Godly Hunter

Chapter 712: Goodbye black caterpillar

"I also believed this before joining the Dark Church, but I can tell you for sure that there is no real way to deal with angels in the Dark Church." Plow shook his head.

He glanced at Chen Mo and hesitated slightly before whispering, "However, I know a person who might have a way to deal with angels, but his character is weird. It would be difficult for him to give him something to deal with . "

"Take me to see him." Chen Mo said without thinking.

As long as you can see people, no matter how strange he is, he is not afraid.

"Okay." Puluo didn't make nonsense. He just collected the booth and went out of the cathedral with Chen Mo.

Along the way, Plow talked about some things that Chen Mo should pay attention to, and at the same time raised the matter of remuneration, Chen Mo did not hesitate to let Polo get 10,000 gold coins as compensation.

This task, however, was played a great circle by the Celestials. In the end, there was no way to deal with the angels. Chen Moke would not be polite with Pu Luo.

Pu Luo did not expect Chen Mo to open his mouth like this, but he still asked Chen Mo to wait a moment and gave Chen Mo ten thousand gold coins.

"Go down here."

Puluo took Chen Mo to the ruins of the building near the cathedral, and a sewer entrance entered with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo followed into the sewer, only to discover that there was another world in the sewer.

There are few complete buildings on the ground of the wasteland ∈, .., and half of the wilderness cathedral is considered good.

In the sewers left over from the city, there are people who live in a lot of wasteland.

People can be seen from time to time in the sewer. Some people even hollowed out the walls of the sewer and built a place for living inside.

And Plow with Chen Mo, the sewer has been going to the original wild city, which is the exit of the sewer.

After walking for nearly half an hour, there are fewer and fewer people in the sewer.

This is already a very unsafe area. Live here and be attacked at any time.

However, after walking for a while, Chen Mo suddenly saw a **** dog walking in the sewer ahead.

Chen Mo and Pu Luo came over. The **** dog just glanced lazily and ignored it completely.

"Be careful, this is a very special mutant dog. After Master Wayne's transformation, don't look at its lazy appearance, but after the battle, it can change its form and become very cruel. Yes, "Pu Luo reminded Chen Mo.

After the transformation of Master Wayne. Is there a second form after the battle?

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes.

Along the way, he also asked Plow something about Master Wayne, and Plow knew everything.

Judging from Plow's words, Chen Mo speculated that Wayne was a special pharmacist, but he did not expect that Wayne had such a powerful ability to make an ordinary dog ​​have a second form.

Pullo took a letter from his backpack. Stepped forward and handed it to the **** dog.

The **** dog smelled the envelope. With a mouth, I swallowed the letter directly.

After swallowing it, the **** dog slammed back to the ground and ignored Pu Luo and Chen Mo.

"Let's go, it agrees with us." Plow led the way.

"here is……"

Did not go far, after twenty or thirty meters. Chen Mo stared at the large underground space in front of him, unable to help himself.

This Master Wayne actually opened up a huge underground space here.

An old man was busy inside, Chen Mo and Pu Luo came over, he didn't know it.

"Yo. Isn't this Plow? It was so hard for you to do me a favor before. Now you have used the opportunity to come to me for what?"

It wasn't until Chen Mo and Plow approached him that the old man looked up and said to Plow.

"It's not me. It's this adventurer. He wants to ask you for help." Chen Luo was introduced by Pu Luo.

Chen Mo didn't respond, Pu Luo glanced sideways and saw Chen Mo staring blankly at a transparent glass container on the table.

In the transparent glass container, there was only a black caterpillar, and Plow didn't know what was so nice about it.

In Plo's eyes, this is just a normal black caterpillar, but to Chen Mo, the meaning is completely different.

Although the size is a bit worse, Chen Mo is sure that this black caterpillar is exactly the same thing as the one he saw in the ability battle tower!

"This adventurer, do you know this thing?" Old Wayne saw the appearance of Chen Mo, could not help but be interested.

This black caterpillar is placed here. Almost everyone who comes to him can see the black caterpillar, but no one except Chen Mo has noticed the difference.

"Have seen and contacted once." Chen Mo returned to God and replied.

"Very good, Plow, you can go. There is nothing for you here. Hurry up."

Wayne nodded, and waved to let Plow go.

Plow was accustomed to Wayne's attitude. After saying hello to Chen Mo, he left alone.

"Where did you see this black caterpillar?" Wayne couldn't wait to ask.

Chen Mo then said something about the black caterpillar he encountered in the ability battle tower.

"Run away? It's really a shame. The black caterpillar you saw has obviously begun to evolve. It would be great if it could fall into my hands. Unfortunately, this thing You ran away. "

The only thing Chen Mo hid was that the hidden fat man had eaten the black caterpillar, and instead said that the black caterpillar had escaped into the crack in the space, and Wayne heard it, and felt regretful.

"Master Wayne, what exactly is this black caterpillar?" Chen Mo had long wanted to know, and he asked now.

"Don't you know? Well, no wonder, in simple terms, according to the world of your adventurers, they are a special virus. They can evolve and merge with each other. If my research is correct, their role is to destroy This world, this is their only role. "

Wayne briefly explained the black caterpillar.

The virus is indeed the case. He had the premonition to see the black caterpillar's special ability and attack method in the ability battle tower.

The black caterpillar is a virus ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chen Mo is not much surprised.

When he came here, the most surprised Chen Mo was Wayne.

Unlike him, Wayne is downright!

Unlike others, Wayne, on his own, has researched this seemingly real world, but in fact it is hypocritical and may disappear at any time.

Nevertheless, Wayne is still doing his research here, and his research is no longer limited to games. Although Chen Mo is not familiar with realistic pharmacy, he can also know that Wayne has a lot of outside here. Invisible potion.

One of Wayne's biggest discoveries was undoubtedly the black caterpillar in front of him.


Third more. Cavan, couldn't finish it before 12 o'clock. This month is almost over. In order to keep the attendance, before twelve, I will send a repeating chapter of 6,000 words and two chapters. If you do n’t subscribe, I will write the changes in the middle of the night. Late, everyone will get up tomorrow and watch again. (To be continued ...)

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