I heard that there are people in the Dark Church who are hostile to the angel tribe. There are also ways to deal with angels in the church?" Chen Mo asked.

"It is true that they have joined the Dark Church ~ www.readwn.com ~ Most of the people in the church are also hostile to the angels, but the way to deal with angels, haha ​​..." After listening to Chen Mo's words, he shook his head with a smile.

"Isn't the news true?" Chen Mo felt bad when he saw Pu Luo's expression.

"Do you think that if those people really have a way to deal with the angels, they will stay here instead of going to the angels to get revenge?" Puluo asked Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was silent for a while.

This is indeed the case. If there is really a way to deal with the angels, the people in the dark church have long thought of ways to deal with the angels. Where would they stay in the place where the birds do not lay eggs.

Here, danger has no future.

"Is there really no way to deal with angels?"

Chen Mo asked unwillingly.


Second more. (To be continued ...) u

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